Losing weight and pregnancy...

I am turning in the mid thirties this year and I am wanting to get pregnant. This would be baby number 2. Although, I would love to lose the 50lbs before hand and be in my normal weight range. I am so confused. Should I try getting pregnant anyways or lose the weight first? I ask this question for two reasons..

a) its taking me longer than usual to get pregnant.
b) My biological clock is ticking..


Also - I am loving how I feel in regards to my weight loss. I am feeling healthier by the day...what to do??
Any advice or personal experiences are welcomed.


  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I am turning in the mid thirties this year and I am wanting to get pregnant. This would be baby number 2. Although, I would love to lose the 50lbs before hand and be in my normal weight range. I am so confused. Should I try getting pregnant anyways or lose the weight first? I ask this question for two reasons..

    a) its taking me longer than usual to get pregnant.
    b) My biological clock is ticking..


    Also - I am loving how I feel in regards to my weight loss. I am feeling healthier by the day...what to do??
    Any advice or personal experiences are welcomed.
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    I would be patient and keep losing. The healthier you are the healthier the baby will be.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I would talk with your dr. He/she knows your history, health... Then make your desicision based on that.
  • crazybigchick
    Wait until you are in better shape. The healthier you are the healthier your pregnancy and baby will be. If you are just dying to have another, split the difference. You need to lose 50, but that does take time, so lose 25 and then start trying. It will make your pregnancy easier as well as the recovery. :flowerforyou: Sending lots of baby dust your way. JMHO HTH

    ETA: My husband and I have a rule that I lose all the weight from one baby before we can start trying again. It really helps to start at a good weight. I was over weight when we got pregnant the first time and then gained 70 pounds on top of it. You do not want to deliver with over 100 pounds to lose. Trust me it is just miserable.
  • tiarodwell
    tiarodwell Posts: 9 Member
    I think you are in a tricky situation. Personally, I think it would be wise to continue with loosing weight while trying to get pregnant. You can loose weight and it will not affect your ability to conceive (however, weighting too long could). Also, if you work with your doctor once you are pregnant, you can most likely not gain any weight (tricky, but possible). Then you can pick up once the baby is born. That is just my opinion. You need to do what is best for you and your family. Good luck with this decision!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I like what crazybigchick said! Lose 25 and then start trying. Maintain a healthy eating plan when you do get pregnant so that you don't gain a bunch of weight while pregnant. Shoot if you really held yourself accountable you could lose 25 pounds in a matter of months!
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    I would totally talk to your doctor but I was told with my weight that I should lose some weight before I even try to get pregnant again. I lost a baby back last Feb 2008 and it has been hard. I was told it really wasn't my weight but my body just couldn't handle the stress of carring the baby. I have two wonderful girls but still missing that last little bundle of joy. I know what you mean that you are wanting another one. Just take it a day at a time and the weight that you do lose will help you out in the long run.

    Good Luck!!!!

    :heart: Molly
  • caejde
    caejde Posts: 29 Member
    I had lost 15 lbs when we started trying-still wanted to lose another 20-30 before getting pregnant but that just didn't happen. I spoke to the OB because I knew I was still overweight and they said that I would only gain what I needed to. And they were right, I only gained about 17 lbs. With that said, I would speak to your doctor and find out what they recommend since they know your health history. And then maybe set a goal to see where you're at in 6 months and then start trying.