Always starting over

im recovering from a herniated disc and not being able to work out much the past year has been difficult. I should not use that as an excuse to eat bad but sometimes I do. I've been successful in the past losing weight. I lost 20lbs last year using this app and I hopeful it will help me again. I'm just sick of always starting over


  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    mgover23 wrote: »
    im recovering from a herniated disc and not being able to work out much the past year has been difficult. I should not use that as an excuse to eat bad but sometimes I do. I've been successful in the past losing weight. I lost 20lbs last year using this app and I hopeful it will help me again. I'm just sick of always starting over

    I have back issues as well, and can't work out. It's not 'eating bad', you're just eating too many calories. Buy a food scale, weigh your food and log it, and stick to a calorie deficit. You'll lose the weight. You don't need to work out to lose weight (although I know it's nice to be able to burn the calories so you can eat more). Don't think of it as starting over, if you have one day where you go over on calories; that's just one bad day. Move on the next day. However, I think that if you are weighing your food and still eating foods you like, and working with your deficit that way, you'll find it easier to avoid failure.
    Also read the first post in this thread:
  • mommabear3502
    mommabear3502 Posts: 6 Member
    Log your food every day and be completely honest with yourself even if it's difficult and painful. I have learned a lot about my eating habits by doing that. Good luck!