Ok This Time I Mean It.

I've used MyFitness Pal in the past but never took advantage of the community/friends, my weight loss journey was very personal and private. That didn't work. I'm tired of trying and failing only to tell myself this Monday will be different. This time I mean it. I'm not waiting until Monday, I'm starting now, every meal and every choice to exercise will be to improve the way I look and feel and help to show everyone I can do it. I'm doing this for me and my family. I deleted my old account so I can start fresh. No more guessing at the entries, NO MORE. I plan on using the notes, community options, friends and maybe even blogging about my journey so I can identify patterns that help and stop those that are hindering my progress. I'm committing to this journey, this lifestyle and writing this now is my testament to that.

My reasons for change
My family
To be comfortable in a bathing suit
To do and go wherever because I'm happy with me
To not be jealous of every skinny person but to be one of them
So I can buy cute outfits and not be ashamed of the size I have to buy

Current Stats:
Weight 185
Size 12, Large

Goal Stats
Weight 135-145
Size single digits, Medium

I can do this!!!


  • Nogalokey
    Nogalokey Posts: 2 Member
    Idk about others but I find Shia Leboufs motivation video to be one of the best.. Look it up if you haven't seen it already. Tired of starting over? STOP. GIVING. UP.

    JUST DO IT!!

    When you put your head under water and you stay under for so long that you desperately resurface for air.. To breathe. You want to reach your goals? You must want them as much as you want to breathe!

    Make it run through your blood.. Make it run through your mind.. Just do it. Make it happen. Make goals.. You want a new tattoo and want to be sexy wearing it? Want to look good in that bikini? Goodluck friend
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    We have the same goals. I have lost 78 pounds so far,and currently 186.Looking towards 135. Add me!
  • Nogalokey
    Nogalokey Posts: 2 Member
    Also one more great idea.. Go on youtube and type "female body transformations". If that doesn't slap you in the face....
  • morita153
    morita153 Posts: 5 Member
    We are about the same. I find if I try to hard e.g not enough calories then I get to hungry and end up binging then I think oh well might as well give up! Well this time I'm going to be more patient and eat the correct amount of food that way I hope it won't be so challenging for me. Good luck on your journey x
  • VioletHaz
    VioletHaz Posts: 44 Member
    I keep stopping too but I am ok with the fact that I keep starting again :smile: . If I stay committed I could be at my goal in just a few months relatively. So that is what I keep telling myself this time. Stick with it so that when we get to maintenance we can indulge a little.
    But if that schedule gets crazy again with the family and stress gets the better of me I have to accept that and start again.
    Do your best to stick with it! Because goal could be met by spring and you would feel fabulous!
  • blondie1594
    blondie1594 Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you! I've been yo-yoing for the past 7 years, but I've really buckled down hard the last 4 months and I've lost 12 lbs that I have no intention of gaining back again ~ EVER! It's all about making small, sustainable changes that you build on. At least that is what works for me. My diary is public, so feel free to pillage my diary and see what I've been doing - for better or for worse :D Friend me!!!