Are there any weight loss pills that actually help?

witheredorchid Posts: 164 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I know this is a stupid question but I figured I's give it a shot. I've never really tried any kind of diet pills. I bought some TrimSpa a few years ago but could never bring myself to take it. I see sooooo many of them in stores today and I've heard this and that about them but I really want to know if any of them are worth the money? I'm not looking for a miracle pill. I know that you have to eat right and exercise and I do both of them already. I just want something thats going to give that extra little boost I need or at least help curb cravings/make me feel fuller. I recently saw that Bob Harper has an all nautral one out now. I love Bob and I always saw him as a trustworthy person that really wants to help people be healthy. I was really tempted to buy the pills the other day based on my opinion on him alone. I know I'm probably a sucker. Any first hand stories or advice out there?


  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    It's called commitment and best thing its free :)
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    Diet pills have only worked short term for me( like a couple of weeks). Changing your daily eating/exercising habits is the best and lasting way.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    To actually answer your question though MusclePharm makes good products and USP Labs make good products I would actually say 1. USP Labs 2. MusclePHarm
  • sweetie89207
    sweetie89207 Posts: 361
    at best the only pill thats gonna work would be a diuretic because it would get rid of excess water...other than that nope...
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    I know this is a stupid question but I figured I's give it a shot. I've never really tried any kind of diet pills. I bought some TrimSpa a few years ago but could never bring myself to take it. I see sooooo many of them in stores today and I've heard this and that about them but I really want to know if any of them are worth the money? I'm not looking for a miracle pill. I know that you have to eat right and exercise and I do both of them already. I just want something thats going to give that extra little boost I need or at least help curb cravings/make me feel fuller. I recently saw that Bob Harper has an all nautral one out now. I love Bob and I always saw him as a trustworthy person that really wants to help people be healthy. I was really tempted to buy the pills the other day based on my opinion on him alone. I know I'm probably a sucker. Any first hand stories or advice out there?

    Unfortunately almost all diet pills are a placebo there is some supplements that will help you feel full for longer but mostly they are just protein. best and easiest way to lose weight and feel full is eat clean foods there is truth to you are what you eat. :)
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    None that are healthy. Why not just do the whole eat healthy and exercise thing?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Don't do it. Please.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    NO. Count calories and workout. That is what actually works.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    There is no miracle pill. It takes hard work and commitment. If there was a miracle pill, everyone would use it. Why risk your LIFE over something that will hurt you? Alli is FDA approved, and literally makes you leak grease out your butt. Thats the only FDA Approved for over the counter use. And if you want a leaky butt, than go ahead.
    Thats the ONLY APPROVED pill. I dont care if they say that it "All Natural Ingredients" or anything like that.

    This takes hard work and commitment. There is NO easy way out of this.
  • I can tell you there are none. I have tried serveral to and all they did was take the weight off short term and made me the meanest person around. I recommend not doing it!
  • I say don't give in to the temptation. It's a fast fix and really doesn't help you out down the road. Losing weight is hard work and I think taking a diet pill is an easy way out. Most diet pills make you loose water weight, and if you want to go that route than take a diuretic or decrease your sodium intake. I had a friend that tried a generic form of ali and she hated it. She had to carry extra pants and underwear with her because it made you **** yourself (mainly because the drug doesn't allow your body to digest fats).

    Talk to you doctor and see what they think your best options are for a weight loss pill, but I certainly don't think it's a good idea.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    The only pills I would recommend would be a multi-vitamin that has plenty of vitamin D in it. Also, a daily magnesium supplement can really help with bloating.

    No "diet" pills that work in the long run exist as far as I know. Keep counting the calories, log everything, and give yourself a cheat meal every once in a while. Changing your relationship with food and exercise is what the true solution is. Baby steps, my friend. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck!
  • I used HCG drops, and I lost 100 pounds.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    I used HCG drops, and I lost 100 pounds.

    Well yeah, but wouldn't that be more because you're only allowed 500 calories a day?
  • count calories and use oxy elite it works wonderful
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I personally don't think its worth it to use diet pills however everyone is different. If that is a route you are wanting to take, something like herbal magic may be beneficial. I don't say that because of the supplements themselves, but because of thier program. They show you what to eat, and how much, and you get tonnes of support through thier counsellors. Then once you are at your goal, they have a maintenance program that consists of slowing upping your food intake until you are stabalized so you don't gain back all the weight like most people do after taking diet pills. I worked for them for a short period years ago and saw quite a few very successful clients. That being said, its not much different than any other weight loss journey, it takes alot of dedication and support.
  • JessesGirl05
    JessesGirl05 Posts: 253
    None that are healthy. Why not just do the whole eat healthy and exercise thing?
    this. you have to eat right and exercise if you take those pills anyways- so why bother will the pills that can have harmful side affects to your health?
  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81 Member
    It's called commitment and best thing its free :)
    Yep..... like most in my "younger dumber" years, I tried them all.... and have the heart murmer to show for it now. Green tea helps with weight loss, but other than that just take good vitamins and get ready to go to work! We're right there with you!!!! :-)
  • gray2405
    gray2405 Posts: 33 Member
    We use Mulberry and Acaislim from GNC...has worked for my folks and was recommend by their doctor. I've been on it for a week along with cutting calories, etc...seem to work for me too
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    I've tried one, slim-30, and I gained the weight back as soon as I stopped taking it. Its not worth it
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