Hey everyone

Im Bailey ill be 28 next month. Im pretty new to this.. ive had the app and played around with a few features, but im really wanting to get in shape losing 50ish lbs. Everytime ive tried to diet and exercise it never works for me.


  • Serenajeans
    Serenajeans Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Bailey, welcome to the my fitness community! you will find a lot of wonderful people on here to help and support you. You can do this!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Ask yourself why it hasn't worked for you in the past. Was it too restrictive? Were you lacking support? Was your goal not as important as it is now? Once you find out what made you 'fail' in the past, you won't make the same mistake this time. You can do this. Good luck :]