Just getting started...

Found this through word of mouth and want to give it a try in hopes of dropping the 13 pounds that have crept on since injuring myself last summer. I am slowly rebuilding my work outs but need to get control of my food intake. I love how the site lets me see the calories, etc..for my daily food and that I can plan my day ahead. Any advice is welcome!


  • cscox708
    cscox708 Posts: 10 Member
    I just joined too! I would be happy to lose about 15 lbs and I heard about this plan from a friend. Good luck! We're all in this together...you can do it!

    Carol in Indiana
  • blmsc02
    blmsc02 Posts: 1
    I just joined 5 days ago. The site was recommended by my physician when asked how I could loose approxiamtely 60 pounds. I like the way the site is set up to track meals and exercise. I am really looking forward to completing this task, slowly but surely. With the help of friends like everyone here I know I can do this. Thank you!
  • SlimDownDani
    If you don't already have the smart phone app for MFP you should get that. It's free and it makes it easy to track the foods you eat and the calories burned from working out through the day. It's nice to know how many calories I've been eating.
    :) Good Luck! You have a really reasonable goal and I believe you'll reach it before you know it.
  • Mrsbonno
    Mrsbonno Posts: 38 Member
    I <3 MFP! this site is amazing... oh, and WELCOME... BTW... feel free to add me as a friend... we're all here on the same kind of journey!