Positive Mind Set

Hi Everyone,
I've tried to diet before but it's really been on and off, something I didn't take very seriously. I went to my doctor a week ago and I had to weigh myself and I weighed 70kgs/154 pounds, and it was a bit of a shock to me, I hadn't even realized so much weight had crept up on my body. It made me realize how much of a bad lifestyle I was living, I'm 19 at the moment and I knew I had to change something now. So this time I'm extremely determined something I didn't have the dozens of time I tried to diet before. I'm really trying to keep a positive mind set and my goal is to reach 55kgs/121 pounds by March next year. So if there are any of you who would like to support me or like some support themselves feel free to add me.
Thanks Guys! :smile:


  • scm1818
    scm1818 Posts: 10 Member
    Check out my motivation to loose the weight. Took me a year.
  • Abstermac
    Abstermac Posts: 2 Member
    The golden rule I stick by when it comes to wanting to make a serious change is completely changing your frame of mind. Changing your diet will follow.
    The most important thing you can do is instead of viewing the next few months as you going 'on a diet' make sure you go through the process of seeing this as a complete lifestyle change, one you intend to develop to make sure you can continue it for months perhaps years. Change your life by changing your attitude towards food.

    Food is fuel. You wouldn't give a petrol car diesel so see your food as petrol for your body. You want to put in things that will give you optimum performance.

    You can do it and when you start to feel and see results you won't ever want to go back.

    Fall in love with clean eating and the rest will just follow!

    A huge good luck & well done for even deciding this is what you want for yourself.

  • Jessicatii1990
    Jessicatii1990 Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck!! :smiley: