Let's Talk About Non Scale Victories - shall we?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I got over my fear of the deep end of the pool last week.
    Monday, went to the pool on my own thinking I will just try swimming in the shallow end ( no one there to rescue me if I thought I was going to drown in the deep end).

    By the end of the week I did 10 lengths (250m)and didn't panic once when I saw the red drop off line.

    Cheers, h.
  • mrsdrshot
    mrsdrshot Posts: 154 Member
    I love all the great stuff on this thread. Hooray for getting rid of old clothes that don't fit! For going upstairs without holding the rail! For swimming and not being afraid! For being able to cut your toenails with ease! For buying undies, weighing less often, being in a healthy range and liking yourself! Woo!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I put away my fiddle the other night after a gig and as I was walking out it felt so light that I stopped and looked in the case again to make sure my fiddle was really there! Thanks to the T 25 DVDs I've been doing for 10 weeks.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    My husband told me I shouldn't wear these pants anymore because they were getting too baggy. All I heard was "You need to go shopping" ;)
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    edited September 2015
    Being able to take sexy selfies for my hubby, that don't make me scream in horror, has been a HUGE (and surprising) non-scale victory. :D
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    My husband is thrilled I don't snore any more. :p
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    Some recent NSVs for me

    --Doing full-body pushups (have been only doing the knee-support kind previously)
    --Not only running a 5K, but beating my previous time by 5 minutes!

    Yay! <3
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I walked 4.5 miles today. When I started walking in March I could barely make it 1/8 of a mile.
  • mrsdrshot
    mrsdrshot Posts: 154 Member
    I've always kept chocolate in my drawer for special occasions or needy times or whatever. I haven't touched it in over a month and it doesn't even look interesting. NSV!
  • kat_princess12
    kat_princess12 Posts: 109 Member
    Upped my walking this month from 2 miles to 3. And sure, I breathe hard during, but nothing hurts afterwards :)
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    I tried my white jeans on, looked myself in the mirror, and was seriously considering wearing them out.
    I've never own a pair of WHITE jeans, and actually, nothing light color for bottom for almost my entire life because of my butt.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Had to buy a belt to hold up my pants. :smile:
  • mrsdrshot
    mrsdrshot Posts: 154 Member
    My favorite Disneyland t-shirt isn't super skin tight any more. woo!
  • Stacyandsilas
    Stacyandsilas Posts: 14 Member
    Today was the first time in my entire life that I could do a pull-up. I've always been way too weak to even do one, and today I did three.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    On July 1 my doctor said that my labs were a huge concern
    A1c was 6.4 which meant my average blood sugar was 130 (one point away from being a diabetic)
    Triglycerides were156 norm was <150
    Cholesterol was 248 norm 125-200
    HDL 51 norm >46
    LDL 166 norm <130
    Ratio 4.9 norm<5

    With these labs I was headed for some serious long-term morbidity. And high chance of a heart attacks in the future if I continued down this path. He had prescribed metformin but some how there was a mix-up between his pharmacy and his office and when I called his office they stated that it was not ordered.

    He explained that I could change this with changes in my diet and exercise.
    When I complained my legs hurt all the time his answer was, “You don’t have to do a lot just start moving some. Then add exercises as you can.

    After a search of food diaries on July 4 I started with MFP I started with an average of 6621 steps a day felt exhausted and slept a lot. Last week my average was 10442

    I started just logging what I ate making sure it was under my calorie goals but making sure I ate my protein goals. I continued to eat what I wanted. I have not been hungry or did I feel deprived. On average my splits were 40% carb 30%protein, and 30% fat

    Today at my follow up visit my doctor came into my room almost giddy and said, “You are batting 1000”

    A1c 5.5 normal range
    Triglycerides 81
    Cholesterol 189
    HDL 54
    LDL 119
    Ratio 3.5

    And 31 lbs lost
    I was able to where a pair of shorts and shirt that I have not worn for several years.

    Life style change and exercise works!
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    @raymax4 Wow!! That is so great! Definitely a victory--You should feel extremely proud of yourself :)
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I tried on swimsuits and DID NOT CRY. Ended up buying 4 of them!
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    I woke up and got dressed for school without feeling bloated/like I was busting out my clothes. My jeans fit nicely and I felt lean!
  • mrsdrshot
    mrsdrshot Posts: 154 Member
    @Raymax4 - that's a whole bus load of non scale victories! Congratulations!
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    My ring is loose. I just bought it in December and it was slightly snug. I had to work it off. I just noticed it is loose on my finger.