Feeling very discouraged

I feel like some people are able to just do this naturally. I follow some people on MFP that have literally never had a cheat day. I envy that so much! As for me, I probably have a cheat day once a week. I've been doing this for 2 months and thus far I've lost 9 lbs. I'm very strict with myself 90% of the time. I weigh everything and I don't permit myself any slack on my good days. I do eat what I want, but in moderation. Then my days off roll around. The first day will be fine but then on the second day I'll just have this insatiable munchy feeling and before long I've eaten 3000 calories. I feel so horrible each time but there it is. I can't seem to stop it. I know that it's bad, and I know that it sets me behind, but I still do it. Does anyone else go through this? How did you stop? or did you just learn to accept it?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I increased my calorie goal and incorporated ice cream every night. That did the trick, lol. 68 lbs (plus an additional 25 from pregnancy) and 2 years and a baby later and I'm still going strong.

    Pre-logging also helps.
  • kmajor2015
    kmajor2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I increased my calorie goal and incorporated ice cream every night. That did the trick, lol. 68 lbs (plus an additional 25 from pregnancy) and 2 years and a baby later and I'm still going strong.

    Pre-logging also helps.

    I do pre log. I think it's boredom that's getting me. I find if I go somewhere or have an appointment to go to, it stops me from eating like that. The easiest days are when I work. I tend to eat at night as a general rule.

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    kmajor2015 wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I increased my calorie goal and incorporated ice cream every night. That did the trick, lol. 68 lbs (plus an additional 25 from pregnancy) and 2 years and a baby later and I'm still going strong.

    Pre-logging also helps.

    I do pre log. I think it's boredom that's getting me. I find if I go somewhere or have an appointment to go to, it stops me from eating like that. The easiest days are when I work. I tend to eat at night as a general rule.
    So try pre-logging more foods or leave extra calories for the evening if you have a tendency to night snack. I nearly always have to have some kind of dessert after dinner. It just depends on how many calories I have left that determines if it's a piece of candy or two scoops of ice cream.

    How is your calorie goal? Are you eating back any of your exercise calories?
  • kmajor2015
    kmajor2015 Posts: 23 Member
    edited September 2015
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    kmajor2015 wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    So try pre-logging more foods or leave extra calories for the evening if you have a tendency to night snack. I nearly always have to have some kind of dessert after dinner. It just depends on how many calories I have left that determines if it's a piece of candy or two scoops of ice cream.

    How is your calorie goal? Are you eating back any of your exercise calories?

    My calorie goal is 1500 per day. I usually end up eating around 1450. I am 215 lbs (started at 224). I'm almost to the 10 lb mark so it definitely sucks that I lost that mental discipline.

    The only excercise I do is walking to and from work. (about 20 mins each way). I do this 3-4 times a week. I'll usually eat half of them back or none. Depends on how hungry I am, but rarely do I eat them all back.
  • rachelann92114
    rachelann92114 Posts: 13 Member
    Drink more water. Instead of reaching for that snack, grab a bottle of water. Sometimes our bodies feel hungry but are actually just a little dehydrated.
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    You've lost approx a pound a week, so that's good going, slow and steady wins the race !!!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    kmajor2015 wrote: »
    I feel like some people are able to just do this naturally. I follow some people on MFP that have literally never had a cheat day. I envy that so much! As for me, I probably have a cheat day once a week. I've been doing this for 2 months and thus far I've lost 9 lbs. I'm very strict with myself 90% of the time. I weigh everything and I don't permit myself any slack on my good days. I do eat what I want, but in moderation. Then my days off roll around. The first day will be fine but then on the second day I'll just have this insatiable munchy feeling and before long I've eaten 3000 calories. I feel so horrible each time but there it is. I can't seem to stop it. I know that it's bad, and I know that it sets me behind, but I still do it. Does anyone else go through this? How did you stop? or did you just learn to accept it?

    I never have a cheat day because I don't believe in the concept of cheating. If you mean people never eat more than they want, or make choices you think they "shouldn't", you're making value judgments that aren't necessarily true.

    You also seem very judgmental about yourself. And you are treating yourself like an enemy. Maybe the solution is to let up a bit and let yourself be human. 9 pounds in two months is not bad. It's over a pound a week, when the suggested rate is 1/2 pound a week. It took me 1 year to lose 30b. The way it went was down 2 lb, up 1 lb, down 1 lb, up 2 lb, down 3 lb, down 1 lb, up 1/2 lb, down 0 lb, up 1 lb.

    This is change (which is what problems solving is) actually looks like:
  • KathRocco
    KathRocco Posts: 5 Member
    I love your post, 47Jacqueline. And kmajor2015, 9 pounds is fantastic! I have gained and lost the same 5-10 pounds for over a year now. Working really hard at trying to accept myself the way that I am, and redefining what success is. Maybe success has more to do with fitness for me right now than anything else. Still trying to figure it all out.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Nothing wrong with 4.5 pounds a month. That was about my rate and I got to my goal weight and have stayed there for three years. Keep up the good work!
  • vadimknobel
    vadimknobel Posts: 165 Member
    kmajor2015 wrote: »
    I feel like some people are able to just do this naturally. I follow some people on MFP that have literally never had a cheat day. I envy that so much! As for me, I probably have a cheat day once a week. I've been doing this for 2 months and thus far I've lost 9 lbs. I'm very strict with myself 90% of the time. I weigh everything and I don't permit myself any slack on my good days. I do eat what I want, but in moderation. Then my days off roll around. The first day will be fine but then on the second day I'll just have this insatiable munchy feeling and before long I've eaten 3000 calories. I feel so horrible each time but there it is. I can't seem to stop it. I know that it's bad, and I know that it sets me behind, but I still do it. Does anyone else go through this? How did you stop? or did you just learn to accept it?

    google recipe for protein fluff, it 400 calories but feels like 2000, so filling. eat a lot of filling stuff like veggies, fiber,etc. also 9 pounds in 2 months is.good
  • stacylperry
    stacylperry Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, thank you for sharing this with us. I'm going through the EXACT SAME THING as you are right now. I have my good days and my very 'indulgent' days/nights. Been yo-yo'ing the scale and the GYM. I looked at the community page today because I'm struggling with the same thing... I need support as well