On my way to a healthier me

Hi everyone! Really getting serious about being healthy, losing weight, being fit, and loving myself. I am a wife, teacher & mom of 3. My youngest is 11 months and I ended up having 2 major surgeries during my pregnancy with her. An appendectomy at 5 mo preg & a C/s because she turned breech at 39wks (the lil stinker :) ) So my core is all jacked up!
I am aiming to lose 30lbs but really need to lose 50.
We can do it!
#fitmom #trying2be #onmyway2ahealthierme


  • pinkvanillacupcakes
    You can do it!! My daughter was a footling breech for months so I ended up having a cs as well. She's almost 2 now but I'm just now taking my weight seriously. I'm also looking to lose 50lbs. I'll send you a friend request.
  • omatga
    omatga Posts: 56 Member
    Oh wow, you've had some obstacles but I love that you aren't using it as an excuse to not do anything! You totally got this!! :)
  • itsmrsgreene
    itsmrsgreene Posts: 16 Member
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Believe in yourself and I promise you'll get there! Good luck!