How many calories are you eating and what are you set to los

I have selected 2lbs a week as this would be amazing - I did notice it is not reccommended....what is the general opnion how much are you aiming for?

This leaves me with 1200 calories per day and excercise calories - am I mean to eat all the excercise calories as well?

Thank you


  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    I am on 1200 calories as well and I do eat my exercise calories back. Have a look at the links in my signature - will tell u more about exercise cals :o)
  • mizfrankie
    mizfrankie Posts: 100
    I also am on 1200 calories.
    Definitely EAT your exercise calories.
    So many threads talk about exercise calories and NOT eating them - but this will bring your actual calorie intake to dangerously low levels.
    I usually have 30-70 calories left at the end of my day and I don't eat those. Feel free to look at my diary.
    This last week is the most accurate week and I've already noticed a huge difference.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I've always been told 2 lbs a week is considered healthy weight loss. Anything more and you start getting into the "not recommended" territory. At 1200, though, I'd suggest eating most of your exercise calories back. I rarely do, but I'm set at about 1700 calories.
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    Thank you - I will do and look forward to the weightloss!!! great app and fab to be able to do it on the go!!!
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I have it set for 1 pound a week at 1560 calories. I am Diabetic and it would be harder for me to be at 1200 calories with the snacks I eat. I would end up crashing at night. Though I tend to do fine at the 1300 cal mark.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member

    Have a look at the link in my signature (some mfp basics).....

    It depends how much weight you have to lose, if it's more than 50 lbs - then you could set it to 2 lbs a week
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    Misfrankie - do you add fruit and veg to your tracker? salads? I am adding all of this at the moment
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    I have 58 pounds - 4.5 stone and 28.5 kg to lose
  • Joanne4494
    Joanne4494 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I have mine selected to lose 2lb a week and up to now that it what I have been losing :happy: I dont always eat my exercised calories back as I cant possibly eat that much in a day unless I eat rubbish.

    Good luck in your journey. :smile:
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks I guess I will try not to leave too many but won't fill up on junk either - can I save them over the week for a night out etc? would be great to lose 2 a week!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Be warned if you are set to lose at 2 pounds a week. I initially did this, figuring I wanted to lose as quickly as possible. 2 months later I fell into a plateau for six long weeks because I wasn't eating enough calories. If I did it all again, I would do the recommended 1 pound/week as setting my calories so low screwed with my metabolism. After I upped my calories, the weight started coming off again within 2 weeks. It isn't like I lost any faster by eating so little since it sent me into a long plateau.

    I started MFP at 175 pounds and am 5'7" looking to lose 30 pounds total. I plateaued after losing about 13 pounds. I am down to the last 10 pounds so I have it now set as losing 0.5 pounds/week and am eating a little over 1600 calories/day (not including exercise).
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I have mine set to lose 1lb a week. I'm in week 3 and 1400 calories a day seems to be working for me. I eat back some calories when I work out.. I mix up days too.. like I eat more on Friday's and drink wine so I save calories during the week. My weight bounces right after the weekends because more salt and alcohol, but by Wednesday it tapers and starts moving down again (at least so far). Man I hope this keeps working for me! LOL

    Personally, I want to learn to do this as a way of life not a diet.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I set mine to 1lb a week but have been losing more like 4lbs. But I am at the start of all this. I am kinda worried it's all muscle.

    I lost one inch of my waist and gained one on my hips... weird.