I need friends..........

miladie Posts: 2 Member

I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to be friends. I really need some people to help me. I don't have much of a support system here at home. I have so much weight to loose that sometimes I feel like it is impossible. After having 3 c-sections and almost loosing my last child , along with my own life it has been emotionally hard. I am 37 yrs and am so badly wanting to loose ALL my baby weight! Anyway, just need more motivation. Also, does anyone have any insight on the Bodybugg or the Bodymedia Gowear fit armbands?




  • chris101002
    Hi there :) I can totally understand about the c-sections. I have had 4 and one was serious as well. I have not lost the weight at all and I have finally gotten tired of bring Fat. A friend of mine joined this site and suggested I do as well. I am also in need of support :)
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member

    I've had 4 c-sections myself and the last one really screwed me up. But I'm here as proof that you can do it! You ladies are more than welcome to friend me!

  • katelynskye04
    katelynskye04 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new to the site as well and I saw your post. I'm sorry to hear you had a difficult time with your c-sections. I am a mother of three...and my second was a c-section, so I do know how hard it is recovering from one not only physically but emotionally as well. With my third child I was scared to have another c-section so I did a home-birth. Baby is 9 months old. I joined this site to try and take better care of myself. I do not make time for me anymore and that needs to change. It's a lot of work being moms and we deserve it to ourselves. Lets do this ladies! :)
  • GeekMomma42
    Hey Miadie - I hear ya. This whole thing is daunting. When I started, I felt overwhelmed, but you can do this! You are tougher and stronger than you think. You're a mom, so you definitely are tough! This journey is hard, but will be totally worth it!

    I'm a mom of 2 (girls 4 & 7). My pregnancies were hard, and I developed all kinds of emotional eating habits ... out of control eating habits. I had little real support at home, then, at my lowest point, I found this site. I joined, found great friends, read great stories of success, got good recipes, honestly talked about my problems/habits, and learned to use the tools to help me. What I found was that I could do this. I just needed to stay strong, think creatively, push myself, find support from people who don't judge, and work towards a better me. I've stumbled a few times, but the support from MFP friends has been key for me to get back up move forward. You can do it too. If you would like another mom in your corner to cheer you on, add me.