Hello! I'm a new member as of today!

Chrisolix Posts: 4 Member
edited September 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I just join MFP this morning, after skipping breakfast.... I know, not a good start...
I'm Christine, 48 years old and a mom of 5. (Ages from 12 to 27) living in Brussels, Belgium.
I always got back in shape fast after birth. (Around 59 kilos/130lbs for 172cm/5.8ft)
I started having metabolism and insulin problems 5 years ago.
Resulting in having put on 24kgs/53lbs with a high risk of diabetes.
I am being followed and screened by a professional dietician every 6 weeks.
I'm here hoping that I will be consistent with this new way of life and hoping also to be able to have a few people here that can kick my a** when I'm not! ;)
I'd love to meet some of you and be able to listen to you and encourage you also in your quest.
Thank you for your time!
Carpe Diem!
Chris ✨


  • shelby5711
    shelby5711 Posts: 45 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Chris. Yes, never skip breakfast. Well I wrote a bunch of other things too, but for some weird reason they didn't post. I just have an apple every morning....and that works great for me. Read about doing that (or a pear) about 8 years ago and have been doing it ever since! I'm 52, four grown children, and I live in Minneapolis, MN, USA . MY GOAL: lose 12 lbs by January 1. I'll send a friend request.
  • Chrisolix
    Chrisolix Posts: 4 Member
    Indeed, Shelby! Especially when I could eat the main meal right out of bed and not at the end of the day!
    Thank you!
  • The_Invisible_Boy
    The_Invisible_Boy Posts: 568 Member
    Welcome to the forums!! A ton of amazing people on here and now you're one of them!! Seems like the forums have been kind of wonky with posts not showing up lately. The skipping breakfast thing really isn't that big of a deal unless you have a medical condition requiring it. The "3 square meal/breakfast being the most important meal" science is old and has been debunked. Lots of new science and info out there. Feel free to add me if ya want.