Les mills Bp

Been doing les mills for a month just started doing 4 classes a week doing attack body pump combat an cx ..my clothes seem to be getting bigger an can get in my size 8 jeans which i couldnt before ..but the scales are not changing alot I lost 4 lbs first couple off then weeks then nothing now :(


  • sare160
    sare160 Posts: 16 Member
    I am on 1300 calories aday trying to eat healthy on cutting out bread an junk plenty of chicken fish an greens
  • heytherejune
    heytherejune Posts: 7 Member
    edited September 2015
    usually body measurements are a better indication of weight loss than the scale. How long since you "lost weight" on the scale?


    Just by reading your post, I have a gut feeling that you are under-counting calories. As long as you eat within target calories, you should be losing weight.


    Exercises help, but 90% of weight loss is what you eat. For example, Starbucks venti caramel Frappuccino is 510 calories. You have to run on a treadmill for an hour at 5mph pace in order to burn that calories. If you are not losing weight for few weeks, you should read the fine print of what you are eating. Even if you are eating a lot of salad, the toppings and sauces can add up really quickly. McDonalds crispy chicken salad is 400 calories, which have a similar calorie count as burgers.

    I'm not saying that you should stop doing Les Mills - in fact, it's probably helping you a lot. Pay more attention to the measurements, and things are not improving, double check your calorie count!
  • sare160
    sare160 Posts: 16 Member
    Haven't been eating anything from mc donalds sauses or nothing like that ..chicken broccoli mackerel no fizzy pop just water coffee tea no sugar in it been really good :smile: ..Thanks for replying though..an it's been a couple of weeks..I know things take time will stick with it :smile:
  • sare160
    sare160 Posts: 16 Member
    An i hav lost 2 inc off arms 1 half inc off waist but not pounds on scale for couple of weeks
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited September 2015
    sare160 wrote: »
    An i hav lost 2 inc off arms 1 half inc off waist but not pounds on scale for couple of weeks

    You're doing really well, as you seem to be getting smaller.
    I woudn't worry too much about the number on the scale at the moment.
    But do listen to heytherejune and check out the links she's posted above.
    Good Luck!