help with my goal?

barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm 5'7" 135 pounds, and I just was measured for my body fat, and I am at 16%. That was a lot lower than I expected. I was planning on dropping down to 120, but I feel like I need to re-evaluate my goals. Given this information, should I have my GW be at my current weight, 130, or what? Should I just forget the numbers at this point?


  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    I think you should just work on maintaining at this point.
  • webbed1
    webbed1 Posts: 86
    I think you are there, but I have met women at the gym who are mistaking untoned muscles for flab. Make sure you do a good resistance training program at least 2x a week, 3 is better, but 2 consistently will do the trick. Use machines and compound exercises, no foo foo stuff. You'll shape and tone. Add some cardio if you have concerns about your conditioning. You don't have to do much IF you are happy with how you look in the mirror with little to no clothes on or in a swim suit.
  • 16% is pretty damn low imho...
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    16% is about the lowest you should go being female honestly. SO at this point I would throw out the BMI calculator and just focus on maintaining and toning if youre still unhappy with your muscle tone
  • mcakes
    mcakes Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there!!

    Congrats on that 16% !! That is a fantastic number, from my perspective you are free to maintain, but I also think that it would be fine if you would feel better being 130, or even 129 (I know how good it sounds to say you are in the 120's...) Just be sure that you loose these last few lbs in a healthy way, and are aware that you are at the "lowest end" of your "heathy spectrum" Congrats girl!!!

    From one dieter to another... It is SO hard to forget about numbers. We just have to be sure and not get carried away with them.

    I am also 135, but I am 5'4, with a BMI of 23. My goal weight has ALWAYS been to be around 120-125. I really think that *120* is this magical number that media has thrown at us as the "right number". For me, 120 is a low-medium healthy number, but for others (who have been given the gift of height) it could very well be too low. Try not to get stuck on a number that may not be a good choice for you :)

    I know, it is nearly impossible for me to drop those last 10lbs, so I can't imagine how tough it is for you. Which makes me think that it might be really hard for us to maintain 120.... however I am still (always) shooting for 120-125.

    Just be safe and Good luck!
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'7" too, if you are at 135 with only 16% body fat you must be sporting some nice muscles.

    See my goals in my signature? I want to be you!

    I would forget the scale numbers now, and work on maintaining what you've accomplished. When you set your goal for 120, you probably didn't account for muscle, which you obviously have if your body fat is that low! Way to go!
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