Eating my feelings

Some of you may have heard the news about Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette. For those who haven't consider yourselves lucky. Anyways, that little girl was from my hometown. I am friends with her grandma, my brother camps with them... so many connections. But with the grisly outcome yesterday, all I want to do is eat my feelings. To hide away in my house bawling my eyes out eating. Anyone have any advice how not to do this? Thanks.


  • eyeamAnne
    eyeamAnne Posts: 24 Member
    I'm so sorry! Yes, I saw the news.

    My husband is an avid runner and has been loving it for a few decades. When he is stressed he goes for a long run. Exercise releases the right chemicals in your brain to help you feel better.

    We recently bought a treadmill (so I can work myself up to running and he can run on bad winter days). I had some drama with someone a couple of weeks ago and was really worked up about it. I let my frustrations out on the treadmill and felt a lot better after. It was awesome to run off my emotions instead of eat them --- I had not done that before!

    I recommend some serious cardio!!! Push yourself harder than you have pushed yourself before. In turn your body will help you cope and you won't feel guilty.
  • Koorii
    Koorii Posts: 65 Member
    Like eyeamAnne said. Channel those feelings into the right thing. Exercise those feelings. It is completely okay to feel them. Just use them to do the right thing. The situation you are connected to is a lot different than mine, but when my best friend committed suicide I used it as motivation to start becoming the very best person I can be...the person she would want me to be.

    You can use negative feelings to produce a positive result.
  • Meghanw8513
    Meghanw8513 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you guys. It's a tragedy no one wants to ever have to deal with but to know support is available definitely helps. I think I'll take my son for a long walk to the park to clear my head. Thanks again :smile:
  • Koorii
    Koorii Posts: 65 Member
    Anytime love, that's why we're here.