Need help to lose 218 pounds

Iam disabled and in a power chair and the doctor put me on a heart monitor today. I have to lose 218 pounds and I need to know what are the good and what are the bad carbs. I want to live a long healthy life. Also what kind of exercises I can do in my power chair. Your help would very much be appreciated


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Did your doctor ask you to restrict carbs ? Do you have a medical issue that warrants you to watch your carb intake ?
    If not, then there's no reason to fear carbs. Weight loss comes down to cico . calories in calories out. Eat less then you burn, you'll lose weight.
    Calorie deficit- weight loss. I ate @ 180 gr of carbs per day and lost all my weight.

    As far as your exercise, I'm going to let someone else answer that. Its not my fortay so don't want to give you bad advice due to your heart issues . but next time your at the doctor, I would ask if it would be okay to possibly use some light dumbbells maybe.
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    1. No such thing as 'good' or 'bad' carbs. Eat less calories while paying attention to good nutrition
    2. If you can move it, exercise it
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Keep it very simple. Figure out your calories and and eat that much.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    Agree with above - carbs themselves are not the bad guys.
    To lose weight, you just need to burn more calories in a day than what you eat. Simple as that.
    So, you can do that with diet alone - no exercise at all. Exercising means you burn more calories, so you can eat a little more. It also has a range of other health benefits....but for weight loss...not essential.

    What I like to do is aim for foods that I know will fill me up and that are within my calorie goal for the day. That way I don't feel deprived and losing weight is actually fairly easy.

    For example - I can eat 2 x large Burger/fries combos in a day. 1600 calories.
    Or, I can eat an omelette with tomato and mushroom for breakfast, a chicken salad with a small bread roll for lunch, 2 snacks - something like a piece of fruit for one and a muesli bar for the other, and spaghetti Bolognese for dinner. Sometimes I choose to have a smaller portion of spaghetti and can have an ice cream cone. 1600 calories.

    Don't be fooled by the "naughty foods"- I will lose weight on both diets because I burn use more than 1600 calories per day to survive. But I will be hungrier only eating twice per day on the burger diet. Plus feel awful (and be really, really cranky) because I'm not getting the nutrition my body wants.

    Get yourself a food scale - you need to weigh your food so you know exactly how much you are consuming. I aim to reach my protein and fiber target everyday and keep within my calorie goal. Enough protein and fiber makes me feel full. The fat and cabs just fall into place. It's working for me :)
  • kevinanderson520562
    This series is a good start. I am trying really hard to convince my step dad to start using it. He is wheelchair bound currently and probably will be forever if he does not get his weight under control.

    This is free on Youtube and has some good chair exercises.

  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Ignore 'cutting carb' advice - it's not helpful or realistic (my doctor gave me the same advice and I dropped 30lbs without doing anything of the sort). Eat at a sensible calorie deficit and the weight will come off, it really is as simple as that :) You don't have to enter in to anything complicated or unrealistic because for the long-term, it won't be sustainable. Wishing you the best of luck and congratulations for taking the first step to a healthy, happier life :)