Going downhill - upset

Hi, I am struggling and need help. I am 5 foot 5 and about a fluctuating 119 to 121lbs. I am a nurse so fairly active and try to exercize about 3 times a week for about an hour. My eating has been a mess. About four months ago I started really getting into this app, and I lost weight over that time but as I was tracking my meals I was eating at a calorie deficit of probably 900 calories a day on most days of the week. Now I have upped it to about 1200 or 1300 I believe, on most days, and I feel fat and bad about it. My main issue has been binging or late night eating. I am wondering if my eating habits actually are considered binging. I have tried to fully remove all sugary or carby temptation foods from my apsrtment in hopes this stops. Whenever I get my hands on carbs, for example, a box of granola bars, pancakes, cookies, Greek yogurt - I tend to eat way too much in one sitting. I have the mentality that I need to get rid of it so it doesn't happen again so I eat like all of it. It leads to excess calorie consumption and I feel horrible just moments after. How can I overcome this? I plan my meals ahead of time and have eggs, salad and then usually salmon and veggies for my day but there lately has always been some dissapointing late night or mid day binge that occurs. More than anything I want this to stop and it's making me feel horrible. What do you have got advice or suggestions?


  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    We are not there with you when you are overeating. All we can do is motivate to continue your weight loss journey. We can't provide discipline for you. These things usually happen when motivation is lacking. Maybe you need to rethink what you really want. Have a honest conversation with yourself and then reevaluate.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    You are asking for help with carbohydrate cravings. I struggle with this to. For me it is because I need carbs. I find that items like beans, cooked carrots, rice and potatoes really help. I don't always plan enough ahead, but here are the things that work for me. A sweet potatoe and a piece of salmon for lunch is something that works for me. roasted root veggies are nice. So are apples.

    For instance tonight's snack is a big bowl of applesauce with cinnamon.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    maybe I'm reading too much into this, but do you have some sort of eating disorder?
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Carbs aren't the devil. Mix in some healthy breads, fruits so your body isn't craving them so badly. Should help curb your tendency to go crazy when you are around these foods. Maybe even give yourself a decent cheat day once a week, plan "bad" foods but stick close to your normal calorie intake, or exercise really hard that day to earn some extra food. You're at a healthy weight, don't be too discouraged over some comfort food
  • Kellyymcd
    Kellyymcd Posts: 19 Member
    Looks like you don't have any weight to loose according to your current stats.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    The binges are probably happening because you're under eating and over depriving yourself during the day. Your blood sugar is probably reaching a low point by the time you reach for the carbs, so once you start eating (especially something you like) it turns into a binge.

    Try eating more regularly, divide your daily calorie intake so that you eat every few hours. Avoid buying the processed stuff (focus on complex carbs) and plan out your snacks so they keep your blood sugar balanced (don't eat carbs alone, pair them with protein and fat). Also focus on increasing fiber intake because that will help to keep you feeling full.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Your thoughts on eating sound disordered--you're at a normal weight, exercising, barely eating 1200 calories and you feel "fat and bad about it." You're probably bingeing because you're not eating enough and your body is screaming for nutrients. You're a nurse; you know what you're doing isn't healthy. I think you should seek some counseling.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    A lot of times over-restricting, especially coupled with negative self-talk (if I don't meet my standards or eat some food I'm bad) can really lead to issues with feeling uncontrolled around food and binging. Some of it is precisely what you said -- screwed up, just finish it off and then it will be gone and I won't be tempted to eat it tomorrow. Also, if you aren't getting enough to eat it makes sense that you'd lose control at times.

    You are at a great weight, so really need to address your fear of eating a normal number of calories (even 1200 would be too low) and of eating a non-restrictive diet. I'd think that maybe some therapy before it gets worse would be a good idea, to try and normalize your feelings about food.
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    sarsather wrote: »
    I was eating at a calorie deficit of probably 900 calories a day on most days of the week. Now I have upped it to about 1200 or 1300

    Do you really mean a deficit of 900? i.e. 900 less than what you burn? And then a new deficit of > 1200? Or do you mean that's your intake?

    At 5'5" I'm doubting you need to lose weight at all. What's your body fat percentage? Maybe if you're not happy with your appearance a better plan would be a heavy weight lifting program that can really reshape your body.

  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    sarsather wrote: »
    Hi, I am struggling and need help. I am 5 foot 5 and about a fluctuating 119 to 121lbs. I am a nurse so fairly active and try to exercize about 3 times a week for about an hour. My eating has been a mess. About four months ago I started really getting into this app, and I lost weight over that time but as I was tracking my meals I was eating at a calorie deficit of probably 900 calories a day on most days of the week. Now I have upped it to about 1200 or 1300 I believe, on most days, and I feel fat and bad about it. My main issue has been binging or late night eating. I am wondering if my eating habits actually are considered binging. I have tried to fully remove all sugary or carby temptation foods from my apsrtment in hopes this stops. Whenever I get my hands on carbs, for example, a box of granola bars, pancakes, cookies, Greek yogurt - I tend to eat way too much in one sitting. I have the mentality that I need to get rid of it so it doesn't happen again so I eat like all of it. It leads to excess calorie consumption and I feel horrible just moments after. How can I overcome this? I plan my meals ahead of time and have eggs, salad and then usually salmon and veggies for my day but there lately has always been some dissapointing late night or mid day binge that occurs. More than anything I want this to stop and it's making me feel horrible. What do you have got advice or suggestions?

    The garbage disposal is perfectly willing to help you with that.

    I have the same mentality, that's why I know!

    You're a nurse, hope like crazy you guys at least have decent health insurance. If so, maybe you should take full advantage by finding a registered dietician and get a personalized plan going.

  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    your weight is good for your height. Why the heck are you trying to lose weight?
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    I mean this very kindly - you keep posting "help!" messages. I know that previous threads (at least 3 that I can recall) have urged you to seek professional help.

    So, will you?
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    As a nurse you should be conscience of health concerns by eating at a deficent, or the issues about "eating it all because of your need to get rid of it so it doesn't happen again". I would sincerely consult a therapist to help you understand the underlining issue. There is some disproportionate body image issues as well. You are a bright, healthy young adult that should be celebrating your lifes accomplishments, not spinning out of control.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    @sarsather did you read any of the responses on your previous thread http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10251225/eating-is-out-of-control ? Everyone told you to eat more and/or get professional help.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Do not keep food in the house that you tend to binge on. You won't need to get rid of it then. Problem solved.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    You are young and beautiful and you don't need to lose anymore weight. You can get back to taking good care of yourself, and you don't have to figure this out alone! The National Eating Disorders Association hotline is (800) 931-2237. :heart: Please get some real help
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    @sarsather You've been advised multiple times since September 4th that you may need to speak to a professional about what you're describing. The answers are unlikely to change. There are a lot of red flags that point to disordered eating of some kind. Please seek out professional advice.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    @sarsather You started very similar threads on September 4th, September 5th, September 9th, September 12th, and today that all show indications of disordered thinking and actions. You've repeatedly been told to seek specialized professional help.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    sarsather wrote: »
    Hi, I am struggling and need help. I am 5 foot 5 and about a fluctuating 119 to 121lbs. I am a nurse so fairly active and try to exercize about 3 times a week for about an hour. My eating has been a mess. About four months ago I started really getting into this app, and I lost weight over that time but as I was tracking my meals I was eating at a calorie deficit of probably 900 calories a day on most days of the week. Now I have upped it to about 1200 or 1300 I believe, on most days, and I feel fat and bad about it. My main issue has been binging or late night eating. I am wondering if my eating habits actually are considered binging. I have tried to fully remove all sugary or carby temptation foods from my apsrtment in hopes this stops. Whenever I get my hands on carbs, for example, a box of granola bars, pancakes, cookies, Greek yogurt - I tend to eat way too much in one sitting. I have the mentality that I need to get rid of it so it doesn't happen again so I eat like all of it. It leads to excess calorie consumption and I feel horrible just moments after. How can I overcome this? I plan my meals ahead of time and have eggs, salad and then usually salmon and veggies for my day but there lately has always been some dissapointing late night or mid day binge that occurs. More than anything I want this to stop and it's making me feel horrible. What do you have got advice or suggestions?

    You are 5'5" and want to be below 119 lbs.????? You do not have the weight problem that you think you do.