Help! Gained back weight previously lost!!!

I lost weight and got fit and healthier in 2011 and kept most of it up for almost 4 yrs. I'm back where I started :(
I've tried to get motivated but there seems to always be an excuse. I thought I might get some motivation here as I can't seem to keep on the straight and narrow for more than a few days before hitting the sweets and carbs. What do you tell yourself when you know what to do but aren't doing it. (And the clothes aren't fitting!). Thanks.


  • CatWhispererrrr
    CatWhispererrrr Posts: 28 Member
    I just made a very similar post. I'm the same boat and also need some tips and help to get motivated. It seems a lot harder this time around than it did initially
  • shoileyr
    shoileyr Posts: 11 Member
    That is so true that it's harder. It's almost like you think you know it all, so you don't try as hard?
  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    I love looking at success stories. I have like an archive of inspirational before and afters on my pinterest and even here is easy to see people pics. It just is a great motivation for myself. I try to think how different I will feel in a couple months time. Never wait for the "right time" to start. Don't think 'well I ate a lot today so I will keep stuffing my face today and start my diet tomorrow'. No. Start your diet immediately even if you have eaten a lot today. Just start logging the rest of your meals and continue through it without any breaks.

    Although working out is also kinda a dread... I feel incredible afterwards. There are apps like Couch to 5K which builds up your endurance overtime through scheduled intervals when you should walk and jog so you don't have to feel that "out of shape" feeling your first week or so of working out.

    I would also keep pants in the front of my closet that are of a smaller size and keep that as a reminder that some day I will fit into them. Maybe an old favorite pair of jeans should work. I keep scheduled reminders on my phone as well to log for the next day right before I go to bed. I love logging my entire day the night before because that way I know I won't overeat at breakfast and have to compensate for a smaller lunch or dinner. I avoid snacks at all cost too because it just encourages me to break my diet. And this is all just a way to get back into the swing of things... after a couple weeks you will get into the habit and not even realize that you're logging your food and "dieting".

    Oh, and throw away all your junk food now. Do not let it sit in your house. Give it to a family member or just toss it. It won't be a major waste of money and you will be glad not to have those temptations when you just get rid of it all together. But just remember... Start right now. You don't need it to be a new day to get started.
  • shoileyr
    shoileyr Posts: 11 Member
    I love the "pant" motivation. I call them "incentive clothes" when they are just that one size too small and if they are ver cute it helps.

    Junk food in the house is a major problem with 2 active teenagers in the house who can eat whatever they want. Yes. We should all be eating healthy but they can afford the treats more than me. maybe a lock? :)
  • shoileyr
    shoileyr Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the ideas!