feeling sad :-(

bigmamma3 Posts: 134
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I've just been reading a post about peoples husbands partners or significant others and how much they support them on their journey and its got me realising how little mine does!

He has always known me as big and is big himself so he seems to be seeing my weight loss as a threat and seems to think I'm going to run off when I'm at my ideal weight. He just won't listen when I say i want to be with him. I just feel like I'm doing this all alone in the real world he is always trying to sabotage my hard work or says my new lose clothes are to fitted and show my fat. :( just wish he could be happy for me.

Am I the only person here who gets no support from their other half? Sorry for moaning


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    You need to kick him in the pants!! Tell him it's not your hot body that would make you run off it would be his nasty comments, insecurities and sheer lack of support that would make you find him not an ideal mate anymore. Sounds harsh but sometimes people need a kick in the butt.
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    My husband seems rather indifferent when it comes to me trying to lose weight. It would be nice if he would say "hey, your looking good." I just focus on the fact that I can tell the difference! Good luck!
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    My boyfriend is the typical male, so i'm with you on this...I have to ask him if i look good, rather then the other way around...I think he is so not with it when it comes to things with me, but i'm sure when I have my end results he'll be more apt to tell me I look good, which I know i'm gonna hate, cuz he should love me for me! LOL
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    You need to kick him in the pants!! Tell him it's not your hot body that would make you run off it would be his nasty comments, insecurities and sheer lack of support that would make you find him not an ideal mate anymore. Sounds harsh but sometimes people need a kick in the butt.

    I agree with this!
  • My ex hated me losing weight, he wanted me to stay fat because he could control me better that way. My current partner is doing this with me! I think maybe you need to talk to him, or maybe counselling?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You need to kick him in the pants!! Tell him it's not your hot body that would make you run off it would be his nasty comments, insecurities and sheer lack of support that would make you find him not an ideal mate anymore. Sounds harsh but sometimes people need a kick in the butt.

    I agree. If he is so worried then tell him to join you in your new healthy lifestyle. If he won't then tell him he is just going to have to get over it. You are not going to stay heavy just to make him happy.
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    well THAT stinks! have you told him you don't feel support from him in this area of your life? he might not even notice. it sounds like you are exactly right: he might feel threatened that either you will run off, or you will no longer find him attractive. it also sounds like your words of reassurance are going in one ear and out the other.

    bottom line: are you losing weight for yourself, or for him? I hope for yourself. of course, it'd be nice to get a "hey, lookin' good!" from the one man you want to be noticed by, but if you can't get it from him, no sense in trying to force fake compliments from him. just keep at it! show him that his negativity isn't affecting you. who knows, maybe he will realize he needs to become more healthy, too, both physically and mentally!
  • susangell
    susangell Posts: 7
    I feel your pain. Just this weekend my husband was complaining about how we are growing apart because I eat differently now and I go for walks every evening with the dog and how I'm working out because I'm "shopping" for a new man.

    I ALMOST didn't exercise this morning because I didn't want my relationship to fall victim to my goal of getting in better shape.

    Then I said, screw it! I'm not going to stop what I've begun.

    You don't stop either.

    He's expressing insecurity about his own self, so all we can do is let them know we love them and continue our journey. Good luck!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I just read this on another post.

    Mon 06/06/11 11:59 AMGuys,

    Is your wife / girlfriend / partner on a diet? Are you supporting her? If not, why not?

    You need to wake up and smell the coffee. Our wives arent doing this for fun, they are doing it because they dont feel good about themselves and want to be the person you fell in love with, they are the same person but maybe there is just a little bit more of them.

    As they lose weight, become more confident, guess what? they are going to become more attractive to other men, but hey, heres the rub, they arent looking for someone else to find them attractive, although it probably feels real good, they want you to find them attractive.

    As they go on their walks, or to the gym, and leave you there, lying on the settee with your chinese take away and 4 pack of ;lager, its you that is losing out, and making yourself LESS attractive.

    This journey should be one which you accompany your wife on, not send her off on her own while subconciously trying to ruin it.

    Support and encouragement are what counts most in this. Get off your buts, walk together, and enjoy the results together!
    Edited by jeff261159 on Mon 06/06/11 12:05 PM
  • My husband has some insecurities with me working out and watching what I eat. He's afraid that I'm getting in better shape and leave him. I signed him up for MFP back in January so that he could track his sodium intake (high blood pressure) and I don't think he's logged in once...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've just been reading a post about peoples husbands partners or significant others and how much they support them on their journey and its got me realising how little mine does!

    He has always known me as big and is big himself so he seems to be seeing my weight loss as a threat and seems to think I'm going to run off when I'm at my ideal weight. He just won't listen when I say i want to be with him. I just feel like I'm doing this all alone in the real world he is always trying to sabotage my hard work or says my new lose clothes are to fitted and show my fat. :( just wish he could be happy for me.

    Am I the only person here who gets no support from their other half? Sorry for moaning

    My husband alternates between the two. He is actually pretty supportive most of the time. But there are days when he wants to have pizza and beer and I want to Zumba and then cook some brown rice and veggies. But I can usually bring him back around by bringing up the health aspects of weight gain/loss. He might still grumble a bit about the pizza but he has to admit that he'd rather have me healthy than not.
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    That is so hard! i understand ,though my husband is so skinny and needs to gain. he is always offering to pick me up something when goes to get ice cream,etc. Its infuriating sometimes. I purchase his fave fattining foods in flavors i don't like to keep him from sabotoging me now. Recently he wondered out loud when i got the weight off i might want attention from other guys. I let him know real quick that i wouldn't give another guy a second look, he was the one that loved me despite my weight problem! why would i want attention from someone who in the past wouldn't have even consider talking to me?
    Also maybe as you show progress he might get on board trying to make an effort himself,you never know.....and if you are shopping and cooking healthier he may start losing without putting in any effort. My son has lost 25lbs this way since jan just by eating the healthier options that i have been preparing for the family! Good luck, i feel your pain, but don't let it derail your efforts!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    Nope, no support here. He hates the fact that I still have 15lbs to go to get to my goal weight. I've been doing this for 2 years and had a huge stand still. But what I've lost I haven't gained back. Plus I've been begging him to come to the gym with me because he says I don't work hard enough! But of course he hasn't gone at all.
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