September 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • catjan
    catjan Posts: 106 Member
    Failing miserably.... Friend requests please if you can help...
  • madcat444
    madcat444 Posts: 38 Member
    Name: Fiona
    Height: 157cm

    Start Weight (1st September): 60.7kg
    Goal Weight (1st October):62kg

    1st September: 60.7kg
    8th September: 60.8kg
    13th September: 59.7kg
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.1kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1kg

    Successes/struggles this week: Weighed in yesterday as I left for Italy and will have no chance to weigh in again till the end of the month. Hopefully won't do my usual and hurl myself off the wagon at lightning speed! I'll try and be sensible albeit while enjoying myself and hopefully won't gain too much :blush:

  • dispears1202
    dispears1202 Posts: 9 Member
    Name: Diana
    Age: 40
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (28th August): 204
    Goal Weight (1st October): 190

    1st September: 203.4
    7th September: 203.8
    15th September:
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: + .04
    Weight lost/gained this month: + .04

    Successes/struggles this week: no exercise last week but I did reduce my intake. I was curious to see what the scale would do. Now I know. Going to ramp up activity this week!
  • KellzNew92
    KellzNew92 Posts: 214 Member
    edited September 2015
    Name: Kelly-Ann
    Age: 23
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start weight ( Sept. 1): 224
    Goal Weight (Oct. 1): 217

    1st September: 224.0
    7th September: 227.9
    14th September: 224.0
    21st September:
    28th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gain this week: -3.9
    Weight lost/gain this month: 0

    Successes/struggles this week: my hard work has paid off this week, may still be sitting at zero but lost all the weight i gained on holiday! yay
    Struggling to get 'back on the wagon:
  • KellzNew92
    KellzNew92 Posts: 214 Member
    edited September 2015
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member

    Name: Fidan
    Age: 29
    Height: 171cm

    August challenge total weight lost: 5kgs

    Start Weight (1st September): 96.5kg
    Goal Weight (1st October): 93.5kgs

    1st September:96.5kgs
    7th September:97.1kgs
    14th September:96.3kgs
    21st September:
    28th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.8kg
    Weight lost/gained this month:-0.2kg

    Successes/struggles this week:
    •I've lost the gain from last week plus a little more. I feel very neutral about this weeks loss. I dunno...

    • I've done no specific exercise this week due to illness. I still kept below my calorie goal.

    • my daughter is officially starting nursey so I plan to walk there and back. Hoping to clock in some steps that way.
  • MSMomNurse
    MSMomNurse Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Desu
    Age: 33
    Height: 5' 6"

    Start Weight (1st September): 251.4
    Goal Weight (1st October): 246?

    1st September: 251.4
    8th September: 250.0
    15th September: 246.6
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3.4
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 4.8

    Successes/struggles this week: Was sick one day, so the weight kinda dropped off. Also, no breaks at work lead to some serious eating after a 13 hour shift.
  • markburnett70
    markburnett70 Posts: 66 Member
    Name: Mark
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'9"

    Start Weight (1st September): 195
    Goal Weight (1st October):190

    1st September:195
    8th September:196
    14th September:190
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week:6lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month:5lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Well, I'm happy with that, I haven't tipped the scale at 190 in several years. My goal is 170lbs so I'm going to keep going, trying to just stay on a steady course and not get too obsessed with one thing, or too caught up in too many things, PT on my shoulder is priority one, and losing weight in a sustainable long term way is second. This calorie counter ap is great though :)
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Name: Sherry
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'10"

    Start Weight (1st September):191.4
    Goal Weight (1st October): 184

    1st September: 191.4
    8th September: 190.5
    15th September: 189.1
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week:-1.4
    Weight lost/gained this month:-2.3

    Successes/struggles this week: I don't even know what to say...I thought for sure I would have gained something last week. Maybe I did better than I thought.

  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member

    Start Weight (1st September):126.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st October):120 lbs

    1st September:126.2 lbs
    7th September: 124.8 lbs
    14th September: 124 lbs

    Weight lost this week: -0.8 lbs
    Weight lost this month: -2.2 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: I've come to love cycling as my primary exercise for weightloss in recent months. Weather's great, haven't been to the gym and thinking of cancelling. Need to find an alternative exercise for when the weather isn't as great. I hate running and working out to dvds and online videos. Need to find another daily activity that I'll love doing without requiring too much will power and motivation. I love hiking but can only do that 2x/week.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Name: Joan
    Age: 64
    Height: 5'11"

    Start Weight (1st September): 206
    Goal Weight (1st October): 199.0

    1st September: 206.2
    8th September: 202.8
    15th September: 205.8
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 3.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: +3

    Successes/struggles this week: Did really well the first 3 days, and then we got a ice cream buster bar. Why is it, that when I eat something I should not eat, it puts me on a distructive path. The rest of the week went downhill. I am a "all or nothing" dieter I think, and somehow, I have to change this mindset of being "off" or "on" a diet, but I just have been unable to so far. But this is a new week, and going to try and avoid all sugar this week.
  • marinadanielle
    marinadanielle Posts: 127 Member
    Name: Marina
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st September): 187.8
    Goal Weight (30th September): 182.8

    1st September: 187.8
    7th September: 185.8
    14th September: 183.4
    21st September:
    28th September:
    30th September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.4
    Weight lost/gained this month: -4.4

    Successes/struggles this week: Wooooooo! I think this is the most I've ever dropped in a week! Granted, I think part of the loss is dehydration from drinking on football Sunday yesterday, so we'll see how it looks next week!
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    Start Weight (1st September): 268 (Aug 31st weigh in)
    Goal Weight (1st October): 258

    31st August: 268
    6th September: 264
    14th September: 261
    21st September:
    28th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 3
    Weight lost/gained this month: 7 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Success: Went to a Seafood festival and was very good!!
    Struggle this week: missing my love that is currently in florida on vacation and I am fighting just curling up and eating cake/ice cream!

    NSV: Went for a 1.6 mile walk on sunday and didn't feel like i was gonna die!!
  • markburnett70
    markburnett70 Posts: 66 Member

    Start Weight (1st September):126.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st October):120 lbs

    1st September:126.2 lbs
    7th September: 124.8 lbs
    14th September: 124 lbs

    Weight lost this week: -0.8 lbs
    Weight lost this month: -2.2 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: I've come to love cycling as my primary exercise for weightloss in recent months. Weather's great, haven't been to the gym and thinking of cancelling. Need to find an alternative exercise for when the weather isn't as great. I hate running and working out to dvds and online videos. Need to find another daily activity that I'll love doing without requiring too much will power and motivation. I love hiking but can only do that 2x/week.

    A lot of bikers ski cross country through the winter months, I love it. If you don't get the snow to ski on you might be able to keep riding if you invest in some clothes, it's not as hard to stay warm on a bike as it seems. I ride into Nov in nh when the snow and ice send me to skis.

  • cmv2003
    cmv2003 Posts: 52 Member
    Name:cmv2003 Age:41

    Start Weight (1st September):170.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st October):162.5 lbs

    1st September:170.2 lbs
    7th September: 168.2 lbs
    14th September: 166.5 lbs
    21st September:
    28th September:
    5th October:

    Weight lost this week: -1.7 lbs
    Weight lost this month: -3.7 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Have been away for the weekend for a family party- v pleased to have managed my eating/ drinking better than I expected.
    Still not managing to find time to do much more formal exercise, although have been better at walking more in general.
    Realising that I am not managing to get enough protein in every day.
  • thetigers
    thetigers Posts: 111 Member
    Name: grrrrrrr roar grrr
    Height: 5ft 0"

    Start Weight (1st September): 11st 5lb (159lb)
    Goal Weight (1st October): 11st 0lb (154lb)

    1 September: 159
    8 September: 157
    15 September: 156
    22 September:
    29 September:
    1 October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1lb

    Successes/struggles this week: I know it's just a pound but it's the most progress I've made in about 10 wks & my thighs are a tad thinner - brilliant!
  • olsalt
    olsalt Posts: 52 Member

    Name: Dan
    Age: 68
    Height: 6ft

    Start Weight (1st September): 206 lbs (93.44 kgs)
    Goal Weight (1st October): 198 lbs (89.81)
    Final Goal Weight: 170 lbs (77.11 kgs)

    1st September: 206 lbs (93.44 kgs)
    8th September: 203 lbs (92 kgs)
    14th September: 199 lbs (90.2 kgs)
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -4lbs (1.36 kgs)
    Weight lost/gained this month: -7lbs (3.2 kgs)

    Successes/struggles this week:
    Week 1: Good week. Still walking about 8+ miles a day plus calorie deficit works well for me. I don't eat my exercise calories either and that helps as well. I would like to see Onederland by the end of next weigh in. Haven't been there in a long time, 20 years or more probably.

    Week 2: Did it! Finally made Onederland this week. Next week will be difficult with an out of town visitor and travel also. Haven't done any traveling in quite some time so I anticipate it may be difficult to stick to my somewhat rigid eating and exercise regime. I will see but will do my best and still have fun.

  • sunnynaee
    sunnynaee Posts: 18 Member

    Here we go!!!!

    Name: Sunnynaee
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st September): 197lbs
    Goal Weight (1st October): 190 lbs (crossing fingers )

    1st September: 197 lbs
    8th September:194.4
    15th September:193.6
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.8
    Weight lost/gained this month: -3.4

    Successes/struggles this week: Less of a success and more of a miracle that I haven't gained this week despite my poor choice of foods ....
    I am struggling with my love affair with sweets......
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Name: BlackPup
    Height: 168cm

    Start Weight (1st September): 89.2kg
    Goal Weight (1st October):85kg

    1st September: 89.2kg
    8th September:87.9kg
    15th September:86.0kg
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week:-1.9kg
    Weight lost/gained this month:-3.2kg

    Successes/struggles this week:
    Worked really hard at the gym.
  • Louz163
    Louz163 Posts: 243 Member
    Name: Laura
    Age: 27
    Height: 5ft 7

    Start Weight (1st September):157
    Goal Weight (1st October):150

    1st September: 157
    8th September: 155
    15th September: 153
    22nd September:
    29th September:
    1st October:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 2lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: 4lbs