GOAL: Look awesome in Cosplay

I've always wanted to cosplay, but have always been discouraged by my size. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to dress up like Princess Serenity. I've seen some plus size girls in cosplay that look beautiful, but I feel like I would be the exception with my lumps and whatever.

So yess! This is my goal. Just wanted to start a thread for some other starting out hopes and dreams. And to of course meet some people! :)


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • specialkron
    specialkron Posts: 15 Member
    Frick yes! Enthusiasm! I definitely need more of that :P Right now I'm all bored with the food I'm eating and kinda wanna give up (and it's only been 4 days)
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    That's definitely one of my main inspirations as well. One day I want to feel comfortable donning a Black Widow catsuit...
  • specialkron
    specialkron Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah! Or like Catwoman!
  • rlmassman84
    rlmassman84 Posts: 91 Member
    Way to go! I am looking to do Lulu from Final Fantasy, but I have a ways to go.
  • HeatherCarnes76
    HeatherCarnes76 Posts: 52 Member
    I wanna look really cute in a Marie Antoinette dress at the Renaissance faire lol
  • awildmiri
    awildmiri Posts: 18 Member
    Hell yeah, you can do it! I went as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts last year, 30 pounds or so ago, and was horrified at the pictures (personally speaking) and it wasn't even a revealing costume - this year, I'm happy enough with my size to go as Pearl from Steven Universe, which is basically a fancy leotard and leggings! It can be done, and I bet you'll make a gorgeous Serenity!
  • specialkron
    specialkron Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my gosh you guys are so awesome!! Lulu from Final Fantasy is sooo cool I'm sure you'll rock it!! And oh my gosh Marie Antoinette would be so beautiful! Would you do the wig with the pin curls!
    And oh my gosh Kairi is my favorite. Did you do circa KH1 or KH2? Cuz I love her dress in the second one. :) And thanks! I can do it! =D I don't think I'll ever be like 'anime thin' but hopefully I don't have the lumps after 60 pounds
  • HeatherCarnes76
    HeatherCarnes76 Posts: 52 Member
    Oh my goodness, YES! I love the wig lol
  • specialkron
    specialkron Posts: 15 Member
    I would have to build up my neck muscles to do that :P So awesome though!
  • awildmiri
    awildmiri Posts: 18 Member
    KH2 Kairi - I loved the dress too! Unfortunately the person I commissioned it from made it to the wrong measurements, which didn't help either, so I just looked like a total lump. The con was still super fun, though! And let's be real, nobody in real life is properly 'anime thin', haha. I'm sure you'll look stunning - I hope you'll come back with photos when you pull it off!
  • specialkron
    specialkron Posts: 15 Member
    This is true anime thin is pretty much impossible hahah. You'd have to get plastic surgery like the human Barbie and any time you ate a twinkie or something get liposuctioned xD
    Yes! Pictures will be posted. :) When's your con?
  • awildmiri
    awildmiri Posts: 18 Member
    My con's next month, so I have to make sure I maintain properly, haha! I can't wait to see the pictures from yours :)
  • MrGQ2U
    MrGQ2U Posts: 7 Member
    Is Gene Simmons (KISS) acceptable for Cosplay? I've always wanted to dress up as that for halloween... Does that count? (I have the tongue that would allow me to go KISS. Besides the good music!
  • EvaSungur
    EvaSungur Posts: 2 Member
    My first cosplay was Sailor Saturn (its actually my only cosplay for now) and when i saw Serenity, i got excited for you :D I hope you'll get in shape and look amazing as Serenity ^^