In their 30s and need to loose 30 or more?



  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    @roxyish71 dang girl congrats!! I'm following in your footsteps. Please share what your doing
  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    @voldemortisreal I don't have a goal by Xmas. But I would like to be down 10 lbs. I promised my self I'm not cooking for the holidays this year just so I won't be off track
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    I am 39 and needs to lose 30 pounds. Work, raising kids, and having a family have really taken over my priorities. I am focusing on losing the weight before I turn 40 in July. I need to get healthy.
  • LifeasCham
    LifeasCham Posts: 9 Member
    In 30s and working to lose 45 pounds. Rebooted my eating habits and workout. I'm in Week 2 and weighing in tomorrow!
  • turaais
    turaais Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 31 years old and have been up and down my whole life. I was up to 213 and am down to 193 right now. My FIRST goal weight is 160... Then we shall see! If you have a chanec, please add me...i need some accountability! I am working with a trainer, but need some more motivational support
  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    @turaais congrats ! I was in the 215 at my heaviest. It's took me 5 years to get down to 171... Then this year I gained 9 back. I'm on here to connect to people in my similar situation.
  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    @LifeasCham congrats on getting through week 2. I think the first week is the hardest!! I'm in the first week . Just got through my first day
  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    @taj_laneal we cans do it. I'm trying to lose this weight so I can get into all the tight dresses and swim suits I missed out on in my 20s
  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    @MonicaSmith98 I think u have enough time to lose 30 before July. Being head of household is so difficult because u are at the bottom of the priority list. This year I'm being selfish and decided I'm not cooking this thanksgiving or Christmas to try to help stay on track.. I do not want lbs of sugAr and butter in my kitchen
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    Just turned 30 couple days ago and have 20more lbs to lose!
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me too :) im about to turn 31, and have at least 15kgs to lose! Feel like I turned thirty and it became so much harder to shift the weight but I'm determined, having people on here in the same mind frame would be great for motivation :)
  • slatergirl74
    slatergirl74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm 33. Had lost 60+ but fell off track again and now starting all over once more. Trying to stay motivated is the hardest part. :p
  • Dutchy_77
    Dutchy_77 Posts: 1,695 Member
    im 38 and need to lose 90lbs 26 down so far
  • I'm 32 and need to lose 50 pounds. Been overweight my whole life but I'm usually around 175-178. Right now, I'm at 190 but I'm determined to get down!
  • Dutchy_77
    Dutchy_77 Posts: 1,695 Member
    I'm 32 and need to lose 50 pounds. Been overweight my whole life but I'm usually around 175-178. Right now, I'm at 190 but I'm determined to get down!

    good to know :blush:
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello. I just turned 35 and have 25ish pounds to lose. I would love to have some friends that are in the same boat. I have 3 children and I'm in college, so finding the time to exercise is a challenge on some days. Feel free to add me :)
  • beckarah182
    beckarah182 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm 31, and I'm 5'9" and 252lbs. I recently realized I had gained back everything I lost in the last couple years. What snapped me back to reality was when I tried to get on a carnival ride with my daughter this year, and I didn't fit. I did the walk of shame, and went and bought and ate nachos and watched her ride instead. I'm just...big. My first goal weight is 200lbs. I need motivators, friendly faces in my newsfeed, and recipes so I don't get bored with my food! :)
  • carriebuhler77
    carriebuhler77 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm 30 and would like to lose 50 lbs. I am a mother of 3 and I just had my youngest on August 18th. Looking for support and motivation. Plus tips from other parents on how they fit in daily workouts with kids and a full time job.
  • carriebuhler77
    carriebuhler77 Posts: 7 Member
    jpderidder wrote: »
    im 38 and need to lose 90lbs 26 down so far

    Awesome job!
  • mestabrook17
    mestabrook17 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey lady! Same boat here, 32 - 186, want to get back into the 140's. Busy working mom here - I just want to feel amazing and no hide when someone breaks out a camera, lol - lets do this!!!