Menopause Madness!!

Good morning! I'm getting back on track with my health and fitness journey. I'm 50 years old 5'8" I weigh 184 pound. I believe that menopause is hendering my weight loss. Does anyone have this problem? Any ideas on what will help? I look forward to any suggestions. Thanks in advance!!!


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    My mum had this problem with menopause and weight loss but she DID lose weight and she did get to her goal :] Best of luck!
  • patharris12
    patharris12 Posts: 1 Member
    :) Thank you!! That gives me hope!
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I am 50 and in menopause. I have lost 10kg in the last year and half and am now maintaining for a couple of months successfully. I started running a year ago and I had no problems loosing weight. The key for me was to become more active. Best of luck Stef.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    It still all comes down to CICO. Your caloric needs may have changed (lower as you get older). Accurate logging will ensure you lose.
  • Runagain_4
    Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
    Patharris2012, I'm 45 and just started MFP up again 2 weeks ago after finding myself in the 'overweight' BMI range (25.2) for the first time in my life and discovering I couldn't remove my wedding band. I've been struggling with perimenopausal symptoms since turning 41, with weight gain and a seeming inability to lose weight the most noticeable symptoms (other than the mood swings, bloating, water retention, hot flashes, thickening waistline, fuller face, yadayadayada!).
    When I first noticed the rapid weight gain about three years ago I went on a rigid diet, severely limiting calories and getting back down to what had previously been my normal (BMI +/- 20). Once I started eating normally again, the weight packed right back on and has gone up slowly and steadily since then. I've tried juicing, elimination and tracking on and off since then, but nothing seems to have worked and the scale just wouldn't budge. On top of all that, a back injury has prevented me from the running that used to be a part of every day.
    This time, I've committed to nothing more than rigidly tracking my calories while eating a well-balanced diet. I've eliminated most all junk from the house, all the while making sure the cupboards are fully stocked with good (and less tempting) foods. I prepare my lunch every evening for the next day, and instead of making special meals for myself, I'm making healthy dishes that both my husband and my 10-year-old are also enjoying.
    I'm eating a lot of green veg (sautéed kale, brussels sprouts, mung beans, spinach) with dinner, and a sensible portion of fish and shellfish about 4-5 nights a week (chicken, beef or omelette on other nights). I let myself indulge on Thursdays (last day of the workweek here) with a few glasses of wine, but I still track everything. Weekday lunches have been bulky salads, breakfast is now either a couple of boiled eggs or a quarter cup uncooked steel cut oats boiled down with 3 cups of water, with just a bit of cashew butter and raspberries. I always have boiled eggs prepared ahead in the fridge, and if I get home from work starving, I'll have 1 or sometimes 2 to keep me from grazing mindlessly. I'm using Ina Paarman seasoning on a lot of the fish and veg dishes to keep things yummy, and balsamic glaze and olive oil is my new favourite dressing.
    I'm finding the variety and the bulky food are keeping me satisfied. I'm working hard to drink my 8 glasses of water a day, and drinking my coffee black.
    I haven't eliminated any foods, but I've definitely cut back on breads, pasta and rice because these are trigger foods for me. I'm surprised to find I'm not missing them; and they're not off limits, they're just not a part of the meal plan I'm setting for myself right now (I'm logging every night for the next day ... this is helping a LOT).
    Sugar's not an issue for me, as I don't have a sweet tooth, so I avoid anything with sweeteners (which really give me stomach pains and bloating) and I'm also trying to avoid processed foods where possible. The oatmeal, eggs and tuna/beans in my daily salad seem to really keep me satisfied but not bloated.
    I'm not a nutritionist by any means, I'm just trying to find a way of eating that is sustainable for me and that hopefully will help me be healthier and slimmer (fingers crossed). Oh, and I'm also making sure to get 8-9 hours of sleep a night.
    Since starting two weeks ago I've lost four pounds. My skin is glowing. I am now back (only just) in the healthy BMI range (24.6). I'm not running, but I'm doing pilates 2x a week and hope to add in walking and/or swimming this week. I'm far from where I'd like to be, but I'm closer than I was two weeks ago, and I'm using that thought to motivate me to continue. I may not be able to fight menopause, but I hope to stop it from getting the better of me.
    Here's hoping both you and I succeed on a slow and steady path to weight loss. You've got this!
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I am 51 and in menopause...I've lost 35 lbs since Jan 1. It is a slow go and every calorie seems to count! BUT it is possible for sure! And totally worth it!

    Do you have 2 profiles btw? I see both Patharris2012 and Patharris 12....interesting!
  • z4dow
    z4dow Posts: 43 Member
    In menopause, sortie (5'3, low bmr, low tdee, sedentary, daily walking my only exercise) lost 23 lbs (from bmi almost 25 to 20) since June.
    Eat less, move more: still working at fifties ;)
  • clskinner71
    clskinner71 Posts: 5 Member

    I feel like I could have written your post. My journey has been very similar.

    I recently came back to Fitness Pal. I am 43 years old and went to the doctor in May because of an increase in weight, afternoon exhaustion, and a feeling like I had a "fuzzy brain" in the afternoons. Well... it appears that I am post menapausal. I am 5 foot tall and about 7 years ago I was 150 pounds. Through weight watchers I lost 40 pounds. I am now at 134 and not real happy. My delimma is that it appears it is almost impossible to loose weight in menapause. I am searching for a support group to help with this. I am working with a personal trainer who understands menopause and I am trying to relearn how to eat healthy. The things I did in Weight Watchers don't work anymore because of menopause. I was wondering if you had any advise. I would love to know how many carbs and calories you eat a day.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    I'm 59, went into menopause at age 44 when I started chemotherapy & estrogen agonist drugs for breast cancer. I'm also hypothyroid.

    IME, calories in < calories out (CICO) works, when tracked via careful logging. I've lost 42 pounds since April 2015. My starting weight was 183.

    At first, I estimated calories. In July, I plateaued briefly, then joined MFP and started carefully and consistently weighing & tracking my food & recording exercise.

    I've been losing since & am now trying to slow my loss rate since I'm within 10-15 pounds of goal. Current weight is 141, goal is 130 or possibly a bit less. (I'm 5'5".)

    If you log carefully, you'll be able to see what loss or gain you actually get at a certain calorie level, and adjust your personal calorie goal if needed to meet your weight loss objectives. It may not be easy (to eat less or move more) but it is simple (the process).

    Read the "stickies" (permanent posts at the top) in the starting & general weight loss categories of the forum, and follow the process. IMO, it works.