Reopening previous days

OK so I'm an accounting freak. I closed out my day and went to bed for the night but woke up in a cold sweat as my blood sugar plummeted to 47 before midnight. With a number that low I must ingest sugar ASAP. I want to put those calories on yesterday 1) Because that is even it happened 2) Because I was under my calories yesterday. How do you all handle this situation? Any way to do that?


  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    Yes you can add more food to a closed diary, just do the same as you would if you hadn't closed it.
  • trswallow
    trswallow Posts: 116 Member
    Closing a day just causes the five week weight estimate to be calculated. In the app enter the additional food and push the close day button to see the updated weight estimate. On the website you can reopen a day or just add the additional food, because the weight estimate will automatically update.