Premium accounts

does anyone use the premium account? Is it worth the purchase?


  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    1. No.

    2. Probably not. The Premium service is supposedly as buggy as the free veraion and there are tons of other free sites out there. Why pay for incompetence?
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    I do. It's only $50 for a year, and it lets me quickadd, which is useful when you get stuff like this from your office cafe:


    For me, the biggest value is being able to see on a daily/weekly basis where I'm getting various components of my nutrition from.
  • jodybo2
    jodybo2 Posts: 116 Member
    No, I have to reset my goals about every other day with premium.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    I do. It's only $50 for a year, and it lets me quickadd, which is useful when you get stuff like this from your office cafe:


    For me, the biggest value is being able to see on a daily/weekly basis where I'm getting various components of my nutrition from.

    You can do this on the free version under Reports.

  • I'm new. I'm using the free service and it's working perfect for me. I've even started my own motivational program using this free version. Where it has you put in your daily notes, I place notes from my 'Future Self'. Be your own best friend and mentor. Here's today's entry: From Your Future Self: You're doing everything right. Keep up the good work. You have plenty of time to rid the extra fat on your body. Remember it's a process. I am so very proud of you. You Rock Faith!!! Love YFS
  • yuliaatl
    yuliaatl Posts: 3 Member
    I use it so I can see my nutritions. Its under 5 dollars a month. I like to stay oin 40 40 20 for macros and that helps.