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Those who are 5'3-5'5, how much do you maintain on?



  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    5'3" 112 pounds and maintain on 1500 on low activity days and 1900 on high activity/weight training days.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    5'2.5" (close enough to 5'3" right? :wink: ) I maintain 100-110 lbs on about 1500 calories per day...but there are definitely days when I go above that, and occasionally I'll drop below that. I tend to adjust my portions based on how my clothes are feeling.
  • ewrook
    ewrook Posts: 90 Member
    I am 5'3, this morning, 114.8 pounds. 120 was my goal but I went on a computerless vacation and overestimated calories I was eating and lost. I set my activity as sedentary because I use a fitbit, which is linked to mfp and earns calories. MFP "gives me" 1350. (This morning, 1550 because I am below my target.) I eat back about 75% of the exercise calories since I think mfp overestimates calories burned, food calories are not always accurate and it's not unusual for me to miss logging a snack or a side dish. Plus eating out is such a guess.
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    I'm.5ft2.5 and maintain on 1330 plus exercise calories
  • DeterminedFee201426
    5'5 120 lbs maintain 1790-2000 sometimes 2200 with extra exercise
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    edited September 2015
    5'5 , maintenance is 1700. I weigh 135.
  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    I'm 5'3" and maintain on 1400 plus exercise calories. I would like to lose 5 more but that's a bonus :)
  • swift13b
    swift13b Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 5'4", 105 pounds and MFP has me at 1530.
  • raywoodhams
    raywoodhams Posts: 4 Member
    MissJay75 wrote: »
    CaloricDisaster, if you are simply interested in how much other people your size can eat, that is cool. If you are looking to use this information to try and figure out your own maintenance calories, that is not going to be so helpful.

    The best way to figure out what you will maintain on, is using your own numbers. Hopefully you have been tracking well. You can go to the reports section of MFP and see your total calories, net calories, exercise calories, all sorts of helpful numbers. Look at your calorie deficit over the past couple months, and look at your weight loss over the same period of time.

    Lets say for example you ate on average 1500 calories per day + all your (low estimate) exercise calories every day. Over the last 3 months you have lost 6 pounds. That would tell us your calorie deficit was 6 x 3500 or 21,000 calories under maintenance you ate. Divide that by 90 days gives us 233 calorie per day deficit. Meaning you should maintain at 1725 - 1750 + eat your exercise calories back.

    If you were eating on average 1500 calories per day + all your (low estimate) exercise calories every day. And over 3 months you lost 10 pounds, that would tell us your calorie deficit was 10 x 3500 or 35,000 calories under maintenance you ate. Divide that by 90 days gives us 388 calorie per day deficit. Meaning you should maintain at about 1875 + eat your exercise calories back.

    If you were eating on average 1500 calories per day + all your (low estimate) exercise calories every day. And over 3 months you gained 3 pounds, that would tell us your calorie surplus was 3 x 3500 or 10,500 calories over maintenance you ate. Divide that by 90 days gives us 116 calorie per day surplus. Meaning you should maintain at about 1385 + eat your exercise calories back.

    I'm saying to eat your exercise calories back as an example because that is what 'you' did in the example while tracking. Whatever you did in real life, figure that into the equation for what you need to do moving forward. Plug in your own numbers and see what you get!

    If you haven't been tracking well, it's never too late to start. Try eating what MFP tells you your maintenance calories should be for a month. Be diligent and try to stick to it, record everything. At the end of the month, walk through the math I just gave you.

    MissJay75 is spot on. height has little to do with the level of calories you use to operate your body. Body mass and activity level are key, but don't forget metabolic rate, that's so personal that it can make a nonsense of a diet based on someone else's numbers.
    Forget what other people's numbers are and concentrate on the basics, keep accurate records, if your weight goes up, drop a few calories, if it goes down add a few, but don't forget that fluctuation is normal too, over time 2-3lb fluctuation will be observed even in the most rigorous regime, so don't over compensate, and most important of all remember that weight loss and weight maintenance are not goals in their own right, merely means to an end - enjoying life is the key goal. Aim for that and the rest will fall into place.