


  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    edited September 2015
    9 days might not be long enough. It takes some folks 30-ish days or more to get fat adapted. You can see why if it takes someone that long, they'll stay well under their carb limit to avoid going through it again!

    Remember that 50g is an estimate. Some folks stay in keto at a higher rate. My bf eats at 60-80g and stays in ketosis. Mine has to be closer to 30g. You might need to tweak your numbers a little, but 9 days isn't long even below 50g. Also, you might need to be lower than 50 or at least closer to 50g gross carbs. Most folks can get away with subtracting fiber to stay in their keto range. Some can't. Again, it's an estimate. More tweaking.

    When I got to 50-60g, I played and played and never figured it out. 4 months of it. To save my sanity, I finally gave up, dropped to 20g, and was fine in a few days. After a few more months of playing, I now know I can play around up to about 35g, depending on the content of carbs and fiber levels and my activity level that day. But realistically? 20g.

    Give it another week. If you aren't feeling better, you can try going practically cold turkey and see if that works. Keto isn't for everyone, but you're giving it one helluva effort!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I think I'll stick to 50 net carbs and keep my calories around 1350. I'll be sure to eat lots of good fats!

    Lower that carb count when you feel up to it. You probably will feel better if you go a bit lower because you'll be in ketosis. If 50 net carbs is borderline for you, you could be bouncing in and out of ketosis, which won't feel good at all.

    Sodium needs are usually doubled in ketosis, so try to have between 3500-5000mg of sodium per day. I actually have a small teaspoon of salt in water every day, and I find that helps me. Going low will make you fatigued, headachy and possibly even nauseated. Increase potassium and magnesium too to help get you out of the keto flu.

    Best wishes.
  • mrsroddy1228
    mrsroddy1228 Posts: 93 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice! I think I'll stick to 50 net carbs and keep my calories around 1350. I'll be sure to eat lots of good fats!

    Lower that carb count when you feel up to it. You probably will feel better if you go a bit lower because you'll be in ketosis. If 50 net carbs is borderline for you, you could be bouncing in and out of ketosis, which won't feel good at all.

    Sodium needs are usually doubled in ketosis, so try to have between 3500-5000mg of sodium per day. I actually have a small teaspoon of salt in water every day, and I find that helps me. Going low will make you fatigued, headachy and possibly even nauseated. Increase potassium and magnesium too to help get you out of the keto flu.

    Best wishes.

    Thanks!! Ill try lowering it to 30 net and see how that goes. Is that safe to have so much sodium?!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice! I think I'll stick to 50 net carbs and keep my calories around 1350. I'll be sure to eat lots of good fats!

    Lower that carb count when you feel up to it. You probably will feel better if you go a bit lower because you'll be in ketosis. If 50 net carbs is borderline for you, you could be bouncing in and out of ketosis, which won't feel good at all.

    Sodium needs are usually doubled in ketosis, so try to have between 3500-5000mg of sodium per day. I actually have a small teaspoon of salt in water every day, and I find that helps me. Going low will make you fatigued, headachy and possibly even nauseated. Increase potassium and magnesium too to help get you out of the keto flu.

    Best wishes.

    Thanks!! Ill try lowering it to 30 net and see how that goes. Is that safe to have so much sodium?!

    With keto it is. We lose so much water weight when we go low carb that the body just flushes the sodium out, and we end up losing K and Mg too.

    Google keto flu or fat adaption with electrolyte balance or sodium and you'll see more info on it so you can know with more certainty.

    Best wishes.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I wouldn't trust a "holistic nutritionist" to tell me the time of day.

    Sorry, but "holistic" is another word for "unproven" and anyone with no training whatsoever can call themselves a nutritionist.

    I think you're just being led astray by one of the latest fads.

    You don't need to lose weight. You're young. Just forget about dieting and go out and enjoy life!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Never because no cheese cake.

    WIN! :]

    Forget this 'keto' plan - how sustainable is this in the long term? Not very if you're struggling so much now. Eat a calorie deficit (the beauty of this is you can eat what you WANT!) and you'll lose weight
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    You can still keep a very lean figure/lose excess weight eating as many carbs as you want... As long as you're eating in a deficit. ;)
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Even if I'm not in ketosis, lowering your carbs will still ultimately make you lose weight

    OP, is this why you want to try Keto?

  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    It takes at least 3 weeks or so to become keto-adapted. Hang in there! Those first weeks are tuff. Consume 1or 2 bullion cubes each day as you will be excreting much sodium. This will prevent the dizziness.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    +1 for extra sodium and patience. Unless you have high blood pressure or kidney issues the sodium balances out,
  • arb037
    arb037 Posts: 203 Member
    50 carbs is for those that are keto adapted. Starting out you need to be <20.
    Also while on keto, your electrolytes get depleted. Need to make sure you consume 5000mg sodium daily, as well as potassium and magnesium, if not you may feel lethargic and not well.

    One way to speed up keto adaption is to do a fast 16 hour with a depletion workout in fasted state, then consume 80% fat, 15% protein, 5% carb for a day and you should adapt much quicker than norm.
  • mrsroddy1228
    mrsroddy1228 Posts: 93 Member
    Never because no cheese cake.

    WIN! :]

    Forget this 'keto' plan - how sustainable is this in the long term? Not very if you're struggling so much now. Eat a calorie deficit (the beauty of this is you can eat what you WANT!) and you'll lose weight

    Ahhh so many conflicting messages. So how many carbs then?!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    If it were me, I wouldn't even pay attention to them unless you have to for medical reasons.
    Eat at your calorie deficit, you'll lose weight!
  • mrsroddy1228
    mrsroddy1228 Posts: 93 Member
    If it were me, I wouldn't even pay attention to them unless you have to for medical reasons.
    Eat at your calorie deficit, you'll lose weight!

    Ok thanks, I'll try that. I think I'm getting a little too obsessed with the carb number
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    If it were me, I wouldn't even pay attention to them unless you have to for medical reasons.
    Eat at your calorie deficit, you'll lose weight!

    Ok thanks, I'll try that. I think I'm getting a little too obsessed with the carb number

    Don't beat yourself up - it's very easy to get fixated on one particular idea but it's really about finding what's right for you. The low carb option didn't work for me AT ALL - and now 60% of my daily calories are in fact, carbs and I love it and I lose weight! :]
  • mrsroddy1228
    mrsroddy1228 Posts: 93 Member
    If it were me, I wouldn't even pay attention to them unless you have to for medical reasons.
    Eat at your calorie deficit, you'll lose weight!

    Ok thanks, I'll try that. I think I'm getting a little too obsessed with the carb number

    Don't beat yourself up - it's very easy to get fixated on one particular idea but it's really about finding what's right for you. The low carb option didn't work for me AT ALL - and now 60% of my daily calories are in fact, carbs and I love it and I lose weight! :]

    Awesome! Low carb isn't for everyone for sure. I upped mine to 100 carbs so hopefully that should help with being so tired and foggy.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Probably up protein and fats and be taking a potassium and magnesium supplement you will feel better and drink almost 2 gal of water. bc you are going low carb you need more water.
  • patstar5
    patstar5 Posts: 7 Member
    I try to do 20g or less a day. I don't really count them, I've probably been going over.
    I've also been following wheat belly, do not eat any processed free foods! They are full of starches. You can't really even eat grains on a low carb diet either.
    Weighed this morning and I've finally lost 50 lbs. I hope most of that is fat, having body aches again. I take a trace mineral supplement which contains magnesium and I have 99mg potassium citrate capsules, how many should u be taking a day to avoid aches?
    Also been feeling so tired after a meal... I don't know if I got kicked out of ketosis or what
  • patstar5
    patstar5 Posts: 7 Member
    Does intermittent fasting help? I went 16-24 hours barely eating. Does that help put you into ketosis? Do you actually lose fat fasting? I've lost 4-6 lbs since Wednesday