Not New, But Starting Over...

Hi Everyone,

I'm Kobe and although I've been a member for a while I haven't been around for about 12 months.

About a year ago I got the scare of my life when my Dad had a quadruple bi pass. I took action and lost about 20kg. A while after that Dad fell ill again and was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. I turned my back on my health and fitness to look after him and deal with a whole bunch of other issues. I always had a reason why I couldn't deal with my health and fitness and finally I crashed and burnt. I've developed some rather nasty mental health conditions as a result of burning out and have sought help for these.

The other day I was given "the talk" by my doctor. You know the one that goes "You NEED to do something about your weight and you need to do it NOW" - yeah, it's scary. Terrifying even.

I tried to get my weight under control before and failed. Now, I'm not saying this in a negative way because I believe we have to own our failures as much as we own our achievements and sure, I do have failures in my history, but I have failures because I tried.

So, this is me dusting off and trying again.

I'd love to meet some more people who are 'dusting off' so please feel free to add me as a friend and good luck to everyone.


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi Kobe :)

    You've made a fantastic step by joining MFP. I really believe MFP has helped me get to where I am now and I know it can help you too. Your attitude toward past 'failings' is a really good way to look at it - it took me a few 'attempts' before I got serious about the whole 'being healthy' idea. I'm now 7 lbs from my goal weight and I'm feeling much better - I promise you can do this. You've lost weight before so you know how it's done, it's committing to it that you need to work on. There is so much support available here so don't be afraid to reach out if you feel like you're struggling. You can do this!
  • kobemitchell1
    kobemitchell1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Pixie,

    The support here is amazing. I know that if I team up education, exercise, cooking and MFP my goal is only as far away as I make it.

    Well done on being so close to your goal! What an inspirational achievement!!
  • bluebutterfly6
    bluebutterfly6 Posts: 26 Member
    You got this! I have started again two weeks ago. I'm down 25lbs so far. The support we get here is amazing. Every morning before I get out of bed I come in here for inspiration. Today you are my inspiration! My weight went out of control because I always put everyone else first and constantly made excuses as to why I couldn't take care of me yet. Well now all I have left is me and my hubby , kids are on their own now and I cannot live the life I want because of my choices. I am fixing that! Everyday I grow stronger and more determined! I have failed many times before and I love what you said "I failed because I tried" I am going to print that out and pin it on my wall of encouragement (yes, I have one ,right across from my treadmill)! Thank you for your story!
  • kobemitchell1
    kobemitchell1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Blue :-) That idea for a wall of encouragement is brilliant. I think I'll start my own!

    The excuses are so damn easy to make and they are so logical you just end up believing its a good choice, even when you're hurting yourself. But, the time for change is now, not tomorrow, not the next day, NOW! I'm feeling pumped :-)