The weekend ruins my diet

No matter how well I diet during the week. The weekend ways comes and goes and I'm left feeling bloated and defeated. Even if it's not too bad of an eating weekend the one day I fall off the wagon is so hard to bounce back. My goal is to lose about 5-8 lbs in the next 2 months. Any advice on how I can stay strong on the weekend? What's the best way to achieve my goal? I normally eat well during the week and exercise at least 1-2 times a week. I wish I could more but I have an infant at home! Advice welcome!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Even if it's not too bad of an eating weekend the one day I fall off the wagon.

    Why? Just eat normally the next day. Is your weekday too strict?
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    I was like this too until I finally realized the only thing that was holding me back was me. I posted on here too w the same dilemma and someone pointed out either you want it and you stick to it on weekends, or you dont.

    What helped for me was identifying where things went off kilter for me. For me it was going out to eat and having a drink. That sort of opened up the flood gates of "it's the weekend, you deserve it" way of thinking (and eating). I changed my habits. Instead of going out I'd plan for a dinner in, or choose a healthier option. I'd also make sure to head to the gym and choose more active weekend activities.

    Really, it's up to you. Once I got over the idea that I really wasn't treating myself by sabotaging all my week long hard work, it was much easier!

    Good luck!

  • caci88
    caci88 Posts: 53 Member
    I used to do that when my week was too strict. The weekend would come and I'd go crazy! Drinking never helped, so I stopped that because being hungover meant not caring what went in my mouth. ALso, prepare what you're having on Friday for the rest of the weekend (don't actually prepare the food, just in MFP pre-count).. and allow yourself some 'weekend food'. Eg. Have a different breakfast to usual that feels a bit indulgent. I have protein pancakes with banana and lemon and stevia and PB2 Chocolate.. hits the spot. Also have milk coffee instead of black and allow myself (gluten free) bread if I want. Also have a cheat meal (but I include it in my macros).. it's about being flexible :) If you pre-count and allow yourself different foods you won't feel the need to binge! Also try to exercise both days!! even if it's a walk with the baby.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    No matter how well I diet during the week. The weekend ways comes and goes and I'm left feeling bloated and defeated. Even if it's not too bad of an eating weekend the one day I fall off the wagon is so hard to bounce back. My goal is to lose about 5-8 lbs in the next 2 months. Any advice on how I can stay strong on the weekend? What's the best way to achieve my goal? I normally eat well during the week and exercise at least 1-2 times a week. I wish I could more but I have an infant at home! Advice welcome!

    Do you pre-plan your food? Log you meals ahead of time and stick to the plan?
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    Go do somthing take the baby for a walk just get away from any food
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    Also think about why the weekend is tough. Is it because you want to go out with people (getting out of the house)? If so, go to the restaurant and just get an appetizer and one alcoholic drink. If it's because your week is too restrictive, as others have mentioned, loosen up a little and then on the weekends be really strict during the day and leave yourself some calories to play with in the evenings. You can do it. You just can't do it all!
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    You should practice taking control of your life, your foods, your days... Nothing is happening TO you, you're the reason you go off track on the weekends. Only you are in control of what goes in your mouth.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    If going out to eat leads to overindulgence, check the restaurant menu online first, find out what the calorie counts are (most chains have nutritional info online, or check the MFP database), and decide what you will order, including side dishes. Then stick to that. Also save up some of your calories during the week if possible and use them for a special treat on the weekend. Feeling deprived leads to losing control.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 350 Member
    I have the same problem. I took baby steps to get the problem under control. First I just kept track of everything I ate on the weekends. Then I analyzed it. Then I started making changes. I found it made sense to do those little things that made a big difference. Pick your calories carefully.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    No matter how well I diet during the week. The weekend ways comes and goes and I'm left feeling bloated and defeated. Even if it's not too bad of an eating weekend the one day I fall off the wagon is so hard to bounce back. My goal is to lose about 5-8 lbs in the next 2 months. Any advice on how I can stay strong on the weekend? What's the best way to achieve my goal? I normally eat well during the week and exercise at least 1-2 times a week. I wish I could more but I have an infant at home! Advice welcome!
    You stop relaxing your effort. People tend to relax on everything as the weekend approaches. It's a habitual mindset that people should also work on changing if they want to sustain weight they've lost.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • sarahsamuels82
    sarahsamuels82 Posts: 51 Member
    I know the feeling @danicherrick !

    For me, what works is to allow myself a weekly cheat meal. It does require discipline not to let it be a 'cheat weekend', but having a pizza (albeit a small one) each week keeps me sane.

    Also make sure that your calories aren't set too low so that you are constantly craving rubbish.

    It is all in your mind though :)

    What is your favourite food? What are your weaknesses? You could just try and find healthier alternatives to these, and eventually they will feel like treats!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Spooky - I literally just posted an answer on someone's post about this very thing! The dreaded weekends..

    I'll try to keep this short. A few years ago, I was on a very restrictive 500 calorie per day diet (I realize now I probably had quite a nasty ED). On top of this 500 per day diet, I would do these huge cardio sessions at the gym 3/4 times a week. Come Saturday morning, I would binge severely and I mean severely. We are talking around 5 very large breakfasts, a huge lunch with dessert, and an indian takeaway or large pizza for dinner - all with high calorie snacks throughout the day. I would eat until I felt physically sick. The same followed on Sunday.

    Come Monday morning, it was back to the 500 calories again. I wasn't losing weight despite my lack of calories in the week - purely because I was absolutely overloading at the weekends.

    I'm sure your situation is nowhere near as extreme as that so that's a good start! I had to address my relationship with food and try not to think of it as a 'reward for good work'. This really helped me control my weekends better. EVERYONE is allowed a 'treat' - and your weekends should be enjoyed, but I think moderation is key.

    Have a little of what you love but count it in to your daily allowance and adjust other meals to make things fit. Perhaps have a smaller breakfast and lunch on the weekends to allow yourself a bit of a indulgent dinner. You really have to work this around your lifestyle and make it sustainable. I tend to bank the unused calories from during the week and use them for my weekend indulgences. It's working really well for me so far :)
  • danicherrick
    danicherrick Posts: 6 Member
    Wow thanks so much to everyone who replied to me. I didn't get my comments for. Few days.

    All good advice. I think i def just relax on the weekends and my mindset relaxes. I think I'll just make it up.

    My week days are so regimented especially because of the baby that it's easy to stay on track. The weekends since my husband are home all day we try and do "fun" things which always results in food or "treats". Usually the alcohol makes me feel worse than the food. A glass or two makes me super bloated and that makes me feel defeated too. But am I not allowed to have a glass or two of wine?

    I also try cook in advance so I don't cheat too badly on large meals, I try and let a glass of wine or a piece of choclate be the treat.

    I love the idea of having a different meal for breakfast. Protein pancakes sounds awesome and I never have those! I usually have eggs with salsa or oatmeal!

    And I always take the baby for a walk after our breakfast, just to get out and help me relax too. It'll be harder when winter comes but in hoping since he be older I'll get to the gym a little more.

    I have 4 weeks until my sons first birthday photoshoot and we are taking family photos. I was hoping to work really hard and lose 5 lbs by the . Am I being to ambicious!?

    Thanks again to everyone! Really love the suggestions.