I don't notice a Difference in the way i look and the scale keeps giving me different numbers

Hi so i have lost 10 pounds eating right I sometimes don't have time to exercise so i don't
so mostly losing this 10 pounds was by eating right and eating around 1440 calories But I don't notice a Difference in the way i look so could this 10 pounds lost just be water weight?
and when i Weigh myself The scale says now I'm 213 and then it will go up a pound
and yesterday i was 215 so i'm confused on what i even weigh could i be losing that fast?
I like to weigh myself every morning And i keep getting different numbers any Suggestions or advice?


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Your weight is a range, not a specific number.
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    Have you taken measurements with a measuring tape? Weight fluctuates so much naturally. I suggest only weighing yourself once a week so you don't stress yourself about it too much.
  • michelleselmon
    michelleselmon Posts: 90 Member
    kandeye wrote: »
    Have you taken measurements with a measuring tape? Weight fluctuates so much naturally. I suggest only weighing yourself once a week so you don't stress yourself about it too much.

    No I mostly just weigh myself on the scale but i just don't notice a difference anywhere And every morning
    i weigh myself it says i have lost a pound or 2 i just can't believe i would be losing that fast So i am going to get a measuring tape and try that thanks so much for all your help :)
  • aphuston2015
    aphuston2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Weight is going to fluctuate based on the amount of mass of food and water that your body retains. Don't get too hooked on the number, but continue to record your weight and measurements and see the trend downward as you continue to eat and drink within your caloric range and continue to exercise moderately, regularly. Check your carbohydrate levels if you are not losing weight and increase proteins and reduce carbs in proportion. Then watch again and see if you are trending downward over a two week period.
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    I agree with Kandeye if you are stressing out weigh in once a week. I weigh myself daily but that is because I like to average it out. I can tell you after a weekend of indulging (Labor Day) the scale went up 4.5lbs. It still hasn't came back to the prior weight but I didn't eat enough to gain 4.5lbs. I assume just water weight from moving more and eating a higher carb/sodium diet for a couple of days. Just hang in there we didn't gain it all at once we are not going to lose it all at once either. You are doing amazing you have lost 10lbs. Keep up what you are doing wonderful. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • A single meal can really throw your weight one way or the other. That is why it is advised to not weigh in very often. I used to have a graph of my weight loss that showed a 15 lb spike in 1 day. I was eating low cal and low sodium. I had a cheat meal at Olive Garden and did karaoke that night. When I sing I drink gallons of water if I am there for a long time. So don't weigh quite so often. You should not be worried about one day to the next but 1 week to the next.

    If you are just starting out 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks is pretty normal. There is less food in your system and less water attached to that food. So even a few days of going back to what you used to eat and this will come right back.

    Also find another form of testing or your goal of being healthier. Measurements, body fat content (some gyms can test this with a handheld device for free), how long you can hold a plank. Whatever it is.
  • Bj0223
    Bj0223 Posts: 133 Member
    You could have lost 10 pounds and just not see it. The weight comes off where it wants to not where you want it to or expect it to. I started around 215 too and it took losing 30 pounds before I dropped a size! It was frustrating because I was working so hard and no one noticed and either did I at first.

    Keep going and keep logging. There will always be small fluctuations on the scale. This is a slow process and very much worth it.

    Two years of logging and using this site I now weigh 155.
  • michelleselmon
    michelleselmon Posts: 90 Member
    A single meal can really throw your weight one way or the other. That is why it is advised to not weigh in very often. I used to have a graph of my weight loss that showed a 15 lb spike in 1 day. I was eating low cal and low sodium. I had a cheat meal at Olive Garden and did karaoke that night. When I sing I drink gallons of water if I am there for a long time. So don't weigh quite so often. You should not be worried about one day to the next but 1 week to the next.

    If you are just starting out 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks is pretty normal. There is less food in your system and less water attached to that food. So even a few days of going back to what you used to eat and this will come right back.

    Also find another form of testing or your goal of being healthier. Measurements, body fat content (some gyms can test this with a handheld device for free), how long you can hold a plank. Whatever it is.

    This is my 2nd month I have ate 2 hotdogs this past week but i'm trying not to eat unhealthy food I am going to just weigh myself 1 time a week i think I'm stressing weighing myself every morning lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hi so i have lost 10 pounds eating right I sometimes don't have time to exercise so i don't
    so mostly losing this 10 pounds was by eating right and eating around 1440 calories But I don't notice a Difference in the way i look so could this 10 pounds lost just be water weight?
    and when i Weigh myself The scale says now I'm 213 and then it will go up a pound
    and yesterday i was 215 so i'm confused on what i even weigh could i be losing that fast?
    I like to weigh myself every morning And i keep getting different numbers any Suggestions or advice?

    body weight isn't a static number and thus weight loss is not a linear function...you have to look at trends over time, not day to day weight...your day to day is going to fluctuate with things like water retention/release, more/less waste in your system, etc.

    if you're weighing in daily you really need to do some research on natural body weight fluctuations or you're going to go crazy.
  • michelleselmon
    michelleselmon Posts: 90 Member
    Bj0223 wrote: »
    You could have lost 10 pounds and just not see it. The weight comes off where it wants to not where you want it to or expect it to. I started around 215 too and it took losing 30 pounds before I dropped a size! It was frustrating because I was working so hard and no one noticed and either did I at first.

    Keep going and keep logging. There will always be small fluctuations on the scale. This is a slow process and very much worth it.

    Two years of logging and using this site I now weigh 155.

    I don't see where i lost the weight at all lol my husband has also lost over 12 pounds and I see it on him he looks smaller I'm trying not to compare though lol i just wish i could see where i lost at. Is a Scale Accurate? I started out at 223 and this is my 2nd month I have cheated and had 2 hotdogs but I haven't had anything else that's not healthy even after eating that the scale still said i lost so that's why i'm finding it hard to trust the scale lol but thanks for all your help :)
  • michelleselmon
    michelleselmon Posts: 90 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Hi so i have lost 10 pounds eating right I sometimes don't have time to exercise so i don't
    so mostly losing this 10 pounds was by eating right and eating around 1440 calories But I don't notice a Difference in the way i look so could this 10 pounds lost just be water weight?
    and when i Weigh myself The scale says now I'm 213 and then it will go up a pound
    and yesterday i was 215 so i'm confused on what i even weigh could i be losing that fast?
    I like to weigh myself every morning And i keep getting different numbers any Suggestions or advice?

    body weight isn't a static number and thus weight loss is not a linear function...you have to look at trends over time, not day to day weight...your day to day is going to fluctuate with things like water retention/release, more/less waste in your system, etc.

    if you're weighing in daily you really need to do some research on natural body weight fluctuations or you're going to go crazy.

    Thanks so much i am going to weigh in every week It really is driving me crazy lol
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I lost 10lbs a while back and I couldn't visibly 'see it' - Unfortunately, we can't choose where we loose fat from (If we could, I'd have the body of Angelina Jolie right now!) so really, we are going to lose wherever it decides to come from. I have been consistently taking my measurements and have noticed that each month, I have significantly lost inches - so I think it's best for you track this way too. The scales aren't always dead on!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? As far as the scale, are you weighing under the same conditions?
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    I like to weigh myself every morning

    If you like to weigh yourself every morning you basically have to use a trendline to see what's really happening or you'll drive yourself mad.

    I love to weigh every day and I use trendweight.com to make sense of what's going on. The diamonds are the weight values, and the trend shows me what's really happening.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Bj0223 wrote: »
    You could have lost 10 pounds and just not see it. The weight comes off where it wants to not where you want it to or expect it to. I started around 215 too and it took losing 30 pounds before I dropped a size! It was frustrating because I was working so hard and no one noticed and either did I at first.

    Keep going and keep logging. There will always be small fluctuations on the scale. This is a slow process and very much worth it.

    Two years of logging and using this site I now weigh 155.

    I don't see where i lost the weight at all lol my husband has also lost over 12 pounds and I see it on him he looks smaller I'm trying not to compare though lol i just wish i could see where i lost at. Is a Scale Accurate? I started out at 223 and this is my 2nd month I have cheated and had 2 hotdogs but I haven't had anything else that's not healthy even after eating that the scale still said i lost so that's why i'm finding it hard to trust the scale lol but thanks for all your help :)

    You keep saying healthy when talking about your foods, and are mentioning eating two hot dogs . well, weight loss comes down to cico. It makes no difference what you eat as far as weight loss is concerned. What matters is calories. ( for improved health, a well balanced diet is preferred but we're talking about weight loss ) so forget about what you ate when you had a treat , and worry about the calories ( for weight loss )

    As far as not seeing a difference yet, these things take time. 10 pounds would look like a lot lost on someone who is 110 lbs but sometimes not so much on someone who's larger. I started around your size, so I remember how frustrating it was.
    Worry about long term trends, not daily fluctuations. I can go up 8lbs sometimes, but I know its water weight and will go away. Our body weight can fluctuate for many reasons so its nothing to get upset over. Make a graph and watch the trends over months, not days.
    Some or most of your ten pound loss could've very well been water weight . but that's normal . just continue to eat at a deficit and you'll lose weight . use a food scale for everything you consume to be as accurate as possible.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Taking progress pictures once a month may also help. Sometimes it's hard to see any difference when we look in the mirror everyday.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    For people who are really overweight it takes a while to make a visible difference. It took me ( also being over 200 pounds at the time ) around six month and 20 pound loss or more before I noticed a small difference and now after having lost just under 30 kilos ( over 65 pounds ) some people are commenting.
  • dljones67
    dljones67 Posts: 88 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    Taking progress pictures once a month may also help. Sometimes it's hard to see any difference when we look in the mirror everyday.

    Great advice. I started this a month ago after reading other's posts & do it every 2 weeks. I can see where I've lost when comparing. Did front, side & back pics & did in under garments. Try to take in same positions for easier comparisons. Keep it up the good work, you can do it. :)
  • irishgal25
    irishgal25 Posts: 18 Member
    After a long obessive relationship with the scales I've come to the conclusion that HOW YOU FEEL is what matters. Don't let the number on the scales define you.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i started at 260. I am 188 now.

    I still dont see the difference in the mirror. i see it in my clothes, i see it in pictures, i see it in how I'm treated by strangers... but NOT in the mirror.

    as for the scale, place a 5 pound bag of flour (or other consistently weighted item) on it. if its right, the scale is accurate. if not, buy a new one.