Is your coffee really worth it?

kathrynarnold Posts: 69
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I just realized how many calories are in my coffee that I have almost every morning (Grande Iced White Chocolate Mocha=500 cal)!
So my question is this, is the coffee really worth the calories if it helps you function better in the morning? Should we have our coffee and just be more conscious about what we are eating throughout the day?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    My coffee is worth it, I could not start my day without it.
    I only have Regular coffee with 1 sugar and little low fat milk though.
    Can't you just have the coffee without all the added stuff?
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    No but I do have pro plus (basically caffeine tablets) every morning instead as I need caffeine!, bad me!
    And no, that is NOT coffee, that is a desert in a mug, a coffee is just coffee and milk, when I do make coffee I use instant coffee granules, skim milk and half a sugar, under 25 calories for your morning wake up call! all tastes the same to me!

    I honestly have no idea why anyone would waste 500 calories on a drink, me = amazed! :laugh:
  • It's not the actual coffee that is bad for you.. In fact, ONE cup of coffee a day is a great way to help speed your metbolism since it's a diurtic. It's what you put into it. flavor, cream, and loadsss of sugar. Switch to a small cup of coffee with stevia (natural 0 calorie sweetner.. not that splenda or equal CRAP) and opt for the skim milk instead of creamer. If thats to groww for you (I hate it) go for something like a energy drink called celcius.. only 10 calories a can, made with green tea, no sodium OR carbs and gives you the same amount of energy as a coffee will... without the bad jitters that energy drinks tend to give you
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'd suggest try having an actual coffee not a dessert masquerading as a "coffee".
    My black coffee (0 cals or near enough to) or small skim milk latte (60 cals) fit happily into my calories for the day!
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I've switched to coffee with regular creamer instead of flavored creamers, so I still get the wake-up call, but not the sugar!
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    That is not a coffee.... thats a piece of cake in coffee form. Just have a normal coffee. Fits into my day just fine :)
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Really good Coffee is worth it, then again this is unadulterated filter coffee with freshly ground beans

    lattes and flavoured coffees are once in a blue moon occurances
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I'd suggest try having an actual coffee not a dessert masquerading as a "coffee".
    My black coffee (0 cals or near enough to) or small skim milk latte (60 cals) fit happily into my calories for the day!

    I agree. I've been drinking my coffee black for years for just this reason and now the occasional skim milk latte feels like a splurge, lol.

    BTW, before anyone hates on black coffee, you HAVE to get a good brand and Folgers in a can ain't it. A good black coffee is almost like a good dark chocolate :)
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    I have coffee everymorning in my Shakeology. I love it!
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    I could not live without my coffee...but mine amount to around 120 cal each at dunkin for reg coffee. Have you tried a skinny latte? They use skim milk instead of whole. They taste just as good. If I get a latte, its usually a venti skinny vanilla. Yum yum only 90 cal per8oz cup
  • tessap818
    tessap818 Posts: 2
    Mine is... I have 16 oz of coffee (5 cal) with 3 splenda packets and 1 tbsp of International Delight flavored creamer (35 cal). If you need the caffeine, you can find a much better alternative than those coffee shop drinks that are full of whole milk and real sugar syrups. :tongue:
  • mlweaver89
    mlweaver89 Posts: 35
    I completely stopped drinking anything with more than a few calories in it a few months ago. YES, go ahead and drink coffee in the morning, but DON'T load it up with cream and sugar. And certainly don't get any of those fad drinks from Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts or whatever it is the kids are drinking these days. Just plain ol' coffee with a little skim milk and maybe some Splenda oughta do it for ya.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    At 500 calories ... no, it wouldn't be worth it to me. That's 1/3 of my allotted calories for the day!

    I've been putting instant coffee in my 2 protein shakes per day and that's how I get my fix now. I add cocoa powder as well.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I wouldn't go for any drink that was 500 cals well not deliberately. I did find a certain homemade smoothis to have more than expected but that wont happen again. I drink my coffee black with no sugar or sweetner which leave it at 3 cals a mug and that does me just fine.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Double post :/
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I totally used to do that too. I would have mochas when I was younger saying "hey I need some coffee!" Of course it had to have chocolate and whipped cream in it too.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I have coffee everymorning in my Shakeology. I love it!

    that's how my wife drinks it, saves us a TON on Starbuck's, lol
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I make my own. Its butter toffee flavored. I add stevia and a chocolate mocha creamer. Its 16 oz for 30 calories.....the creamer calories. And its starbucks quailty. I was a person who would get a white chocolate venti with extra camarmel yuuuuuumm! But now I've found a great substitute. I purchased a Keruig single cup coffee maker. It has all the flavored coffees. You can also purchase a filter to use if you have ground coffee you prefer. I absolutely love it.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    As others have mentioned, my coffee is totally worth it. I have 1-2 cups of coffee most mornings with just a bit of sugar. But, I will tell you, I tell myself it's a treat (even though I have it often) and in order to deserve my coffee, I have to drink a bottle of water and have had my breakfast first.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I drink 1 or 2 cups of decaf with half and half during the day. It winds up being about 100 calories. To me it's worth it.
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