I love OTF too, but I have GAINED weight!!! I have been doing it since May 2014. I average 4x/week, and typically don't do much working out on my days off because I NEED the rest! I sometimes do consecutive days, but it's really hard and I feel unproductive. I am continuing to eat like I did before OTF workouts, which is around 1200-1300 calories/day of VERY healthy food (gluten-free, raw foods, lean proteins, lots of nuts and yogurt). Before OTF, I was doing hour-long cardio workouts on the elliptical/treadmill 5/6 days a week. I wasn't burning near the amount of calories that I do with OTF. In comparison, I would burn around 300 for the week I would burn around 1500-1800. With OTF, I burn an average of 500 each time, which with four classes would be 2000. am I GAINING??? Help PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    You never told us how much you gained. Anyway, try weighing your food, especially the rich foods like nuts. You might be underestimating your intake.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Also, what is your BMI? If it's low, losing weight while doing a lot of exercising is going to be a struggle, I think. I'm not much for starvation mode but I think adaptive thermogenesis does happen and it seems like those would be the ideal conditions-- not much body fat, 1200 calorie intake and a lot of physical demands.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I do OT a couple times a week, that's all I could manage. It's a tough workout, and i eat more on the days I do it. I don't thin you're eating enough (if your calories are accurately tracked, weighed and measured) and I think you may be overtraining.

    I'd cut back and do 3x a week at OT, and eat more on those days.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OP: Read this link:

    triathlete gains 15 pounds- - - ->

    Quote from article : "A 51 year old patient complained of a 15 lb weight gain over the last year, despite beginning a strenuous triathlon and marathon training program (2 hours per day, 5-6 days per week). A 3 day diet analysis estimated a daily intake of only 1000-1200 Calories. An indirect calorimetry revealed a resting metabolic rate of 950 Calories (28% below predicted for age, height, weight, and gender). After medications and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and diabetes were ruled out, the final diagnosis was over-training and undereating. "

    Also, if you gained 1 to 2 pounds it is water weight since you've changed your workout. So how much did you gain?
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    I love OTF too, but I have GAINED weight!!! I have been doing it since May 2014. I average 4x/week, and typically don't do much working out on my days off because I NEED the rest! I sometimes do consecutive days, but it's really hard and I feel unproductive. I am continuing to eat like I did before OTF workouts, which is around 1200-1300 calories/day of VERY healthy food (gluten-free, raw foods, lean proteins, lots of nuts and yogurt). Before OTF, I was doing hour-long cardio workouts on the elliptical/treadmill 5/6 days a week. I wasn't burning near the amount of calories that I do with OTF. In comparison, I would burn around 300 for the week I would burn around 1500-1800. With OTF, I burn an average of 500 each time, which with four classes would be 2000. am I GAINING??? Help PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?

    Hi! I've been going to OTF about 1 1/2 years and about a year into it I gained about 10 lbs, though I lost pants size(?) I don't know how that happened. I am still going and have recently increased my OTF to 5-days a week M-F for the past 31 days. Also trying to increase heart rate to 84% during class and increasing weight wherever I can. I have also started a meticulous account of all meals weighing food and upping my protein. So far it looks like the scale finally moved a bit in the right direction, about -4 lbs. Still at it. My suggestion: Increase protein, reduce carbs. But I'm no expert. My diary is open to friends if you are interested. Good luck!
  • sherry1002
    sherry1002 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all SO much for taking the time to respond to my post. :) I really do appreciate it.

    To answer one of the replies, my BMI is in "normal" range for my height. I am between 5'8" and 5'9" and my weight is at 145. I've gained 7lbs since starting OTF. :(
  • sherry1002
    sherry1002 Posts: 7 Member
    My BMI is approx. 20. Normal range for my height. I've gained 7 lbs. :(
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Your BMI is 120 now or before you gained 7 lbs.? 20 is borderline underweight. I doubt you've gained fat, maybe water or some muscle. You can buy some calipers and test your body fat level yourself or get hydrostatic testing somewhere for about the cost of one week of OTF. Good luck!
  • dwgt1997
    dwgt1997 Posts: 1 Member
    Sherry - so how is the OTF going now. I just started a month ago and have gained 4 lbs already. I was losing weight before I started and now Despite still keeping calories in right place I'm gaining too. I see some muscle definition but I also look bigger. How's it going now? I was trying to lose 10 lbs... Was halfway there and then up!
  • amyrdcde
    amyrdcde Posts: 1 Member
    I have been going to OTF twice per week since November. Prior to this, I must admit, I wasn't doing too much.
    My weight was 122# at 5'4".
    I am currently 128# - clothes fit the same but I know I am much stronger.
    I track my food intake and try to increase my protein intake - Honestly, I may not be eating enough.
    I try to stay at 1200 cals per day
    Should I increase it? Afraid scale will keep creeping up if I do.
  • Jlyn3333
    Jlyn3333 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! New here! I just started OT 2 weeks ago and have also noticed just a slight weight gain! I don't get it! Have you noticed any changes recently??
  • stephdaniels2
    stephdaniels2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, just wanted to chime in here. I also do OTF and the scale does not move. You may want to forget about using your weight as a measurement for fat loss. OTF will make you build a lot of muscle and muscle is denser (heavier) than fat so you may gain weight but actually be losing fat. I have found that the best measuring tool is using fat calipers. You can buy them on Amazon for about $15. My sister and I both have a lot of muscle and she is LEAN at 5'4" 145lbs and I am LEAN at 5'6" 155lbs -- I'm talking you can see abs. Those numbers would be considered overweight for a lot of women at our heights but again it's b/c the muscle is smaller and heavier and we have a lot of it. Think of a pillow case -- if you fill a pillow case with sand vs feathers the shape of the pillow would be the same but they would weigh vastly different #s. muscle = sand, fat = feathers
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    sherry1002 wrote: »
    Before OTF, I was doing hour-long cardio workouts on the elliptical/treadmill 5/6 days a week. I wasn't burning near the amount of calories that I do with OTF. In comparison, I would burn around 300 for the week I would burn around 1500-1800. With OTF, I burn an average of 500 each time, which with four classes would be 2000.

    If you're eating back the exercise calories then it's highly likely that you're overestimating the calorie expenditure.

    As I recall OTF is the one where they stick an HRM on you and display them all on a screen?
  • bfmiller640
    bfmiller640 Posts: 1 Member
    I started doing OTF on August 8th. I weigh the most I have ever weighed and weigh more than I did when pregnant. My weight was 173 in Sept 2012 and because of medication and depression due to my moms death I gained 47 lbs. I'm 5'9 and my weight was 212 on Aug 8th. Weighed the next day and was 214. Worked out 3 days a week with a healthy diet short of starvation some days in desperation to lose the weight I have struggled with the last 2 years. Lost and gained the same few lbs since then and my weight is now 217 and I even look bigger. Because I'm not a small person I have no room to continue to try this and steadily gain and NOT lose weight, I will probably end up cancelling the membership. So disgusted and disappointed as I work so hard!!!
  • beau196
    beau196 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a 40 year old male. I have been regulating my weight through diet clinics for the past 3 years to stay thin. I started OTF about 5 weeks ago. Since then, I have gained 10 lbs. I have spoken to 2 different doctors as well as the OTF trainers trying to understand what is happening. I am doing between 3 to 4 classes per week. My Fat % has only dropped by about 1%.
    My clothes are are getting tight.....which is not indicative of loosing fat and gaining muscle.
    I am eating approximately 1800 calories per day. I am burning around 2600 calories per week at OTF.

    Can anyone explain to me what the heck is happening?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    sherry1002 wrote: »
    I love OTF too, but I have GAINED weight!!! I have been doing it since May 2014. I average 4x/week, and typically don't do much working out on my days off because I NEED the rest! I sometimes do consecutive days, but it's really hard and I feel unproductive. I am continuing to eat like I did before OTF workouts, which is around 1200-1300 calories/day of VERY healthy food (gluten-free, raw foods, lean proteins, lots of nuts and yogurt). Before OTF, I was doing hour-long cardio workouts on the elliptical/treadmill 5/6 days a week. I wasn't burning near the amount of calories that I do with OTF. In comparison, I would burn around 300 for the week I would burn around 1500-1800. With OTF, I burn an average of 500 each time, which with four classes would be 2000. am I GAINING??? Help PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?

    You're either overestimating calories burned, not estimating calories eaten correctly, or both.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    I started doing OTF on August 8th. I weigh the most I have ever weighed and weigh more than I did when pregnant. My weight was 173 in Sept 2012 and because of medication and depression due to my moms death I gained 47 lbs. I'm 5'9 and my weight was 212 on Aug 8th. Weighed the next day and was 214. Worked out 3 days a week with a healthy diet short of starvation some days in desperation to lose the weight I have struggled with the last 2 years. Lost and gained the same few lbs since then and my weight is now 217 and I even look bigger. Because I'm not a small person I have no room to continue to try this and steadily gain and NOT lose weight, I will probably end up cancelling the membership. So disgusted and disappointed as I work so hard!!!

    You are underestimating your calorie intake. OTF is not causing you to gain, eating too much is.
  • jillach
    jillach Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi Sherry, I am in the exact same position you are in!! Started OT and gained weight and it is fat! I have since went and had a VOX2 text and metabolic testing. Diagnosis - Overtraining and not eating enough. This testing has given me my personal heart rate range to stay in burn fat which was way under where my heart rate was staying while at OT. My personally designed workout plan is now 2 days of OT, 3 days of light jogging for 40 minutes, 1 long slow day 1-3 hours and one day off. It appears I actually quit doing the very exercise where I was burning fat and replaced it with OT. OT is a wonderful workout and I love how I feel when I leave there. I know I have become more fit so that is great! I think we all forget that we need balance. If you own your own heart rate monitor for OT you can use it with the App Wahoo Fitness and use it to figure out where your own fat burning zone is to stay in the zone during your workouts. I hope this all helps! Oh, one more thing, My diet was changed to 100 grams of Carbs, 75 grams of healthy fat and 100-120 grams of protein per day. :)
  • saniamaria
    saniamaria Posts: 1 Member
    Google OTF and weight gain and you will see a lot of articles about weight gain on this work out. Not all work outs are designed to help lose weight (example :Cross Fit). A high intensity workout that lasts more than 30-45 minutes, causes the body to go into stress and fight or flight syndrome where you release cortisol. This hormone causes the body to stop burning fat reserves. There is also the stress of monitoring heart levels, zones, heart rates. While you may not feel stress, your body can be responding to the stress of the work out. Not all work out types are designed for all people and to achieve their specific goals. If you are not seeing the results you want, do NOT increase the number of sessions. You had better try a different type of program and you would get better results.
  • Jlyn3333
    Jlyn3333 Posts: 8 Member
    @jillach thanks for this information!! A year and a half in I have gained 10lbs, gone up at least an inch in thighs, calves, hips, bust, biceps but have lost nothing in my waist. It's frustrating. I go three times a week. I tested out my heart monitor with the App you mentioned and sure enough my zone to stay in is under what I am seeing in my performance summary day after day. Really appreciate your insight.