Boot Camp: Day Three (SORE!!)

AKAnderson785 Posts: 41
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Well my Day Three of Bootcamp was Friday, I'm sorry for the late post, I don't have a home computer so all my posts will have to be Monday - Friday.
Anyway, here it goes!

WarmUp: Two Rounds
45 seconds jumping jacks
45 seconds side shuffles
45 seconds butt kicks
45 seconds high knees

Body: 8 cycles - 20 seconds as many reps as you can - 10 second rest - repeat
Body Rows (hold onto the rings and lean your body back, 45 degree angle to the ground and pull yourself up)
Body Dips (squat into a sitting position, feet together - arms on ledge behind you - straighten arms and return to sitting position)
Deadlifts with an 8 lb weight

400 meter run/jog/walk

Cool Down: Two Rounds
15 squats with five lb. dumbbell extended in front of the body
15 each arm, shoulder raises (raise arm parallel to floor with weight)
15 squat and press (squat and press five lb. dumbbell to the ceiling)

My shoulders are KILLING ME!! I'm really pleased with the format they have worked out for bootcamp - mostly legs one day, mostly abs the next and mostly arms the third day. They have bootcamp M-F and I wish I could go all five days but unfortunately working from 8 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays does not allow for that :(

I need to set a regimine for my weekends, I was bad. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!


  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I do a local boot camp class Sunday through Friday and on Sundays we do it at the football stadium (GO GATORS!!) :smile:
    Running, bear crawling up the ramps. Running and frog jumping up the steps. Mostly running with exercises in-between.
    I burn mad calories when I do Sunday boot camp! WHEW!
  • That sounds intense! My classes are 45 minutes, constant, I love it :) I feel like I'm burning a lot of calories! Good Luck!!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Ours are an hour long and as much as I hate them I love it too!
    :) Thank you! You too!
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Glutamine or BCAAs will help with your soreness and recovery. At the very least, take some protein as it will aid in your recovery.

    Nice work on on the boot camp. Remember - pain is weakness leaving the body!
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