I get it????

Denziee Posts: 527 Member
ok, so heres the deal.... i'm getting bored of my DVDs.....I've got JM 30 DS and I can do it.... obviously I am knackered! but I can complete it although I hate level 3.

looking for something more challenging..... Insanity? I'm worried that I;m not fit enough and I'll get annoyed and give up on day 3! Its pricey.... do I buy??
Also I'd like to see some pics of women that have completed it? anyone out there that was not real slim and ripped to start with that can post some before and after pics?

advice needed!!!!

clare xx


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I've heard it's a pure cardio program, but I could be wrong.

    I bough Chalean Extreme off Ebay for $68 shipped and I love it, it's a weight and mild cardio program. You can even do a hybrid version of CHX and Insanity if you really wanted to kick your own *kitten*.
  • annette79h
    annette79h Posts: 20 Member
    I just orderd the Turbo Fire, waiting for it to come.... One way to look at it is: what's your health worth? if you're not paying a gym mem. than it can replace that? Or you can always ask your friends, I just post of facebook, and Im sure someone has it! You'd be surprised, and maybe they'll let you borrow it to see if you like it. Dont worry about not being strong enough, if you try hard enough you can do it! I didnt think i'd make it thru Jillian's Ripped in 30 when I started and now after finishing it, I feel so much stronger and ready to try more!! It takes a wk or so (i think) to get the moves/rythym of some workout dvds so just keep at it ;)
  • chaimtime
    chaimtime Posts: 18 Member
    I finished Insanity last year. I probably should have never started it because it is INTENSE (hence the insanity). I'm never going to say no, but be ready for a commitment. This isn't a "I'll skip today because I'm busy," but rather, sorry I can't do [insert activity] because I'm doing insanity.

    I actually wrote a post about this at my website. Instead of copy/pasting the whole article (very long), I'm linking it. I did it, it did hurt, it did kill me (figuratively), but I did come out stronger. You can read the review here:

    If you want the inspiration, you can read here: The guy is an average guy, my height/weight, and he did it. He details the daily struggles, much more so than I did. It kept me going knowing his pain was my pain.
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    I have Insanity and though I'm not ripped or fit (yet), I can still do it and I really enjoy it.

    I was doing it daily but got flu and then got sidetracked by 30DS (which I also love), but it's definitely doable and it's actually a lot of fun. If you have already been doing 30DS, then you should be able to give Insanity a go.

    I have 6 more days of 30DS left and then I will be going back to Insanity! Honestly, I know it sounds crazy, but I'm really really looking forward to it.
  • the1dynasty
    I started Insanity on Jan 6, 2011 and finished around March 16th... In total i lost 26lbs and i gained a tremendous amount of cardio... i improved nearly 250% on my Fit Test results in just the 63 days of the program... i highly recommend it to anyone...

    i have since followed it up with Insanity: The Asylum and now i'm doing a hybrid of Asylum/Insanity... now i'm down nearly 40lbs since starting and almost 10% body fat gone...

    like others mentioned, u have to be really committed to the program... i literally had to force myself to do Insanity for the first 2-3 weeks... after that, my results were motivation enough to continue!! good luck with what you do...

    btw, i'm mid-20's male... i can post pics if ya want me to? :))
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    yes please post pics!!!

    thanks for your advice everyone..... and i'm not adverse to a pure cardio program... should i be?
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    I just orderd the Turbo Fire, waiting for it to come.... One way to look at it is: what's your health worth? if you're not paying a gym mem. than it can replace that? Or you can always ask your friends, I just post of facebook, and Im sure someone has it! You'd be surprised, and maybe they'll let you borrow it to see if you like it. Dont worry about not being strong enough, if you try hard enough you can do it! I didnt think i'd make it thru Jillian's Ripped in 30 when I started and now after finishing it, I feel so much stronger and ready to try more!! It takes a wk or so (i think) to get the moves/rythym of some workout dvds so just keep at it ;)

    this is exactly what i did and nobody has it!!! darn! x
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    I started Insanity with about 35 lbs to lose. I can't do all the exercises, but even the people in the video can't do all the exercises without needing extra breaks. It's a super intense workout, but as long as you keep pushing yourself, you will absolutely see results. It's a big investment, but it's definitely worth it!! :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My first time doing Insanity was last summer. I was 235 pounds. Since then I've been doing a hybrid of P90X and Insanity with my husband. We just completed our first week of straight 63 days of Insanity and I'm currently at 208 lbs. I am not great with cardio, but Insanity has improved my endurance. Feel free to look at the pics on my profile page. Insanity helped me see my obliques, i never saw them before.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I highly recommend Insanity! I'm not going to lie, it's extremely challenging! But it's also a lot of fun! I really like this program. And Shaun T is a great trainer, he really drives you to dig deeper then you've ever gone. And the great thing about Insanity is it starts you off "easy" and works it way into harder and more intense workout's during the 2nd month. And really like any workout you do what you can. You push yourself to the edge. Then take a rest if need be. That is the only way you will improve no matter what you do. If you eat right and stick with it, you will see reults! And the best part about ordering through or a beachbody coach is you have 30 days to decide if you like it And you get a free T shirt and bonus DVD called fast and furious.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask or send a friend request
  • the1dynasty
    i'm having trouble uploading my pics... so here's a link to my results video on youtube... keep in mind that these are just my results from 63 days of Insanity and a not so great diet lol
  • rcatherineperkins
    I just ordered Insanity recently. I first started with the P90X program and I really wasn't in shape. During the first phase I had to alternate a lot of the moves but soon you become strong enough to do them. (I'm sure it's the same with Insanity) You'll do awesome! :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just ordered Insanity recently. I first started with the P90X program and I really wasn't in shape. During the first phase I had to alternate a lot of the moves but soon you become strong enough to do them. (I'm sure it's the same with Insanity) You'll do awesome! :)

    I was the same way! Now I can't even do PlyoX because it's way to easy.
  • rcatherineperkins
    I can't wait!! I've heard all the cardio in Insanity makes Plyo X a cakewalk. I'm so excited for the read ahead! That's awesome that you're kicking butt!! :)
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    ok I am convinced!!!

    I've also managed to get my boyf to agree to pay half towards it!! yay! will purchase in Augusts pay packet once I've paid for holiday in July!

    Excited! x
  • annette79h
    annette79h Posts: 20 Member
    also, when you order from alot of times they offer payment plans! that how I got my Turbo Fire, $20 a month for 6 months, which is the main reason I went ahead & ordered cuz how can you pass that up?