Losing during week and gaining all of or more back on weekends



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    edited September 2015
    shubk wrote: »
    I have been losing pretty much same pound for last few months. I lose weight during the week and then one or two big meals during weekend, I gain it all back. Even on days when I do extra exercise, it isn't working. What are some of your strategies for not gaining weight back on weekends?

    Don't eat the big meals on the weekends?

    Also, regarding the exercise, you've got to exercise a lot to compensate for a big meal. I don't know what you're doing in the way of exercise, but, for example, a 1-hour walk will burn about 200 calories which will hardly make a dent in a big meal.

    shubk wrote: »
    Great insights so far. so how do you change that weekend mindset? Eating less during week and eating more on weekends don't work for me.

    Why are you eating big meals on the weekends?

    Is it just a habit you've gotten into?

  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    shubk wrote: »
    I have been losing pretty much same pound for last few months. I lose weight during the week and then one or two big meals during weekend, I gain it all back. Even on days when I do extra exercise, it isn't working. What are some of your strategies for not gaining weight back on weekends?

    Don't eat the big meals on the weekends?

    Also, regarding the exercise, you've got to exercise a lot to compensate for a big meal. I don't know what you're doing in the way of exercise, but, for example, a 1-hour walk will burn about 200 calories which will hardly make a dent in a big meal.

    shubk wrote: »
    Great insights so far. so how do you change that weekend mindset? Eating less during week and eating more on weekends don't work for me.

    Why are you eating big meals on the weekends?

    Is it just a habit you've gotten into?

    I don't think going over is always about having a big meal. I save up 1500 calories during the week to divide up amongst Fri and Sat. I can have a normal day on Friday and then go to a movie and have some Popcorn and a coke and just that is 750 calories. Then Saturday night have a couple of slices of Pizza and a beer and it uses up my remaining balance. I have found after doing this for 6 months you also need to feel normal. The less you deviate from who you are the more likely you are to continue. But planning your life is key. If you're gonna go over your normal routine than you eat less at some other point or you exercise to burn it off. Do what ever is easiest for you.
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    I save calories from weekdays then use them on weekend. You don't need to consume all of them on weekend.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    I eat eat 1200 five days a week. That gives me an extra 1500 calories that i can use on the weekend. So I can eat 2250 on Friday and Saturday without blowing my week.

    Me too.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I can 110% relate to this.

    Before I discovered MFP, I was totally uneducated about the weight loss process and ate a very low calorie diet throughout the week teamed with exercise (we are talking around 600 calories a day + an hour cardio session a few times a week - crazy). Come the weekend, all hell broke loose and they were my days of 'freedom'! I literally ate and ate and ate, even if I wasn't hungry - purely because I knew that waiting for me in the next two days was another week of pure restriction and deprivation. Regardless of my very low Mon-Fri days, my absolute gluttony at the weekend caused substantial GAINS every now and again. I literally wasn't losing weight because my weekends were so enormous.

    This whole method ^^ proves that a sensible, reasonable and realistic calorie deficit is the ONLY way to lose weight and keep it off. I'm now eating 1500 calories per day plus 4 work outs a week. This number is totally fine for me and I can fit my weekends around that number too so I'm not binge eating out of desperation. This is the way to do it and I am consistently losing weight.

    If I am under my 1500 throughout the week, I count back 7 days adding up my 'under' calories and bank it for a 'treat' at the weekend. This means I am still being able to have indulgences but still keeping that vital deficit.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    shubk wrote: »
    I have been losing pretty much same pound for last few months. I lose weight during the week and then one or two big meals during weekend, I gain it all back. Even on days when I do extra exercise, it isn't working. What are some of your strategies for not gaining weight back on weekends?

    I treat the weekend like any other day. I plan my food and prelog my whole day.

    Try planning meals and pre-logging.
    Are you logging everything as accurately as you can?

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I think this is a fairly common problem. A lot of people discuss this issue.

    I don't really understand where people are coming from because I want to be healthy and lose weight every day. I don't really get why people toss their goals out on their days off. But if you know that you're going to eat more on the weekends, maybe drop your calories lower during the week? See if that helps.

    Or maybe just stick to the plan on the weekends. Don't drink the booze or eat out or whatever it is you're doing that ruins the good work you did during the week.

    Now that you've figured out the problem, I'm sure you can find a solution. :)
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    I don't treat the weekend any differently than the rest of the week. Weight loss doesn't mean you have to ditch AWESOME food. My fiance and I absolutely love to find new recipes for alternatives to foods we would have "splurged" on before. Pizza made at home is awesome and the whole pizza is less calorie dense than a couple slices of your typical chain restaurant. You can go out for drinks even. Just factor it in to your calorie allotment for the day. If you can't, don't do it. There's alternatives with everything you do.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I think this is a fairly common problem. A lot of people discuss this issue.

    I don't really understand where people are coming from because I want to be healthy and lose weight every day. I don't really get why people toss their goals out on their days off. But if you know that you're going to eat more on the weekends, maybe drop your calories lower during the week? See if that helps.

    Or maybe just stick to the plan on the weekends. Don't drink the booze or eat out or whatever it is you're doing that ruins the good work you did during the week.

    Now that you've figured out the problem, I'm sure you can find a solution. :)

    I kinda get it because we eat out usually at least once on the week end, so it's harder for my willpower... but I don't HAVE to have dessert or drink 3 beers or have fried chicken, you know? This week end on Saturday we went to a Renaissance Fair, I had a crepe and a pretzel (I had been craving both) and finished pretty much at goal for the day. On Sunday evening we went out and I picked soup and salad bar, loaded up on veggies with a bit of cheese, ham, and egg, skipped the mayo salads, and skipped dessert and was at my goal too. Obviously I had to estimate, but my point is that unless it's something I'm REALLY craving (looking at you, Cheesecake Factory pumpkin pecan cheesecake, soon), I'm not going to spend a ton of calories on something just because it's there. And if for some reason I HAVE to eat some pizza, I'll just have a slice or two and not 4.

    Oh and you know what? I've been enjoying the lower calorie dishes I've been ordering for 2 years just as much, if not more, than the 1500 calories fried dishes I used to eat.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Structure your weekend the same as you the other days of the week.
    The weekend is not a holiday from your life.
    You have the same responsibilities to your self on Saturday as you do on Tuesady.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    shubk wrote: »
    I have been losing pretty much same pound for last few months. I lose weight during the week and then one or two big meals during weekend, I gain it all back. Even on days when I do extra exercise, it isn't working. What are some of your strategies for not gaining weight back on weekends?

    I zig-zag calories. I have a couple of lower calorie days during the week, those "banked" calories are for the weekend. But I still log.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't weigh yourself on the weekend. More volume of food =more weight, until your body processes/eliminates it.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    The idea of cheat meals is good. Note how I said cheat "meal" and not cheat "day" or "days". Give yourself one good meal each weekend and then get back to eating healthy the rest of the meals. When you're in loss mode, that's as far as you can go without upsetting the loss rate too much. And yes, you do need to save up calories over the week if you want to eat a little extra over the weekend.