Hi! I've started on 9/9 to lose 130 lbs.

Hello! As above in the title, i'm looking to lose 130lbs. I would REALLY like some support, and a few people to talk to. I am currently 5'8 and 260lbs :( Time to get down to 130!

I've done this multiple times and I have failed. I suffer from Binge Eating Disorder and I have been fighting through it as of 9/9 and it's been a roller coaster already. If you are willing to chat for encouragement, or anything, please let me know! I'm accepting friend requests always. :)

Have a great night!



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You can succeed this time. Take small steps one at a time. Read the sticky posts at the top of each forum. I don't have dcpeyoence with the ED but I've lost 105 in 15 mo on my way to -150.
  • tinger12
    tinger12 Posts: 62 Member
    You can do this. I started at 490 pounds on July 6th and am looking for a final goal of 190 pounds. I know this will take a couple years. Weight loss is a marathon for people who are looking to lose quite a bit. But you have made a decision to do it. Have confidence in yourself. I'm down 35 pounds in nine weeks.

    By the way, MFP is a great tool. Use it to help you on your journey.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome :]
    Congratulations on getting started - You've taken that first step and sometimes that step alone can be the hardest. You can do this.
  • destinyhope12345
    destinyhope12345 Posts: 67 Member
    you can add me as a friend if you like I also have bed
  • patharris2012
    patharris2012 Posts: 2 Member
    You can do this!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You've got this!
  • purpleprincess0422
    Thanks everyone for your support! I've been trying to keep busy to keep my mind off binging
  • Losinandmovin
    Losinandmovin Posts: 188 Member
    Hello! As above in the title, i'm looking to lose 130lbs. I would REALLY like some support, and a few people to talk to. I am currently 5'8 and 260lbs :( Time to get down to 130!

    I've done this multiple times and I have failed. I suffer from Binge Eating Disorder and I have been fighting through it as of 9/9 and it's been a roller coaster already. If you are willing to chat for encouragement, or anything, please let me know! I'm accepting friend requests always. :)

    Have a great night!


    Lets do this! I'm 5'7" 220#. No specific weight in mind, as I need to learn how much I can eat and what weight I can maintain for the rest of my life. We're a work in progress! ☺
  • Sassyk35
    Sassyk35 Posts: 113 Member
    5'2 269lbs started 9/4/15 I have binge issue too. Fighting it now I feel like I'm starving :/ I'm also an insomniac ugh so bad let's be friends
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Good for you! For what it's worth, I'm 5'9", 140, and a size 6. So, 130 might be on the low side for your goal. You may have less to lose than you think to be happy with your weight.