Geeky gamer girl looking for new friends to join this epic and perilous journey!



  • IsaTexDesigner
    IsaTexDesigner Posts: 54 Member
    Im a long time geek, long time WoW gamer, but latest thing is Heroes of the Storm. Feel free to add me!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @geminiswede Ugh I know the guild drama, it's why I quit WoW years ago and have only casually dabbled in it ever since >.< Hopefully a break will be all you need to come back and have a good time!

    @CSARdiver Skyrim was a LOT of fun, definitely something I could go back to and play. Love open world RPGs where I can just go where the wind takes me and there's always something to do :smiley:

    @janirower So sorry I nearly missed you there! Geeky gamer girls are always wanted and welcome, sending an add your way :smile:
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    4 8 15 16 23 42
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    @FitGeekery PLAY DRAGON AGE. Seriously. The first one does a very good job of setting up the world (and make sure you play the Awakening DLC for maximum emotional impact on the second one). The second one takes elements of that world and explores them, then does a major status quo breakage. I will tell you this, playing the second one, there has never been a game where I have wanted to reach into the monitor and bitchslap a character SO HARD. I literally put the keyboard down and yelled at the monitor. ^_^; Also, make sure you play the Legacy DLC for the second one to get the most emotional impact for the third game. I guarantee, there is one spot where anyone that played Legacy basically just went WTF HOLY *kitten*?!. XD

    Bioware did an excellent job with the world, the story it tells throughout all three, and the characters. There is some very real and serious character development, some of which are in all three games, and it was well worth it. Even if the first two DLCs for the third one have been kinda meh, I have high hopes for the one that just came out.
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    Such a Geek over here!! Feel free to add me!!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @dubird Not gonna lie, I can't wait till I play Dragon Age! Unfortunately I'm running a PC that's little better than a mechanized abacus and it can't handle me playing and streaming it at the same time. So I'm waiting until I get a better computer, and then I'll probably crack out on all 3 games XD

    @mousie1973 Wewt, more geeks! Sending a request your way ;)
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @dubird Not gonna lie, I can't wait till I play Dragon Age! Unfortunately I'm running a PC that's little better than a mechanized abacus and it can't handle me playing and streaming it at the same time. So I'm waiting until I get a better computer, and then I'll probably crack out on all 3 games XD

    If you've played the first Mass Effect game on your pc, you could probably play at least the first one. The graphic requirements aren't that bad since it's an older game. Might even be able to play the second one on lowest settings depending on your graphics card. You'll have to wait until you get a better system for the third one. They changed engines and while it's beautifully done, it is pretty intense for a graphics card. I have an almost new one and can't play the highest settings. Though, that may be because it's turning out to be a crappy card. ><
  • Feel free to add me! For I am part of the gamer geeky family :)
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    did no one get my lost reference or what??? add me, too! :D
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    dogcatac wrote: »
    did no one get my lost reference or what??? add me, too! :D

    I was about to reply "Not Penny's Boat" - oh yeah.
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    poor poor charlie
  • knowles1989
    knowles1989 Posts: 28 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hey :)
    I am also a fellow gamer girl/short *kitten*/wannabe geek. I wouldn't say I'm the sharpest tool in the box but I love all things science related and I'm a bit of an astronomy geek :) I'm a big gamer and it's nice to see a fellow zelda fan on here! Also, I love anything paranormal/zombie related or just anything scary! Looking forward to the new series of the walking dead (hopefully they will pick it up this season as I was very disappointed by the last few episodes). I am also very much into my photography at the moment so any fellow photographers also feel free to add me too :)
    This is my second time using this app and I'm feeling much more confident this time round, ready to shed some fatty rolls :)
  • knowles1989
    knowles1989 Posts: 28 Member
    edited September 2015
    dogcatac wrote: »
    4 8 15 16 23 42

    A fellow lost fan @dogcatac :smiley:

  • rupertspenser
    rupertspenser Posts: 567 Member
    I'm an avid roleplayer, d&d, shadowrun, white wolf.. anything lol is that geeky enough?
  • yecatsmn
    yecatsmn Posts: 54 Member
    Geeky lady here too! I'm so glad there are quite a few of us :) I'm also a first time mom to my 10 month old so it interferes with my gaming. I'm even home all day! To be honest all I seem to have time for right now is The Walking Dead on android! So sad. However I was a WoW junkie since vanilla, looovvveeee any FF and pretty much any RPG.

    I love having friends to feel guilty about my food journal so everyone feel free to add!
  • kimikats
    kimikats Posts: 529 Member
    Wow I never really thought I'd see people like me here! Good on you for taking the plunge and posting this!

    I'm definitely geeky as I'm a game developer, have way too many games on Steam I'll never play, cosplayed for years, love TNG (Picard #1), DS9, Game of Thrones, Merlin, Arrow, and The Flash, looooove to read (currently on Dresden Files Book 5), am always on Reddit, love kitties, mystery boxes, Hello! Project and AKB48, and everything else nerdy!

    I don't think I've ever participated on here, but your thread caught my eye. Happy gaming and cheers all!
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    edited September 2015

    And my best buddy - and canine exercise companion - is named Frodo, so there's that.

    Totally not a gamer (does Scrabble count?) but probably a bit of a geek if dog names are an indication: Arya, Tyrion, Pip (Philip Pirrip), and Liza (Elizabeth Bennet). :)
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Geek and vegetarian here! Happy to add you if you like. :smiley: Love anything zombie, I work in science communications and I will read anything about tech or space. Comics: reading Nailbiter because my friend does the artwork for it (but also it's great). TV: watching Mr Robot at the moment. SO GOOD. Currently my go to game is Hearthstone because it's so easy to play on mobile. I am 5'2" and looking to lose another 10kg or 22lbs. Woo!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @dubird Yeah I seriously can't wait till I get a new comp, gonna open a whole new world of games that I've been holding off on :smiley:

    @Perfect10Fitness Done and done! Nothing better than your family being part of your geeky network!

    @dogcatac I'm a faily nerd because I totally didn't... and I love Lost! Never finished it, but it's on my list of things to do >.<

    @rupertspenser There's no actual requirement of geekiness, nor any particular kind that I'm looking for. Any and all people are welcome :) Sending a request your way!

    @yecatsmn I know, it's surprising how many of us are around here! Congrats on the baby, love the poop out of Walking Dead and another fan of RPG's, consider yourself added ;)

    @kimikats Omg a game developer? Awesome! Been seriously considering how to get into something similar. No idea where I'd talk or what kind of avenue I'd want to be in but... I would love to work in the gaming industry <3

    @peppermintpudgy No requirements or impositions on what you geek or nerd over. Anyone who wants support and some friendly faces on this journey is welcome. Honestly it can make the biggest difference when you're struggling or finding yourself having a bad day. Having people to support and encourage you and nudge your butt out of negativity has been invaluable to me. I couldn't be luckier :) Adding you!

    @jenmovies Dangit Mr. Robot, it's recently been added to my list but I haven't managed to take the time to actually watch it! Dang Hearthstone is another easy thing to get into that I've really enjoyed the last time I cracked out hehe Shooting a request your way!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @knowles1989 Hi, I'm sorry I missed you last night! I could barely keep my eyes open and thought I'd welcome everyone, obviously not XD And heck yes to Zelda, although I've only played the older ones. A Link to the Past for the win! And paranormal/supernatural/zombie love, yesss. Added!