Hello! New to MFP

I'm Jo and I joined MFP to keep track of my calories and my Macros. I just enlisted in the Navy, ship out 20151103 and boy are they monitoring my weight. I was still within my weight cap but was advised to get down to 10-15 below, which is reasonable, since my weight can fluctuate so rapidly. Alas, here I am, calorie counting and training at my local gym 6 days a week. I've been toying around with the idea of Intermittent fasting if anyone has any advice or experience they'd like to share, please feel free to message me. So far, I've lost 3 lbs and I haven't weighed myself recently. More updates to come.


  • balboabilly
    balboabilly Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for your service!! I lost 12 lbs in 35 days by just keeping my cal goal and trying to get my 10k steps a day which ive only hit 3 times. I need to lose another 40 lbs though so the first lbs comeoff easy. I know muscle weighs more than fat so you might be adding muscle which might throw off the scale even though youre actually skinnier than before. I've heard fasting can work but if done wrong it can make your body trigger into starvation mode and it will make your body hold onto fat which can be counter productive too. There are a lot of smart people in the MFP community that will have better advise for ya im sure. You sound like you are a smart cookie and if you keep your nose to the grind stone I'm sure you will hit your goals! Good luck sailor!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi Jo - Welcome to MFP :)

    Personally, I wouldn't recommend Intermittent Fasting to you purely because you have a small amount to lose and you can lose it without doing anything outrageous (although I know IF has worked for a lot of people). I'd stick to watching your calorie intake and continuing with your work-outs. As you are joining the Navy, entering in to a fasting plan doesn't seem like the best route for you - especially since you need to be on top of your game and adequately fueled. Since your fitness will be taking a spotlight here, I think it's best you keep yourself full of energy to really get the best out of those work-outs. My advice? Keep doing exactly what you're doing! You're doing great. Good luck.
  • Navybelle
    Navybelle Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Jo - Welcome to MFP :)

    Personally, I wouldn't recommend Intermittent Fasting to you purely because you have a small amount to lose and you can lose it without doing anything outrageous (although I know IF has worked for a lot of people). I'd stick to watching your calorie intake and continuing with your work-outs. As you are joining the Navy, entering in to a fasting plan doesn't seem like the best route for you - especially since you need to be on top of your game and adequately fueled. Since your fitness will be taking a spotlight here, I think it's best you keep yourself full of energy to really get the best out of those work-outs. My advice? Keep doing exactly what you're doing! You're doing great. Good luck.

    Thanks for the kind words and motivation. Yeah, i quickly learned that IF is not for me. Im definitely a grazer. But i WILL say it has definitely put me in tune with what my body needs, and how to adjust my macros accordingly.