How do you all stay motivated?!

I'm nearly halfway through my journey (5 more pounds to the halfway point) and I know there are times where I have become very impatient with the process.

So, what are ways you all stay motivated?! I find progress pictures very helpful.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Motivation is just wanting something badly enough to do what it takes to obtain it. There isn't a single thing we do that we aren't motivated to do.

    I want to be healthy, feel better and look better (in that order), so I watch my calories and exercise. I even do resistance training, which I hate.

    I want the Healthy more than the Sit On My *kitten* Eating Oreos. :)
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Motivation is good, but patience is key. :) It didn't go on overnight and although It can come off faster than it went on, it still takes time. Just tell yourself that you are better off today than you were yesterday and much better off than you were the day you started. That works for me! I don't want to lose my progress, so I keep on truckin'.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i dont want to be fat anymore.

    thats all the motivation i need.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited September 2015
    i dont want to be fat anymore.

    thats all the motivation i need.

    Hahaha I seriously was about the post the same thing! I'm tired of my clothes fitting too tight- that's my motivation!
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    "Train like your ex is going to see you tomorrow. That way if/when that happens, they KNOW that they f***ed up." One of the many things I tell myself when I'm too lazy to get to the gym
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I need positive motivators, something to draw me in the right direction. I envision myself being fit and active on dream vacations, healthy well into my old age along with the usual physical appearance wants.

    For me to just say I don't want to be fat isn't enough. I met that goal and my motivation waned.
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    ESotrops wrote: »
    So, what are ways you all stay motivated?! I find progress pictures very helpful.

    I look at my trend chart every day. Seeing the trend reminds me that I'm on track and that it's a long process.


    More here.

  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I know it may seem like semantics, but to me commitment is doing something whether you really want to do it or not. Motivation is hard to find when you don't want to....commitment (at least for me), is less so.

    I think you're right, but I find commitments to others wind up overriding commitments to myself. Probably wrong of me, but it's my default. For weight loss this can be used to my advantage, as even commitments to people on weight loss forums work for me.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    motivation is a fleeting emotion...nobody is 100% motivated all of the time...we all do things every single day that we aren't necessarily motivated to do...but we do them. you don't need motivation...if you're simply relying on motivation you are in for a world of trouble. you need discipline...discipline leads to consistency and consistency is what will ultimately aid you in crushing your goals.

    motivation will always be fleeting.

    it's like going to aren't always motivated to go to's highly likely that you will struggle at some point along the're not going to ace every test, do you just drop out because you don't find some class particularly motivating? or do you practice discipline and stay the course with the knowledge that eventually that will pay off...eventually classes will end...semesters will pass...years will go by, and you will graduate into real life...where again, discipline will be necessary for you to continue to conquer your goals.

    motivation works for things like getting up for a is a beneficial emotion in that isn't a long term solution to achieving your goals.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    edited September 2015
    Motivation has very little to do with why I've stuck to it for 7 months so far.

    This is just something I do now. About the same time as I started here, I also went back to university ... that's also something I do now. Meanwhile, I'm working full time. That's something I do. These things are all just part of my life.

    Focusing on the weightloss aspect for a moment ... I have to eat. So now I'm eating a somewhat wider variety of delicious food ... in smaller portions. That's OK. :)

    I have to get to work, and between university and work, so I walk. Plus I love to exercise anyway, and have done since I was a child. I'm climbing walls if I'm not active pretty much every day. :) So that's OK too.

    I'm not planning to give either one up, although at some point, I will likely stop logging my food.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    motivation is a fleeting emotion...nobody is 100% motivated all of the time...we all do things every single day that we aren't necessarily motivated to do...but we do them. you don't need motivation...if you're simply relying on motivation you are in for a world of trouble. you need discipline...discipline leads to consistency and consistency is what will ultimately aid you in crushing your goals.

    motivation will always be fleeting.

    it's like going to aren't always motivated to go to's highly likely that you will struggle at some point along the're not going to ace every test, do you just drop out because you don't find some class particularly motivating? or do you practice discipline and stay the course with the knowledge that eventually that will pay off...eventually classes will end...semesters will pass...years will go by, and you will graduate into real life...where again, discipline will be necessary for you to continue to conquer your goals.

    motivation works for things like getting up for a is a beneficial emotion in that isn't a long term solution to achieving your goals.


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I try to never forget how awful I felt physically and mentally at 301. I never want to go back there again. Ever. I love the progress I've made in fitness, strength, and appearance, and health. If I'm not going forward, I'm headed back there. That's enough to get me moving, eating properly or whatever.

    SW 301
    CW 196
    GW 150
    15 months
  • Werk2Eat
    Werk2Eat Posts: 114 Member
    As soon as skin pinches skin i go into crazy mode. I have two speeds. Crazy fast and crzy slow. Im doing crazy fast this year.
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't. To me motivation comes and goes. I focus on my commitment to them and the plans in place that I have to make those goals a reality. I focus on commitment and determination and let motivation come and go...while I take little notice.

    I know it may seem like semantics, but to me commitment is doing something whether you really want to do it or not. Motivation is hard to find when you don't want to....commitment (at least for me), is less so.

    This. :)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I woke up frumpy, fat, and fifty+!!
    'Bugger that' I thought, and made a commitment to change me and my life.

    1. my before pic.


    A year of serious cico, and actually exercising for the first time in my life, produced the me I want to be.

    Here are some pics for feeling great at 60+.
    Hope they inspire you, and sorry there are so many.
    Weight isn't a problem anymore, but trips like these keep me going to the gym.

    2 mud baths in the the Caribbean.
    3 beach, Goa, India.
    4 love life blooming, again, Vegas.
    5 slinky dress, Med? Cruise.
    6 rappeled down waterfall in PV.
    7 elephant ride, India.



    Cheers, h.
    5'1, 62yo, 100-105 lb, maintained 6 yr.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I start again the next day. I try to stick to my deficit even if I don't want to. Sometimes I cry, but then I move on.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Health. Eating the way I did before helped make me sick.

    I also like my way of eating so I don't have issues with wanting to stop. That helps a lot.
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't. To me motivation comes and goes. I focus on my commitment to them and the plans in place that I have to make those goals a reality. I focus on commitment and determination and let motivation come and go...while I take little notice.

    I know it may seem like semantics, but to me commitment is doing something whether you really want to do it or not. Motivation is hard to find when you don't want to....commitment (at least for me), is less so.

    So basically you are determined to keep a commitment to yourself..that's motivation to keep your own promise. Definitely semantics haha. No matter what car you drive as long as you get to the right destination it doesn't matter