New and don't want to fail this time!

I've been over weight for a very long time and it's slowly getting worse. I been emotionally eating for most of my life to deal with stress and not even noticing. I tried a few times to approach my health better but not hard enough or I gave up easily. I also kept making excuses or thinking "I can loose weight at anytime!" That only works if you are doing it at that time! I hate to admit it but I realize now I've been making excuses for 8 years now.

I'm starting to feel sluggish, don't have a ton of energy, back pain and short of breath easier and I'm only 27... I know I shouldn't feel this terrible :(

It's all a wake up call. I am not my best self but I deserve to be.

I am disappointed I let myself go this far and ignored the issues, or thought it wasn't that bad, but worst of all ignored my health. I can't afford to not care anymore. I can't keep falling off the wagon. I know I can do this! I am a little scared- the fear is not succeeding, but I'm going to try harder then I ever did and any moment of weakness I plan to get back up again dammit!!! The reason I write this is to be honest with myself. To hold myself accountable. It's finally time to change my life for the better.

I would love friends and support! I hope this app can assist me in a lot of ways.
I am 298 lbs.. I need to loose 100 to be healthy again. I'm starting my journey now! I hope to support your journey to!


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome :]

    First of all - whenever you feel like you are struggling with the process, read this post back to yourself. Let this be your motivation to change into a happier, healthier you. Second of all, please don't beat yourself up about this. These things happen - you're a human being. Weight fluctuates. Life happens. You're aware of it and are intent to put old habits to bed and that is all that matters now. Keep your head high, stay positive and believe in yourself and I promise you, this won't seem so daunting. You can and will lose the weight, I promise you that. We'll help you here. Best of luck and keep smiling like you are in your photo!
  • Reggie_Lynnjjj
    Reggie_Lynnjjj Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!!!! So sweet and wonderful advice!
  • blondie1594
    blondie1594 Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you!!!! I've been on a yo-yo pattern for the past 7 years, and I've recently buckled down in the last 4 months and have 12 lbs gone as a result! Feel free to friend me; my diary is public and I'm not always perfect ~ but I like to think I'm a work in progress, so there's always room for improvement. I know you can do this!!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Failure comes down to just about 2 things...................lack of commitment and lack of consistency. You have those two mastered, and there's really no way to fail.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • jimmyunkle
    jimmyunkle Posts: 53 Member
    You got the first part done, realizing the problem..if you want help on the rest of your journey feel free to add me as a friend
  • gymth0ttie
    gymth0ttie Posts: 51 Member
    One thing I've learned about turning to food when I'm stressed, is don't keep junk around your house! Stop buying sugary and greasy foods and there will be less temptation there. Also I work in a mall so there's tons of food, so I pack my lunch every day to avoid picking up things that are bad for me on my break.