eating pre/post workout?

jezirus Posts: 33 Member
workout=cardio and some strength tr.

should I be eating prior to workout? if so, how long before?

what about after working out?

I've only ever "dabbled" in working out, but this time I am going to make it a habit and a huge part of my weight loss success, and I want to do it right.

Thanks for any tips!


  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Iv read that your not suppose to eat before an exercise, because then your burning the food you have just eaten instead of your fat..
    And iv also heard that after exercise if you want to put on muscle you should eat straight away..
    ..But i could be wrong.

    whatever works for you!
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I prefer to workout on an empty stomach, but some prefer a small amount of something prior to working out. I think you need to just play around with it and see what works best for you.
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i always eat after, i did eat b4 1 day because of the time and after my workouy i was sooooooo hungry i had 2 go and eat what i had burned off. I have never eaten after since. :happy:
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    It works differently for everybody, but for me if I eat too soon before I workout I feel nauseous. I've heard to eat three hours before working out so it is mostly digested before you start sweating it up.
    I generally have a hard time eating right after I work out because I'll feel nauseous then as well. The only thing I've found that not only makes me feel better but doesn't make me feel sick are protein shakes.
  • KG706
    KG706 Posts: 6
    I've read that it is most effective to work out on an empty stomach. But, if that isn't possible then just work out. Working out on a full stomach is better than not working out at all!
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    Everyone is going to be a little different, but from my experience, most people cannot eat prior to a good workout. Those I know who have, have gone and "tossed their cookies" midway through their workout due to the exersion.

    So, in my not-so-humble opinion, you may be better served to wait and eat after your workout.

    EDIT - Just to note, I can't eat much of anything for 3 hours prior to my workout. If I do... well.. let's just say it's not pretty.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    If I eat a light snack before.. I keep it at 30 minutes before or more. Post work out snacks are great. I stick to a few carbs and some protein. Whole wheat toast with peanut butter. Bananas are great post workout. Yogurt with granola. Your post workout snack should be consumed within the hour after your workout. The hour after is when your muscles are in a good state to soak up those nutrients. This advice is what I follow, but other people have other opinions. Google post workout snacks and you'll find a lot of great info.
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    I just read this yesterday, and found it informative/helpful....Thought I'd post it here.

    I can say that yesterday, I did eat lightly before my work out and by calorie burn increased, quite a bit....I don't normally eat, but I think I am going to eat lightly pre-work out from now on.
  • contritebiggs
    Ever hear of any friends or family or co workers that pass out while working out? It's usually because they don't eat or they don't have enough calories in their bodies to support their level of physical exercise. I'd recommend you always eat, at least 45 mins prior to working out and have a recover meal, post workout preferrable within 30 mins after your workout, higher in protein content to help replenish your muscles and assist in recovery. Running on an empty stomach is different but weight training, strength training, always requires more muscles, which requires more energy. Never workout on an empty stomach... bad for you
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    My trainer always wants me to eat a snack about an hour before working out. I have actually always heard that but he always asks me what I ate before working out so I try to make sure i do it. If you workout on an empty stomach you will have less energy. He also recommends eating a snack that is whole grains or whole wheat cause that gives you the energy. I just eat a light snack cause I don't want to feel full or heavy either. After I workout I usually eat or drink something to get the protein back into my body. So in essence you should eat before and after.
  • aharmeson
    aharmeson Posts: 55
    For me I do not eat up to 2 hours before and I always wait an hour after i workout to eat. For me its all about comfort while i workout . If i eat before i feel full and don't push myself to the limit because i feel like its going to come back to see me if i do. One think i try to do after a workout is eat vegetables and protein instead of carbs and sugars. Ive been told your body works harder to digest protein and vegetables but i could be wrong.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    It depends on your energy level. The goal is to workout intensely so if you need to eat a little something 60 minutes prior to exercise to make sure you're putting in 100% effort, then do so. A balance of carbs and protein; less than 200 calories for sure. If your energy level is high then skip eating prior.

    On days you lift weights, eat some lean protein with fruit or veggie within 30-60 minutes after your workout.