Do you see a difference ? Please

Hi guys I am losing so much hope right now. I started my weightloss journey August 27,2015 and it's almost been 4 weeks. I do HIIT on the thread mill 6x a week and eat clean. The scale says I lost around 7 pounds. 185-177.3 sometimes it 178. I don't see any difference. How come ? Do you see any difference ? x2emnhnnorhm.jpg


  • Crackertime
    Crackertime Posts: 23 Member
    I can tell in the front especially. Please learn from my mistakes. 1.) The scale goes up and down, especially as a women. Keep doing what you are doing. 2.) Weigh yourself the same day and time weekly. 3.) Measure yourself once a month. 4.) Log everything down. It's so easy to get discouraged. You are doing this for you!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited September 2015
    I may see the tiniest of difference but weight loss is like peeling an onion. So 7 pounds is not a whole lot. Keep doing what you are doing, You've got to keep plugging away :)
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 203 Member
    If you measure your waist and hips and under your boobs, every so often you'll see a difference and be able to record it on here. You can set it up in settings.
  • eshnna
    eshnna Posts: 109 Member
    I see the difference! Your shorts on the first pic are tight and they seem to be a little bit loose on the second.
    In my pictures, for example, I have noticed the most difference in my back fat, the rolls are no longer there! So maybe try taking pics at different angles :smile:
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Yes. Some stomach and leg difference
  • mamabearbartlett
    mamabearbartlett Posts: 17 Member
    Remember that you didn't gain the wait in a day, dont expect to lose it in a day. Look at it as you are 7 lbs lighter then you were 4 weeks ago. You are doing a great job. Keep going.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have lost 9 pounds in 3 months and see little difference. But my shirt and pants are looser. My body measurements show that I'm losing fat. Start doing the measurements and hang in there. You've just started a long journey and your body will reward you. Give it time.
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Yup. Definitely a loss. Look at the fit of your shorts on your legs :-)
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    Your are doing great! Keep it up - 7 lbs is huge. You might not see a difference but I'm sure your clothes are fitting better.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Keep up the great work.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Four weeks is hardly any time at all, and 7lbs in that time is great! It's a marathon, not a sprint. You won't lose it all in a couple of months - it takes time. The first lbs won't make too much of a difference in terms of what you look like, but the more you lose the more obvious it will be! I didn't look any different until I'd lost 20lbs, but I was starting at 211lbs. I can see a difference in your stomach area. Keep up the great work!
  • StefRamsay
    StefRamsay Posts: 1 Member
    I can definitely see a difference. I'm not sure if it is because you're twisted to take the picture in the first picture and not the second, but I can see where some of the bulge has gone down. Be proud of yourself! 7 pounds might not seem like a lot but it is an accomplishment! I have been trying to lose weight for a while and I'm not even seeing a 7 pound result, so pat yourself on the back and keep at it :)
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    It wasn't until I lost about 20 lbs before anyone noticed. My husband lost 25 and most people still dont notice. 7 lbs is significant. Keep it up and dont will happen
  • auamare
    auamare Posts: 13 Member
    I don't think the body loses weight only from a certain place so it is normal for you to not see drastic results in 4 weeks (if you do then that is amazing)
  • momar23
    momar23 Posts: 292 Member
    4 weeks and 7lbs is great work, but tbh I didn't really notice a difference in the way I looked until I hit about 15lbs. Clothes felt different by 10, but otherwise not much of a change. Most others didn't start noticing til I hit 20. Give it time and be patient. I'm down just over 40 since January and some days I look in the mirror and don't really see it, then I look at a January picture and realize the change is significant.
  • FitRoberta
    FitRoberta Posts: 73 Member
    Hang in there, and you will see a difference. You are on the right track if you have lost 7 lbs. in 4 weeks, but it does take some time to see results. I was SO frustrated the first 4 weeks of my weight loss, feeling like I was working so hard and not seeing any progress. Then it got easier because I noticed changes, but it did take longer than 4 weeks.
  • Adam_NeverGiveup
    Adam_NeverGiveup Posts: 35 Member
    Scales only tell part of the story , like many others have posted

    7 pounds is great , keep up the good work.

    Be patient and dont be discouraged by what the scale says
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Your photos make it hard to really see. The first one is pretty dark.
    Keep in mind that weight comes off all over. You will see a difference in your face, arms, neck, stomach, legs, etc. Your pics only capture a small portion of this and only one angle.
    Keep it up. You are making progress. You will be able to see it eventually.
  • Jillish23
    Jillish23 Posts: 226 Member
    edited September 2015
    Just to add to the comments above, another MFPer explained fat loss well in another thread. Think of the fat as being like butter spread over your body; it can be coming off of lots of places but you may not see it immediately. Progress photos and trying on trousers that have maybe been a bit tight are a good indicator too. Keep up the great work. :) x
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Of coarse! You can see it in your stomach the most!

    Keep up the good work. Some times our minds play tricks on us, it often takes a while for our minds to catch up with our bodies (,others see it but we can't ) so keep up the good work!!
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