Living with IBS? Success with IBS?



  • tlscroggins77
    tlscroggins77 Posts: 14 Member
    RobynLB83 wrote: »
    I have IBS. It's the worst! I did a full elimination diet to determine my triggers (eat nothing but plain rice and plain chicken for 2 days or so until all symptoms go away then reintroduce fodmaps foods one per day to determine tolerance). Once you determine what you can eat without symptoms you will gain a lot of peace of mind. It's tedious and disappointing, but it's worth it not to live in constant pain and fear of eating.
    I did the same thing! NOTHING but rice and chicken for a few days. It was the best thing I have ever done for my IBS. Introducing fodmapss to my diet slowly helped me realize some of my favorite foods were triggering my IBS. Bye bye popcorn and peaches.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    A long time ago I was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis and IBS.....I feel for everyone on here as this condition has such a awfully profound effect upon you even being able to function.

    For me going gluten free helped, my Doctor recommended this and while there isn't any consensus amongst Professionals about whether it can help or not it certainly did for me.

    This all happened years prior to the FODMAP idea - An elimination diet can certainly give you grounding in what your triggers are. Like others have said I tried Probiotics but found them to be of little help and the research behind their actual effectiveness due to the action of stomach acids upon them makes taking them to be highly questionable but....different strokes for different folks.

    Since then I have discovered my triggers (and yes I still suffer with the odd attack if I am not careful with monitoring my foods - all the time) normal cows milk (have lactose free in the few coffees I have and it's a very small amount at that, Coffee - too many cups of my once fav. brew are deadly. Oranges, some nightshade veg. particularly potato. I avoid corn and rice like the plague as these too cause issues.

    One thing I do notice is that aged cheeses as someone else mentioned are fine as is Yoghurt....although store bought is NOT good for me and we have resorted to making our own Greek Yoghurt which is very easy to do and tastes wonderful.

    All the best.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,910 Member
    My mom's IBS is under control these days. Stress was a big contributor, and a chronic issue that was causing stress has since been resolved. She does yoga and gets lots and lots of exercise.

    I don't remember all the foods things she did, but she did avoid a lot of foods at one point and slowly brought them back in. Softer bread was easier for her than less processed bread.

    One thing that was key for her was eating her insoluble fiber foods like salad at the end of the meal, after she'd consumed some soluble fiber. See

    Heather's Tummy Fiber (acacia senegal powder) helped her as well. I think that's the only part of her IBS regimen that she still does.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    I have had IBS since I was13. It took me several years to figure out most triggers. As I get older, I noticed that my triggers have changed. I can no longer tolerate heavy cream. Thus is a new trigger. Fat free milk is fine- I can't tolerate yogurt, not even greek. Fried foods and greasy meats are also a trigger. Anxiety is a trigger. I always get travel anxiety. I don't know about you but I hate using public restrooms. There is also nothing worse than being in a car on a long trip on a highway with no near rest stops during an attack. I always have toilet paper in the car- before ant long trips I avoid trigger foods most certainly as well as take Imodium that was made to assist with ibs symptoms.

    Good luck.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member

    YES and YES!!!

    To the above 2 posters I totally forgot about stress making IBS so much worse......I have found along with food changes meditation and mindfulness to be very helpful in calming my tummy and gut down. Try to lowel your overall daily stress as well....easier said than done I know. ;)

    Changing food issues have been a highlight of my journey "think" you have it licked and then Bam!!! out of the blue another food will start to cause you problems where there had been no issue before.

    Have often wondered whether that might be due to diet limitations putting you body under pressure from eating a diet that has less variety.
  • 4987hamm
    4987hamm Posts: 23 Member
    edited September 2015
    Oh I totally believe stress to be a trigger. I've been working to get yoga back into my life. Just need to find a class my (4yr old) daughter can participate in, too. She's been bugging me since she had a few classes at school early this year. It would he good for her, too (I believe I've passed on my anxiety to her-yikes!).
    Thank you all so much for your input. I'm getting my shopping list and recipes together for beginning the FODMAP this weekend. Hopefully I can get this all sorted out and get bsck to living!
  • Lady_Lyrico
    Lady_Lyrico Posts: 35 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm currently in the elimination phase of the low FODMAP plan. I've been following it for 6 weeks and have another 2 to go before I reintroduce the food groups to find out what my triggers are. For five weeks I was pain free but for the last week I have been suffering pain and constipation, which I am really annoyed about because I haven't been eating anything outside the plan. Anyway, it is possible mine is stress related. I will continue with the next two weeks and start to reintroduce the various food groups. What I have learned is that IBS covers a whole range of symptoms, and what might be right for one person may not work for another.
    I wish you luck with finding out what your triggers are. [edited by mfp moderator]
  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    I've suffered with IBS for 4 yrs now. I ended up in chronic pain where I couldn't do anything. I was off sick from work, in and out of hospital to have scans, colonoscopies which put me in even more pain. Eventually after 6 months of tests and being on tramadol it came down to IBS. I've had to change career as the flare ups were so bad I couldn't nurse anymore, so had to move to a desk job where I can attempt to cope with the pain whilst working.

    I got an intolerance test done after I was diagnosed, it revealed I was lactose intolerant, wheat intolerant and gluten intolerant and also little other things that triggered. I cut all of this out and ate what I could that was left and then re-introduced things back in slowly to find out what was a trigger and what I could cope with and what didn't harm me at all.

    I can have greek yoghurt but I can't have any other lactose sources - lactofree milk is great!! Bread is a trigger for me (White or brown) so I tend to keep away from that, and there were a few others too.

    I was recommended fybogel which is an orange flavour powder you mix with water. I have this on a night and it seems to releave the pain and any constipation. I also got diagnosed with having haemorrhoids at the same time which this also helps.

    The intolerance test was the best thing for me as I realised what was really triggering my pain and now I live a pretty normal life, I still get triggers now and again but it is down to a couple of times a year. I manage to run twice a week, go to the gym and weight lift 3 times a week and do yoga on my days off. :)

    Hope you find what works for you and manage to stabilise it :)
  • spilledmilk
    spilledmilk Posts: 83 Member
    Didn't read any of the above comments, so what I do may have already been discussed.
    I've had IBS-D for 11 years now. It's fairly manageable once I figured out what triggers it and got into a good system.

    I don't take any medication, other than 2 OTC Loperamide tablets every morning when I wake up, before I eat anything. I generally wait up to an hour after taking them to begin eating/drinking. Things I absolutely avoid are spicy foods (sadly, I love them), foods with high fat content, coffee, dairy products (especially creamy sauce), and excess carbs like bread. Also eating at the same times every day seems to help my system expect whats coming.

    I also take pepto as needed as I'm also prone to bloating/cramps. I always have the little pink tablets with me for when I'm out and about, just in case. I've also found that overeating or eating until I'm really full seems to trigger my symptoms, so in a way it helps control how much I eat.

    I've tried various pre and pro-biotics with no luck, other diet regimens, the only thing that works for me is above system.

    Good luck!!