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Starvation mode-am I experiencing an eating disorder??

lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
I keep reading about your body hitting starvation mode if you eat too few calories. I'm very guilty about doing this since I started my weight loss goals almost 3 weeks ago. The strange thing is, it's not intentional! From the moment I set my mind to get back to where I was 5 years ago, it's almost like my body isn't acting the same way it used to. I'm not hungry at all, and I am having to force myself to eat something. I don't get it. I don't take supplements, or drugs, and even my husband thinks something may be wrong. Do I have an eating disorder?? Keep in mind when I started three weeks ago, I weighed 233 lbs, and as of today I weigh 222. Last year, I almost passed out at the wheel of my car because my blood sugar was too low. I don't eat more than 1100 cals/day and it doesn't even bother me. What is going on, and should I be concerned...or should I keep doing what I'm doing?


  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    sounds like something you should really be talking to your doctor about
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    I was obsessed about losing weight 2 years ago. To the point I was scaring family and friends and my doc. However I never went under 1200 cals and was allowing myself things like ice cream. I never passed out and made sure my body had what it needed. Although it probably did need more with the amount of working out I would do. I lost 35 lbs in 3 months. I will tell you slow and steady wins the race. If you are passing out and having probs like missed periods I would go get some professional help. Like talk to your doc. Get your blood tested. Get a physical and talk with your doc about what you are telling us. Be careful, because you want to get healthier not sicker.
  • thor9424
    thor9424 Posts: 40 Member
    do not eat fewer than 1200 cal/day! That is bad for you. Your body is eating your muscles. Please try to eat food that is healthy, but higher in calories, for example nuts, peanut butter, cheese, lean meat, and good fat veggies like avecado. You will only see results like your 11 lb loss for so long before your body will start to deteriorate.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    An 11lb lost isn't abnormal over 3 weeks for somebody of your weight, and whilst 1100 calories isn't the recommended NET, I wouldn't say you're starving yourself. Regardless, go see your doctor and explain your worries to him.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hi...I know that right after I joined MFP I stalled out hardcore. I posted in here, too, and I wasn't eating 1200 calories a day, PLUS i was exercising, and just ignoring the exercise calories I earned. You HAVE to eat to lose. Since I started eating all of my 1200 plus most, if not all, of my exercise calories, the weight is slowly coming off.

    It might not hurt to go ahead and get a physical. It's recommended that most of us do before starting a new exercise/diet regimen, anyhow, so that would most assuredly give you your answer.

    Good luck!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Without a doubt, you should be injesting SOMETHING every 3 hours starting from the time you wake up until a few hours before you go to bed (asleep). A protein, a complex carb & a veggie or fruit, all properly portioned.

    If you don't do this you will still lose weight but your metabolism will dimish and when you do start eating again, you will blow up, quick.

    If you aren't hungry or have little time, do as I do and make a protein shake. Quick, easy and filling.

  • Hi, I dont think I would worry too much If I were you, maybe up your calories by just 100-150/day that can be easily and healthily (sp?) by adding a handful of nuts or some olive oil to a dressing or avacado...good fats! x
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Sorry...I misread your post...I thought you'd lost ONE pound over three weeks, not eleven. That's 3.7 lbs/week, and not bad at all.
  • I think it would be advisable to check with your doctor regarding your blood sugar and your diet plan. Normally, 1,100 cal/day is not too little and losing 11 lbs. in the first three weeks of starting a diet is good and normal; however, if you have reasons to be concerned, you may have other health issues going on, which a doctor is best qualified to help you with. Good luck and best wishes!
  • It takes more than 3 weeks for your body to go into starvation mode hun so i wouldnt say its that!Also the fact you are losing at a steady weight for how much you weigh would suggest it isnt that!!I have been there and i was having about 900 cals and burning off over 1,000 for 5 days a week for about 3 years now hun so i honestly wouldnt say that!!I think ya should see your doctor and have some tests tho just to be on the safe side!I started putting weight back on for no reason and having dizzy spells and bad mood swings and was mis diagnosed with depression9i kept saying im only depressed cos im putting weight back on) and it actually turned out to be a very early menapause!!There is a very intresting post on here about starvation mode ect and makes good sense http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/230930-starvation-mode-how-it-works
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    I fully understand the mind-body confusion. Now that I've made the full on commitment to lose weight, I go into this almost obsessive mode and micro-manage everything that goes into my mouth. The key is striving to strike a balance because we don't want to stall our metabolism and therefore our weight loss. I use the food tracker to layout my meals for the day as a way of ensuring I give my body what it needs. Caloric restriction may work for a while but we can't live that way. Dizziness or passing out can have serious health consequences or prove deadly and NO "DIET" IS WORTH THAT! Please talk to a health professional to try and help you figure out what's going on.
  • mysize8
    mysize8 Posts: 21 Member
    I think you should get a good check up and then move from there. I sometimes have to be sure I eat at least three meals per day and eat enough. I find that if I plan my meals and pack them when I have to work that I get in all of my meals.
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. I'm holding the mind-set that I should take advantage of the lack of hunger, because before I could've eaten my arm off if I had eaten too few calories. But from going from an extreme hypoglycemic to this is just baffling to me. In all honesty, I want to see where this is going. Am I the only one who has ever felt this way??
  • It takes more than 3 weeks for your body to go into starvation mode hun so i wouldnt say its that!Also the fact you are losing at a steady weight for how much you weigh would suggest it isnt that!!I have been there and i was having about 900 cals and burning off over 1,000 for 5 days a week for about 3 years now hun so i honestly wouldnt say that!!I think ya should see your doctor and have some tests tho just to be on the safe side!I started putting weight back on for no reason and having dizzy spells and bad mood swings and was mis diagnosed with depression9i kept saying im only depressed cos im putting weight back on) and it actually turned out to be a very early menapause!!There is a very intresting post on here about starvation mode ect and makes good sense http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/230930-starvation-mode-how-it-works
    Just wanted to add as i forgot i wasnt eatting anywhere near enough cals for my burn and was doing it for a few years but my body was in starvation mode without me realsing it until i stopped losing weight ect and i joined this to be told straight away i wasnt eatting enough but this was all over years not weeks hun!!