The Best Day of Your Life



  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    When I married my husband 18 years ago.The weather was 90+100% humidity, rained ,everything that could go wrong did,but the day was the best day ever.I love my husband as much if not more than that day I married him.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    First... Ted, the one about your son made me cry! Love it!

    Second... Happiest day of my life hasn't happened yet, and with my husbands career (Active duty Army), unfortunately it will be a day that probably happens more then once in the next 20 years, I'm sure... We're on the downhill slide of a year long deployment to Afghanistan. Happiest day of my life, by far, will be the day that man steps foot back into our home and into my arms!

    To this point though, the happiest day of my life would be the day I graduated nursing school. Through the course of that last year I had cancer, had surgery 3 times, treatments once a week in Houston (2 hours from home), went through a nasty divorce, evacuated from Hurricane Rita (just a couple weeks after Katrina, kicked my home towns *kitten*!), lost a dear friend, saw my sister off on her second deployment, my oldest daughter had surgery... If it could go wrong in my life, that year it did. There were so many people, including the director of our program and my mother, who just begged me to quit and go back next year... "just go take care of yourself, Tami, you're spot will be waiting for you when you come back!" But I just couldn't, graduating was the only thing I actually had to look forward to at that point in my life! So, August 10, 2006 I graduated at the top of my class, cancer free, with my family, my doctors and new boyfriend (now husband) in the audience cheering me on like we were at the Super Bowl lol. The director of our program cried when she gave me my diploma and pin, and I actually got a standing ovation from all of my classmates and everyone in the auditorium. I have never felt more loved in my life, as I did at that moment! =)
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    The day I pushed my little son out of my hoohoo! What an amazing experiance.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    The day I pushed my little son out of my hoohoo! What an amazing experiance.

    I can not tell you how much joy it brings to me that you say "hoohoo!" I say that all the time, and people make so much fun of me! I have insisted, for YEARS, that hoohoo be the official technical term... but so far, NO LUCK!
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    The day I pushed my little son out of my hoohoo! What an amazing experiance.

    I can not tell you how much joy it brings to me that you say "hoohoo!" I say that all the time, and people make so much fun of me! I have insisted, for YEARS, that hoohoo be the official technical term... but so far, NO LUCK!

    Haha! I think its quite a common phrase in the UK. Hoo hoo, bajingo and lady garden are my favourites!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    The night the twins were born, the relief that they'd finally come out healthy and that my wife was ok was immense, I'd gone the last three days being told that all three had only a 50/50 chance of making it.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    The best two days of my life:

    July 27th, 2006...The day I met my daughter (She's my husband's daughter, and I've been with her since that day), and that night she fell asleep in my arms..
    December 30th, 2009..The day I delivered my son..After 41 weeks of pregnancy...16 hours of labor...My son was born..It is truly a Divine feeling to deliver a child. I have never felt such an amazing feeling.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I haven't yet experienced the one day. I have 3 children so I can't chose one over the other. I got married but we were sort of pushed by our families to make our union legal so I can't even chose that day. However I think the day we renew our vows with our children surrounding us at the beach on a tropical island will be the best day of my life. It will be a day filled with happiness and everlasting love. My hubby and I have been talking about doing it but since he is deployed we haven't been able to set a date yet.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    I got another one!
    In late October of last year, my 20 year old son called me from Afghanistan. (US Army, Airborne, Engineer, Medic) This is my tough, badass son. His unit in Afghanistan was responsible for making sure the roads were clear and safe, looking for and eliminating IEDs, that sort of thing. He related to me how while on a mission, they had stopped to investigate a suspected explosive in the middle of the road. Part of the medic's job is when the convoy stops is to set up a likely casualty treatment area. While setting the area up with a fellow medic, a second explosive device, hidden in the area of the treatment area went off. My son was back at the vehicle getting some gear, but his buddy was killed, and another seriously wounded. He was almost in tears and difficult to understand at times as he spoke. "Dad," he said, "I had to pick up the pieces of my friend!" That phrase haunts me now. We talked for a little while longer, and he regained his composure, transforming back into the warrior that he had become. We hung up, with promises to talk again soon, but no promises on dates or times, because of the nature of combat operations. I didn't speak to him again, only getting quick emails, they were extremely busy, and he had no time, but he would call as soon as possible, and that he would be home from his year long deployment soon. Back to the constant worry and scanning the news and internet for word or a glimpse of my son. Didn't sleep for a year.
    New Years Day, I open my front door with cash in hand for the pizza guy (It was New Years!! and football was on, don't judge!) I was greeted by a 6 foot tall blonde guy with a goofy grin. My son was home and safe!
    Best day ever.

    while i love the story about your daughter being born cause the birth of you children are amazing days...this one gave me the chills!! thanks to you and you son for your sacrifices!!!!
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    What was it? What made it so wonderful?

    I have had lots of good days, but one of them was when I was in Costa Rica and finally got to visit the Monteverde Cloud Forest. It was amazing. The life there is so prolific. I stood on a bridge on the continental divide and felt the wind from two oceans on my face. I was happy.
    My family is from Costa Rica I go visit regularly!!! Monte Verde is Amazing!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Definitely my wedding day. It was in Kenya, near the coast, the weather was georgous, everything was perfect. And my husband nearly cried when I joined him at the altar, I could see tears in his eyes. And he never, ever cries. He cant remember the last time he cried. And to see him looking at me with teary eyes, wispering 'you look beautiful', was the best moment of my life. :smooched:
  • PositiveMummy
    14th October 2008 at 8.04pm - my first gorgeous Daughter came into the world (by c section because her heart rate showed signs of distress). She was tiny (5lb 13oz) and sooo delicate. I just remember feeling my bottom lip wobbling and my heart nearly bursting with pride.

    16th January 2011 at 1.53am - my second beautiful Daughter arrived, and naturally this time. Its so amazing giving birth... like nothing else in the world, and impossible to imagine. She was placed on my chest straight away, and her Daddy cut the cord.

    My 2 girls are my world, I would do ANYTHING for them.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Like many others... the births of my children are pretty hard to top!
  • misschocolate82
    Of course there's the obvious births of my 5 children, remember each one like it was yesterday!

    My wedding day was an amazing day....we got engaged and married just 6 weeks later....we decided it didn't matter what we could (and mostly couldn't) afford, we just wanted to be married, it was certainly a unique day (walking down the aisle after to punk version of stand by me :)

    And a day that is not quite so obvious is when I got the paperwork through for changing my eldest 2 childrens surname via deed poll, I finally had the same surname as all my children and husband
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    There have been quite a few. My wedding day, the days my three children were born.

    A really good one was the day I caught my first salmon. I had fished several times, each time doing something new - falling in, catching a non-salmon fish, catching a salmon skeleton, catching a rock, losing a salmon because he swam around my mother-in-law and we had to quickly cut the line to keep her from falling in, and standing in front of an eight year old boy while he caught fish all over the place.

    I finally hooked one and pulled that sucker in. I jumped and danced in the river, I was so stinking happy, I finally got my fish.

    I haven't been salmon fishing since.