ladies only please

I have been doing great with my diet for about 3 weeks now. But now my time of the month is less then a week away and I want to eat everything in sight! I have an intense craving for sugar and carbs! In the past when these cravings hit I usually give in and binge like crazy! I try to eat something healthy but delicious, but it usually doesn't take the craving away. What do yall do to combat these pms cravings? I really dont want all my hard work to go to waste.


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have been doing great with my diet for about 3 weeks now. But now my time of the month is less then a week away and I want to eat everything in sight! I have an intense craving for sugar and carbs! In the past when these cravings hit I usually give in and binge like crazy! I try to eat something healthy but delicious, but it usually doesn't take the craving away. What do yall do to combat these pms cravings? I really dont want all my hard work to go to waste.

    Fit some of that craving food into your calorie goals.

    Open package, take out portion, weigh it, log it, and then put that bag away. :) You can do this!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Indulge myself, but keep it moderation.

    If I'm craving chocolate, I have a couple of pieces of really good rich chocolate and log it all.
    Ice cream, I buy the Dreyer's slow churned. It's rich and is only 100-150 calories for half a cup, which is enough to satisfy the craving.
    Chips: eat a serving (weighed out) and log it.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I eat what i want, make it fit and move on. So far my period has not really effected my weight l8ss. I have noticed i stall for like 3 days, but then i have a woosh.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member

    A couple of suggestions:
    1. Make sure you're eating enough protein and fiber. If that doesn't work,
    2. Have just a bite of whatever. Make sure it's fabulous and optimize the experience (e.g., eat the Godiva piece of chocolate, not the cheap chocolate-flavored stuff from the dollar store). When I do this, I don't log it--it adds to the experience somehow. If that doesn't work,
    3. I read somewhere that a glass of water with a teaspoon of sugar can help with the sugar craving. This is best done after not eating for two hours.

    That's all I've got. Good luck!
  • jmpaterno
    jmpaterno Posts: 47 Member
    I let myself have one or two close-to-maintenance days (usually the first and second days of the time, which are the worst). I kinda accept I might lose a little less; in the past I would eat waaaay too much during my period, so I kinda see logging, trying my best, and knowing exactly how many calories I'm eating as a victory. (I also make sure to drag my *kitten* to the gym, even when I really, really don't want to.)
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    Definitely allow it and log it - if you don't, you're opening yourself up to a potential comfort binge. No reason to add further crap to a crappy time :)
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I'll try and fit it into my calories. I find exercise helps too as my mood is very irritable and moody and the exercise helps cheer me up and I also find it helps with the period pains. I hate exercising when I have my period but generally feel better for doing it.
  • brookelynn2112
    brookelynn2112 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you everyone! These are all great suggestions :)
  • sbork87
    sbork87 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a HUGE fan and advocate of the little "100 Calorie" packs from Special K. They have a chocolate covered pretzel one that is pretty good and helps me curb my sweet tooth when I've got one :)
  • fitgirlforthewin
    fitgirlforthewin Posts: 10 Member
    This is me all the time. It usually throughs me off my diet. Im going to try and combat it this time by not giving in. And only have moderate sizes of whatever i crave