need help not eating at night

Ok so i need help not eating at night i diet good through out the day but when night falls it seems like my brain tells me i need food and i'm hungry help me please i need motivation add me


  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Things that have worked for me:

    Go to bed early
    A nighttime stroll around the neighborhood or dancing to something loud and obnoxious (neighbors and family members permitting)
    Hot Peppermint Tea (doesn't have caffeine in it)
    Going for a drive (watch out for drive thrus)
    Going to the bookstore or somewhere else that closes late
    Eating a proper meal later in the day
    A good book or video game (TV tends to make me want to munch)
    A craft or hobby that keeps you and your hands busy. Hard to eat without your hands free

  • vegangela_
    vegangela_ Posts: 154 Member
    Would having your main meal late in the evening help?
    Or eating less during the day so you can have a few extra calories of an evening so you can snack?
  • onthemesa
    onthemesa Posts: 14 Member
    There is no reason not to eat at night. I like eating at night, even right before bed. Save calories through the day, perhaps 100 from every meal, and you can have something later on. Also if you are out of calories, I have found tea to be a life saver.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Time your food intake so the above doesn't happen.

    I consume a large proportion of my calories in the evening/night because thats what works for me.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    Time your food intake so the above doesn't happen.

    I consume a large proportion of my calories in the evening/night because thats what works for me.

    This! :]

    Set some calories aside for a small night-time meal or snack, this'll hopefully reduce your night time hunger.

    As well as that, get some early nights in so you don't sit up and mindlessly think about what you can eat or find something you enjoy doing that you can do at night time. For me, it's reading! I like to switch off and read a few chapters of my book before I go to bed. Distract yourself - food isn't the only thing available! Good luck :)
  • jls1mum
    jls1mum Posts: 14 Member
    I eat in the evenings through boredom
    One of the things that work for me is to sit there with a bottle of water and if i finish it i refil it
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    I eat light all day and then have my biggest meal at night along with a snack later. you have the whole 24 hours, all that nonsense about don't eat after 5, blah blah is junk. So if you want to eat dinner at 8 so you don't overeat at night it's ok!
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    edited September 2015
    I don't have dinner til 8ish and it's always a filling one so I don't want to graze before bed.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Agree with others that you can time your calorie intake to when you are most hungry. You can try setting aside a few hundred for a Lat night sback, or you could try having a larger dinner. Personally, I eat relatively few calories during the day and more than half of my calories I eat after lunch. I also skip breakfast because I'm not usually hungry earlier in the day.

    The other thing is to make sure your deficit isn't too aggressive; yes you could lose faster, but it might be difficult for you to sustain it. I can't see your profile because I'm on my phone, but I would think two pounds per week would be a reasonable goal for you.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Another vote for saving calories for the evening. You might also find you need smaller breakfasts once you regularly have a sensible night time snack
  • Tahlia68
    Tahlia68 Posts: 204 Member
    It doesn't matter what time you eat as long as you stick to CI<CO. I eat late at night and it hasn't affected my weight loss. Good luck eat and enjoy. :smiley:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Prelog your days and make sure you're getting enough fats and protein for satiety.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    Ok so i need help not eating at night i diet good through out the day but when night falls it seems like my brain tells me i need food and i'm hungry help me please i need motivation add me

    Eating at night is fine, so I'm guessing you are going over calories with your choices or are feeling out of control?

    If so, can you just go to bed earlier? My decision making on food gets really bad when tired, REALLY bad, so aiming for earlier bed time solves it!
  • jmills204
    jmills204 Posts: 2 Member
    Lots of great advice so far, but I'll add that milk based foods have been very useful to me. I have struggled with night feedings for years, and would often wake up hungry at 3 AM and raid the fridge. Mostly healthy foods, but still calories are calories and I really struggled. What I do now is budget my meal planning out so I have a few hundred calories I can use late, and I'll have a cup of cottage cheese or maybe a Low/no fat Greek Yogurt (mixed with a little Protein powder sometimes...depends on where I am w macros) on my way to bed. Literally minutes before I lay down. If I'm bulking, I'll even have a couple tbls of natural peanut butter and a cup of whole milk.

    But, I'm not sure where your specific struggle is. Are you hungry and already at your target calories at night? Do you struggle with waking up hungry? Are you concerned with the old "don't eat x after 6 PM" or whatever?

  • dljones67
    dljones67 Posts: 88 Member
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    I don't have dinner til 8ish and it's always a filling one so I don't want to graze before bed.

    Same here 7p-8p, as I tend to fix family's dinner then mine. I also IF for 14-16 hours just because I'm not hungry until 11-12. Coffee is enough with decreased SF creamer. Down to 1 Tbs now, just can't do black yet. If I haven't reached my daily calorie goal then I'll have 2 SF pudding pops (80 cals), serving of unsalted almonds (160 cals) or a protein/fiber bar (190 cals). Love my premier protein chocolate mint bar 15g protein & 7g fiber. Tastes like a candy bar to me, a real treat. Yum! You can check my diary if it helps, I've tried to increase protein & fat, decrease but not eliminate my liquor :p . Working on other macros. You can can do it :)
  • sicknature2120
    sicknature2120 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone i really appreciate it
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    It helps me to have something to drink at hand. Usually that's iced tea (unsweetened) or some kind of herbal tea.
  • JillStepanik
    JillStepanik Posts: 13 Member
    A lot of it could be habit, other part boredom... Maybe hunger. Try chewing gum, brushing your teeth.

    Habits are hard to break, train your body to either have the willpower or save just enough calories for a light snack.

    fail to plan, plan to fail :)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Like others have said, it could be habit, boredom, actual hunger, could be a lot of things. I've noticed lately that if I don't have enough protein or fiber during the day I get hungry at night.

    I've also found that on nights that I've already spent my calories, that as long as I make "reasonably healthy choices", it really won't hurt me much overall on my weight loss that week. I try to stick with protein - might have a serving of pretzels. I will drink a bottle of water to make sure It isn't dehydration.

    It's not really a willpower thing - it's a discipline thing. Just like when you learned to drive - you practiced. Practice having heathier snacks, and it'll become second nature. Or practice not having snacks. Either way is fine - it's all about learning better ways to handle this path.
  • vapeanut28
    vapeanut28 Posts: 16 Member
    If you are used to or just feel the need to munch while watching tv, eat something that is a little labor intensive. Carrots seem to take forever for me to chew up so a few carrot sticks can last me a long time and are lo cal. Air popped popcorn eaten 1 piece at a time is another good one. Neither is about filled you up but satisfying that need for something crunchy

    If I know its going to be one of "those" days, I'll go ahead and log a snack for later and just work with what I have left for my meals. A couple of times I've done that and forgotten about it. What a wonderful surprise to look at my diary and realize I still have a snack coming to me.