What do your husbands/wifes say?

About your weight loss, that is. Some of you have had incredible transformations, and Im super curious as to how your significant other reacts to your dramatic change in appearance. Do they say youre more attractive, or do they say they love you heavy or thin? Has it enhanced your marriage/relationship for the positive or negative?

For me, Ive only lost about 20 lbs, but my husband has been motivated to join in. He tells me he cant see a difference in my body yet, other than a few little fat areas that are a bit smaller, but thats because he sees me every day.

Anywho, Im just curious. :)


  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    My husband notices more than I do... and he likes what he sees ; )
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    The wife likes it I think. I don't get complements much on anything so who knows.
  • Bob_Sugar
    Bob_Sugar Posts: 61
    Yeah she notices and decided to join mfp. Has it enhanced anything at home? Not really. But we have a 6 week old at home so we're still adjusting. I prob get more NSVs at work than I do at home.
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Hubby likes what he sees, but more importantly, he's thrilled that I've been much happier lately. I seem to talk constantly about food and exercise (and MFP) but I'm also telling him how good I feel about what I'm doing and my results and how smiley I've been lately and he LOVES that!

    It also doesn't hurt that our sex life seems to have picked up a bit lately which I don't think is a coincidence! :love:
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    My husband is super supportive. He tells me every day he can see differences and where - my legs, a new curve starting to appear at my waist, more tone in my arms. He even tells me he can feel a difference when he holds me. I know sometimes he's just being nice, but it's still good to hear. He loves me no matter what, but he knows I'm happier when I'm fit and that makes our life together better. I couldn't ask for a better or more supportive partner!:smooched:
  • GrayJohn
    GrayJohn Posts: 74
    I left my wife as my outlook on life changed and now embrace life, I'm now with someone who's like minded and a lot more fun to be with.

    I lost 140lbs last year and was no longer settling for "making do" - so depending on which way you look at it, it had a positive reaction for me!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I can't share what my husband thinks about it or how he reacts, LOL! But it has also motivated him to lose weight and he is now down 38 lbs with about 30 more to go. We are a lot more active now and I think it has given our 21+ year relationship (15 years married) some new life. :)
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I have lost 15 lbs and my boyfriend said last night that when he hugs me I feel smaller. He also said you can tell in my shoulder area (it isn't as wide) and that my stomach is smaller! My face is also thinner too, but he didn't say anything about that until I brought it up first, lol. Let's see what he says after 20-25 more pounds!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    My wife has been with me the entire journey and has lost nearly as much weight as I have. When we started this last year it was after I asked her to help me since I knew I couldn't and wouldn't be able to do it alone. She has even taken up running with me and has run in nearly every race with me also.
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    not married but the guy i started with was there though it all but insecures got the best of him us call it whatever you would think it be even better now that im thin and fit and not shy about leavening the house but nope.............was suppose to marry sept 24 too nope not happen
  • seatern
    seatern Posts: 15
    My partner has always said that he loves the way I look at any weight but the other day I was changing and he just came over, kissed me, and said "have I told you how beautiful you are naked?". I'm sure some of it's just the confidence I have now but it was such a nice thing to hear.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I feel sorry for my hubby- he can't "win" either way. It's kinda like the proverbial "do I look fat in this dress" (His reply : "and do I look stupid? I'm NOT answering that question either!" ) I've noticed he's a lot more attracted to me- and seriously, it's kinda pissin' me off INSTEAD of making me feel good. He's said he loves me no matter what and that my weight has never been a factor- but this confuses me. Perhaps it's more about me finally CARING about my health, dunno.....
    Still working on the ATTITUDE transformation (from complete apathy to once again caring)
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    He's never said a thing.... I gained 30 pounds after we met, I lost 70 pounds while we were together, I've gained 15 of those back. He'll eat whatever I feed him without complaint whether it's healthy and all veggies for months on end or the Chinese Buffet and pizza when I'm in "bad times" and don't want to cook - he's never showed preference to my body whether it was large or small or anywhere in between.

    At times it's driven me crazy - because I wanted him to say something! I wanted him to tell me I looked good, was doing well - SOMETHING!

    But you know what?? I'm kind of glad he didn't - because I know he loves me no matter what my size and will stay with me happily no matter what I look like or how I feel about myself.

    (I think he realized this all along- not that he didn't want to support me, but because he feared that later on I may hold his compliments against him- and I may have! Smart man. :tongue: )

    ...and you know what?? There's a good possibility that he REALLY just can't tell the difference- Because in the 8 years we've spent together his own weight has varied between 215-265, and I honestly couldn't tell the difference I've loved the way he looked at all times - the only way I could tell was that when we would sleep, when he was on the smaller end - my arm would hit the mattress when I put it around him instead of falling to the middle of his belly!
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    I think that it has inspired a little competition. He has said very little in the way of compliments...He is motivated to eat better and is exercising himself now a days..
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Mine has been awesome. I am only 12 lbs lost but he's been really great! He's runs marathons so we have been eating pretty healthy for a while, but my portion sizes were out of control.

    I have lost weight before but gained it back, but now that I am running again he says he can see that old determination again :)
  • shanel_h
    shanel_h Posts: 18
    I've only lost 21 pounds as well.... and the other day i was walking up our driveway after getting home from the gym and he was standing there watching me as i got up to him he says "wow babe you can really see a difference, your doing an amazing job" ...i dont see it though. He's very supportive.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I gained 80 lbs since we first started dating. He has never treated me any differently. But he is super supportive and wants me to do this because there's a long history of heart and blood pressure issues in my family and he says he wants to grow old with me. My mom died of a heart attack at 46.

    Today I was in my room getting my workout clothes on. My daughter was across the hall in her room and my husband was downstairs. My daughter yells out, "We should go to Denny's for dinner!" My husband said that was a great idea. I went downstairs in just my sports bra and workout pants to get my HRM strap. I walked in front of my husband and he yelled up, "Never mind! Your mom has been working her *kitten* off and we're not gonna sabotage her!" Then he told me I looked good. :laugh:
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I can't share what my husband thinks about it or how he reacts, LOL! But it has also motivated him to lose weight and he is now down 38 lbs with about 30 more to go. We are a lot more active now and I think it has given our 21+ year relationship (15 years married) some new life. :)

    WOW! I read this and was like 21+ year?!?! YOU LOOK SO YOUNG! I honestly thought you were 20 from your pictures. haha just had to tell you =]
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    My husband makes comments all the time that are positive... especially when we are out in public or see his ex wife... hahahaha.

    I have this body with 4 kids... she has her body with 1.

    Nikki: 1 Ex Wife: 0
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