always hungry

I alway the entusiasm for eating and it seems that never get full.
I finish food and now matter how much I eat afterward I look for something else to eat!
I tries peals like green coffee and similar things to reduce my appetite but it doesn't work
don't know what to do :(


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    These are my really general tips for hunger:

    1. Make sure that your calorie goals are set appropriately. Don't skip this step. A lot of people set goals that are too aggressive and then wonder why they're having a hard time.

    2. Look for foods higher in protein, fat, and fiber. These help us stay full and more satisfied longer. If you're using MFP's default settings, try to consider protein, fat, and fiber as minimums to reach every day rather than maximums to stay below.

    3. Drink plenty of fluids. Some people really do confuse thirst and hunger.

    4. Get plenty of rest. This includes sleeping enough and taking rest days from the exercise. Sometimes our bodies look for food when they're exhausted.

    5. Play around with your meal timings. Some people do really well on 5-6 small meals a day and others feel like they want to gnaw their own arm off eating like that. Skipping breakfast, eating breakfast, 16:8 fasting, 6 small meals, 3 larger meals, snacks, no snacks, meal timing won't make a big difference to your weight loss, but it may help your hunger levels, mood, concentration, gym performance, etc. throughout the day. Don't be afraid to try a different way and see if it helps.

    6. Wait it out. If you know you're eating enough and the other steps above aren't helping, you may just have to wait it out. Our bodies send out hunger signals partially out of habit. If you eat at a certain time every day your body will start to get hungry at that time. The good news is that these signals can be retrained to stop telling you to be hungry all the time. The bad news is that you may just have to be hungry for a little bit while that happens.

    7. I also think it's important to remember that there's a habitual component to hunger. This goes along with point #6, but if you eat because you're bored or you're used to eating in front of the TV or in the car or whatever it is, then you can replace those habits with others that are better for you. Things like keeping water on hand to sip instead of snacking or picking up hobbies that keep your hands busy or that get you out of the house more can help out a little while you're retraining your hunger cues. You might need to pay attention to why you're eating/hungry or what you're feeling when you eat and try to replace food with other things, but it can be really beneficial over time.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    What is your calorie goal, and your current height/weight? It's possible your calorie goal is set too low.

    Additionally, some people find that concentrating on eating foods higher in protein and/or fat will keep them fuller longer - perhaps try changing your macro breakdown.

    Finally, many people also find that drinking plenty of water can help stave off hunger signals.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    A protein shake mid morn or mid aftn really helps me. Salad is great too. Even though it doesn't have a lot of cals it really helps fill me up. If I don't have a salad I'm still starving after I eat. The same meal with a salad satisfies quite nicely. Of course you have to watch what you put on the sslad & the type of dressing, but that's not a prob for me.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Good tips above. Also eat slower - chew each bite 20 times before swallowing. Also get up and go do something. :+1:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Fat's and protein for satiety.
  • smhglz
    smhglz Posts: 15 Member
    since I wanted to lose 1kg per week the weekly goal di 1200 cals.
    It worth mentioning that at the first two weeks I lost almost 2kg based on the plan but then I started gaining weight for a week and all that 2kg is back again :/ fortunately I am looking again.
    normally in the mornings I am not really hungry but as I go towards evening my crazy hunger starts.
    I may need to start again having salad and chicken or tuna again.
    I am crazy about ricerice and I cannot help eating it so I don't cook. I can stop buying or cooking thangs that make me fat but I cannot stop eating so whenever I feel hungry I will eat whatever crazy thing I find as bread, chocolate, fruits, milk, coffee but then since I am still hungry I start cooking and I eat again :/
    sounds strange I know
  • smhglz
    smhglz Posts: 15 Member
    thanks very useful points.
    can you please tell me by "fat" what you exactly mean? butter!? or oily foods?
  • Artemiris
    Artemiris Posts: 189 Member
    smhglz wrote: »
    normally in the mornings I am not really hungry but as I go towards evening my crazy hunger starts.

    Since you say that you are not hungry in the morning, you could try Intermittent Fasting. I, for example, eat only from 12 to 18, so I have a window of six hours during which I eat all my calories. I never feel hungry.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    1kg per week is too much to lose. Set your goal to be way less aggressive. Then as you adjust to logging everything and start cutting calories you can increase the goal and cut more calories.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    You didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it quickly and keep it off. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Children say " can't". Pull up your big person pants, make a realistic plan and stick to it. You may need counseling to figure out what you are medicating with food. It's going to be hard.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I used to be exactly the same.
    Once you've finished your meal, wait 20 minutes before you reach for more. After those 20 minutes, ask yourself "Am I REALLY hungry?". You are most likely bored or not allowing your food to 'go down'. I usually make an active plan in my head like tihs :- "I'm going to finish my meal, then I am going to read a chapter of my book and then do the dishes". This stops the 'reach for more' mentality because I've found other things to do! :)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    smhglz wrote: »
    thanks very useful points.
    can you please tell me by "fat" what you exactly mean? butter!? or oily foods?

    By fat I mean foods that contain fat in them. Butter and oil are one option. But so are cheese, nuts, avocado, less lean cuts of meat, etc. If you're logging your food MFP is already counting your fat for you, so you can look and see if you're getting enough or not.
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    Artemiris wrote: »
    smhglz wrote: »
    normally in the mornings I am not really hungry but as I go towards evening my crazy hunger starts.

    Since you say that you are not hungry in the morning, you could try Intermittent Fasting. I, for example, eat only from 12 to 18, so I have a window of six hours during which I eat all my calories. I never feel hungry.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I'm kind of in the same place.

    Meal timing and macro changes don't make a lot of difference. I almost always seem to have a low-grade hunger. It's getting annoying.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I am too hungry on 1200 calories today and can't sustain that over time. I readjusted to 1500 calories per day and am losing weight slowly and steadily. I eat 5-6 times per day smaller meals with more protein/fat (and less carbohydrates) (different people have different foods that help them feel full longer for some people it is carbohydrates, but not for me), I eat big salads twice a day. You can do it!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    smhglz wrote: »
    since I wanted to lose 1kg per week the weekly goal di 1200 cals.
    It worth mentioning that at the first two weeks I lost almost 2kg based on the plan but then I started gaining weight for a week and all that 2kg is back again :/ fortunately I am looking again.
    normally in the mornings I am not really hungry but as I go towards evening my crazy hunger starts.
    I may need to start again having salad and chicken or tuna again.
    I am crazy about ricerice and I cannot help eating it so I don't cook. I can stop buying or cooking thangs that make me fat but I cannot stop eating so whenever I feel hungry I will eat whatever crazy thing I find as bread, chocolate, fruits, milk, coffee but then since I am still hungry I start cooking and I eat again :/
    sounds strange I know

    It sounds like you are depriving yourself and then overeating because you've made yourself super-hungry. Can you change your Diary Sharing to Public on ?

    Bread, chocolate, fruits, milk, and coffee don't have much protein in them so yes, you will keep eating because your body is still looking for the protein.
  • smhglz
    smhglz Posts: 15 Member
    @kshama2001 I made it public.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Thanks! You don't have to eat breakfast if you are not hungry at breakfast, but I strongly suggest your first meal of the day have more protein than what I see on some days.

    Also, I see some of your meals are really low cal - under two hundred calories. Maybe try making your meals bigger and your snacks less.
  • smhglz
    smhglz Posts: 15 Member
    thanks for looking.
    I try to revise my eating plan :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Try it for a week and let us know how it works :)

    I'm not familiar with a lot of the foods you have there, but if they don't already contain a lot of veggies, maybe add more as these can help fill you up.